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March 09, 1923 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-03-09

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Published Weeky by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Int.
Jacob H. Sasebo., Business Manager

Joseph J. Cummins, President

Entered as second-class matter March 3, 1918, at the Postofflce at Detroit,
Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

new light upon our own past, conducted in some part at least,
under Jewish auspices.
Ilere is a work that ought to make a strong appeal to those
who are seriously interested in the Holy Land. Should the
archeologists of the various countries unite as suggested for
this purpose, some group of our own people ought to make it
possible to have the investigators accompanied in their work by
a group of Jewish scholars of recognized authority.

- q".1!c



■ 111WELUS


Following upon the heels of liar-
yard is Syracuse University, the insti-
ea , e-
tution of learning whose hd
A MAN WITH A STOMACH' fers me—every brand ■ ,f
smells good to me. As you se e me
elated recently with emphasis that his
school would never tolerate discrimi.
alive, I sell wood, I supply f und to
From the Yiddish of Shalom
nations on racial or religious grounds.
the prison, have a share in the Jewish
Chancellor Charles Wesley Flint is
Tax, and, to be sure, lose mosey on
undoubtedly sincere in his denuncia-
it every year.
tions of the actions of the Senior (Adapted by Elbert Aidline Trommer
And should you ask me. what do I
from At a Doctor's."
Council of his university, but his
want all this for? Why, to spit,- the
statements are the least important in
community, of course, because
the matter. The fact we must face
There is one thing I'll ask of you, very ambitious. To satisfy my ambi-
is that
feel as
they at-
do doctor, please listen to me. It is not tions the whole city may go hang and
the the
of limiting
my ailment I'm going to talk about- I myself with it, provided I have my
tendance. Whether the authorities at we'll discuss it later. What I want way!
the head of the Syracuse University, is that you hear me out first, for not
I am, as you see, not at all bad-
or any other school in a similar situa- every physician likes to listen to a
natured, but a great "crank," and if
t ion, wish to suppress or encourage patient. Not every doctor allows one one wounds my ambition, In i. net
such feeling on the part of the stu- to speak to him. Some make a prite-
sure to get out alive. And
dents is irrelevant. The problem we. tire of not letting the patient open
I'm a little stubborn in the bargain:
a re forced to face is that an anti- his mouth. They just feel one's pulse,
The doctor says my nerves are not
Jewish feeling exists and that am- lank
look at the watch, write a prescrip-
in order and it has to do, they am .,
versities in this country are desirous .
charge for the visit.
of following the example of the insti-
People say about you that you are with the stomach, although, betically
tutions of learning in European coun- different. They say you're a young speaking, it seems absurd bee ,, use-
tries of oppression by adopting a per practitioner, and not so much after what have the nerves to do with the
cent -Jewish
norm for movement
Jews. At Harvard
this the coin as others are. That is why stomach? The idea! The nerves are
I've come to consult you about my located mostly in the brain, accord-
among members of the faculty. At stomach, for I'm a man with a stom- ing to the medical science, isn't it so!
Syracuse it is the student body that ach. True, according to the medical And the stomach is elsewhere, at
is acting in the matter. Both cases science, every human being has a quite a respectable distance, all right.
indicate the spread Of the reactionary stomach, but in what sense. If the
Sh-sh, I'll be through in a minute;
movement in this country and have stomach is a real stomach, it is all what's your hurry? I want to tell
little to comfort us in our hopes for right, but if the stomach is no stow- you everything in detail, so that you
the perpetuation of America's ideals ash at all, is life worth living?
may he able to tell me whence this
1 mean to say that while one is misfortune come to me, I mean my
fur free om
" Israelites "—Not
al- stomach. Maybe it is because I'm
alive, he does not feel like dying, al-
Secrecy in Anti-Semitism.
though, to tell you the truth, I am never at home. I swear to you I don't
There is only one thing in the Syra- not afraid of death, for, to begin even know for certain how many chit.
.use incident that offers reason for with, I'm above 60, and, besides, I'm dren 1 have and what their names
hope that the danger of the anti- a man to whom life isn't more at- are!
Jewish movement spreading to other tractive than death, i. e., of course, it
You ought to see my home -no evil
colleges may be averted. It is that is better to live than to die, for what eye. A regular ship without a rud-
secrecy with which the entire (tiles- Jew will crave for death. And espe- der. Day and night an uproar, a
lion was discussed, indicating that the chilly a father of 11 children and the noise, a commotion, may God have
students realized the ignobility of husband of a wife; true, a third wife, mercy. It is no joke, no evil eye—
their act. They had reached an un- yet a wife nevertheless.
eleven children by three wives. While
derstanding that the sentiments they , To make a long story short, I came one is having his tea, another is eat-
entertained should not be included in from Kamnienetz, i, e., not exactly ing his breakfast, and when I am
the minutes of the meeting and from Komienetz proper but from a praying, the third is going to bed, and
should not have the "official" appro- town not far distant from Kamienetz, another is crying for herring; one
val of the council. We are at least and am a miller. I keep a mill, i. e., wants milk, another meat. When we
thankful that the students are the mill keeps me, because I cannot Sit down at the table—there is such
ashamed of their action. Perhaps they get out of it. Can one help it? Just an inferno that you feel like rushing
will sooner or later realize the injus- think of it. I have to pay cash for out of the house. And why all that?
tice of it all. Perhaps they will !wheat—and must distribute my flour All because I'm always busy, and
learn that such action is entirely con-, on credit, and have to deal with corn- "she," I mean my other half, is—no
trary to the holiest principles upon !mon people and with women!
evil eye—very good-natured, i. e., not
which the government of the United 'I Are you fond of women? They so much good-natured as kind-heart-
States was founded. always find fault with me. Why does ed, she does not know how to man-
not the bread taste good? "Maybe," age the children.
Syracuse's Motives. I tell them, "it wasn't hot enough in
One must know how to treat chil-
The reason that is said to have your oven, or maybe your yeast was dren. They annoy her. Of course,
prompted Syracuse University's stu- poor? Or maybe," I say, "your fuel she curses them, pinches them, tears
dents to take the unfortunate step Was wet?" Well, they make an idiot the flesh out of their bodies, but to
antagonistic to the Jews is the alleged , out of me and promise that next no avail. After all, she is a neither
lack of interest by Jewish students in , time they'll fire the bread at my head. and not a father; a father puts the
paths of the future Garden City, which athletics, except basketball, and in so- Would you like a loaf of bread to hit children across the knee and gives
he did not live to see with his own cial activities. They admit that Jews you on the head? So much for my him a sound whipping. I know, my
eyes because his fate willed it so and had contributed to football, baseball retail customers.
father used to. And maybe your
And what about the wholesale buy- father also used to spank you? What
the Jewish people were negligent of and crew successes in some measure,
but, they say, the percentage is small. ers7 Not a bit better. When the do you think? You most consider
their duty.
"During four years there have been It is pointed out that about 10 per, buyer is eager to get goods on credit, yourself lucky.
collected, after much effort on the part cent of the enrollment in the Syra- ! he's soft as butter, soft enough to be
What's your hurry? Ill be through
University is Jewish. Among applied to an abcess; and afterwards, in a minute. I'm telling you all this
Jewish National Fund Asks for of the Jewish Nation Flaund, only case
£16,000 instead of the £50,000, which the former Jewish athletes at this when the note is due, he begins to with a purpose in mind—in order that •
Support to Build Gar-
complain; the shipment arrived too you may understand my mode of liv-
represent the necessary minimum. university are Joe Alexander, all-,complain;
den City.
This is a poor expression of the 'deep American football player; A. II. Kai- , late, the sacks got torn, the our was ing.
feelings of thankfulness of the Zionist let, star football end, and ilarry tier- bitte, rotten, stale—all of which
Do you think I know how much
The board of directors of the Keren Organization to its venerable teacher bert, gridiron star, whose buck was amounts to no end of trouble. "And I'm worth? Possibly, I'm rich, and
is this re- i broken in the ( olgate game two years what about the money due me?
possilly—between you and me—I'm•
Kajemeth le-Israel, the Jewish Na- and leader.' Proticelsely
down and out. And year, whether
tional Fund, at Jerusalem, issued the suit unsatisfactory when it is remem- I ago. The students of Syracuse Uni- ask him.
"Why," he says, "send me a bill." one is able to or not, one must give
tiered that we have before us an un- I versity have taken action against
following appeal:
"In the summer of 1919, on the oc- dertaking of vital necessity to liar Jewish attendance while knowing that . And if I send to collect, he says, "to- his children dowries. And especially
Jewish students have been numbered morrow." Tomorrow he says, "Day
casion of Nordau's 70th birthday, the Yishub in Erez Israel.
"The time has now conic for us to among the stars of the basketball after tomorrow." His promise is i not lets, and grown-up daughter in the
executive committee of the Zionist Or-
ganization published an appeal signed discharge our obligation, and obliga- court, the baseball diamond and the worth a row of pins. I go to court bargain. Just try to have three
by Dr, Weizman and Mr. Sokolov, lion of honor, to the memory of Nor- gridiron and that many of the Jew- and what, do you think, happens? I if those children happen to be laugh-
la in foreign sod ish aulmni have attained prominence obtain a judgment and when I come grown-up
tau. If his bones lie
which contained the following:
all marriageable
— and evil
" 'After efforts extending over sev- there rests upon us a double and triple in the professional and business to collect, I find a deed transferring ' , whether you'll be able to stay at home
eral decades, after a great fight waged duty to assure for his spirit a home world. The "lack of interest in ath- all his property to his wife.
in tie da v-
Well, let me ask you, things being I
with all our energy, the Zionist Or- in Erez Israel. This is a nations letics" was a poor reason, but a poor
D lir.,ygouanundeurss tand now why I keep
you, how can one avoid
ganization has succeeded in obtaining holy obligation to the man who sac- reason is better than no reason at all. as I'm telling
d bustling? And because
Chancellor Flint may have been right having a stomach? Not in vain does
the political assistance of the enlight-
ened world for the carrying out of the Israel and who knew so well how to when he said that the "ill-advised pro-! m c other half say to me, although hasty supper in a restaurant, and am
fulfil his duty to Zionism.
posal of the council will do more she'sn of my first wife, but the third,
Zionist program.
l e k f for days at a stretch. W ell, do
"'Zionism has given me the convic- harm to the university than many , and a third is like the sun in winter, of
this rushing
I why
eat a
"'In these historic days we remem-
a stom-
h I have
" nad v.
1 s you understa
! but she's my wife, just the same, and l.
ber with deep thankfulness the vener- tion that my life has an object and an years can offset."
she says to me, says she: "Leave that 'ac h?
able teacher and leader of the Zionist interest, And in these days of moral
Luckily, I'm not a sickly man, al-
mill business alone, Noah," she says though I'm so slim and sort of dry;
Honorable Men.
movement, 'Dr. Max Nordau, the failure and anarchy, this conviction
The vast difference between the Jo me, says she, "may it go clown in my business has drained me so, and,
mighty orator of the people of Israel. is for me a blessing of great value
Harvard and Syracuse incidents lies! blazes together with the mill—only besides, we have such a constitution
" The Zionist Organization desires
in that the head of the first institution then shall I know that you're alive," in our family—We are all Ivan and
to erect a permanent memorial to MAX endeavors.'
"Let us so act that the severe words threw in his lot with the enemies of "Well, well," says I. "Would only
Nordau in the land of Erez Israel.
tall. I have a few brothers and they
The executive committee has decided of our teacher about our weakness do justice and righteousness, while Chan- the mill make up its mind to burn! were all like me. However, until re-
as a cellor Flint and Vice-Chancellor Gra- It is well insured." "I don't mean
to authorize the Jewish National Fund not for ever resound in our ears
cently, I had been a healthy, strong
to carry out a great colonization work rebuke—'The Nordau Garden City ham of Syracuse remained loyal to the ' that, Noah," says she, "I mean that man, and didn't know of any stom-
traditi..I,S of the land and placed you always bustle, keep neither Sab- achs and doctors and all kinds of nui-
in Erez Israel which shall be worthy must be built up speedily!""
Ithems,!VeS on the side of the attacked bath nor holiday, know neither wife
to bear the name of Nordau.
. " grant me the same
minority. Drs. Flint and Graham nor child. What for? Why do you
" 'We appeal to the entire Zionist 25,000 UKRAINIAN JEWS
Organization, to the whole Jewish peo-
IN POLAND FACE EXILE have acted in a manner deserving of mastic like that?" Well, do I myself
But it is quite a while sine , they
I don't. Can I change began to stuff me with medicines,
ple, to provide the necessa ry means
our gratitude. and while we condemn know why?
the action of the student body and my nature, may the devil take it?
for securing this object.
WARSAW.—(J. T. A,)—Indisput- the young shoots of anti-Semitism, we I take up any business deal one of-
(Turn to last page.)
"'May the success of this undertak-
ing be some satisfaction to Max Nor- ably the most urgent Jewish problem have the fullest admiration for the
in Eastern Europe today is the fu-

university's heads, who have acted -
The commencement of this work ture of sonic 25,000 Jewish refugees like honorable men by making it
V %c *
filled the venerable leader with deep from Russia and Ukraine who, in ac- known that they would not encour- 1 **Y. ****
feeling of joy, and in his letter to the cordance with the Polish government age intolerance on the campus. How-
head office of the Jewish National ordinance, are to be expelled March 1. ever rapid may be the growth of %."
Fund at the beginning of 1920, he All Jewish organizations here are anti-Semitism in America, we are at
considering measures and trying in
least thankful for the existence of
'The idea of erecting in Erez sonic way to arrange for the disposal such men to counteract the influence
Israel a flourishing Garden City has of these homeless wanderers.
of our antagonists.
The sum of £50,000 it is estimated,
for me something of the charm of a
legend. Perhaps when it becomes an will be necessary to provide fares and
Jews and Art.
actuality my shadow will flit as in a necessities, if a refuge is found some-
The recent exhibition held here un-
dream among its tree-shaded paths where. It is considered probable that der the auspices of the educational
and the dwellers therein will gently a few thousand will go to Palestine. department of the United Jewish
realize its presence.' The letter con- Jews here look to the Jewish Coloni- Charities, while it attracted about
cludes with the words: 'How pleasant zation Association, the Ukrainian 2,000 men, women and children, was
will be the life of those who, coming Federation and the Joint Distribution somewhat of a disappointment in that
after us, will live within such an en- Committee to help solve this pressing it failed to attract the wealthier
vironment. I wish them from now all problem. The Jewish World Relief among our people here. While the
Conference in Paris has contributed
happiness and good
poorer elements and a number of or-
The prophecy has been fulfilled. out of its meager resources the sum of ganizations have taken an active in-
Only his shadow will pass down the $2,500
terest in the exhibit, those who were
needed to encourage the artists rep-
resented by purchasing their works,'
and thereby enabling them to con-
tinue to produce worth-while things,
were not to be seen. The Jewish
artists seem to be aware of the fact
that they are not given the support
of the wealthier Jews, as is evidenced
by the following letter received by
Miss Mary Caplan, educational direc-
tor of the United Jewish Charities, in
He is life, eternity and love,
response to an invitation to partici-
He was before anything and will remain
pate in the annual exhibition here:

Woman in the Pulpit.

General Offices and Publication Building
In many of the synagogs throughout the land, "Council"
850 High Street West
Sabbath was observed last week and on this occasion, the pul-
Cable Address:
of these synagogs were occupied by women. Fr= many
Chronicle quarters we learn of the splendid, stirring messages that were
Glendale 9300


brought to the people by the women who spoke and of the
enthusiasm for the faith of the fathers that watts aroused by
them. It is something of a departure for women to occupy our
$3.00 Per Year pulpits and yet it is quite in line with the resolution adopted at
Subscription, in Advance
the last general meeting of the Central Conference of American
To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach
Rabbis when the ordination of women as rabbis was sanctioned.
this office by Tuesday evening of each week.
We believe that there will never come a time when any con-
Editorial Contributor siderable number of Jewish women will decide to devote their
lives to the ministry as a vocation but we can well conceive
The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of interest to
the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the that now and then some Jewess of consecrated soul, of high
spiritual endowment, of keen intelligence will feel that she can
view expressed by the writers.
reach the highest degree of self-realization and do the utmost
Adar 21, 5683 service besides, by giving her life to the ministry. There is every
March 9, 1923
reason why women of this type should be encouraged to do so.
• Besides, there are special offices within the synagog, notably in
More Time Needed.
relation to religious school supervision where women can often
At a meeting of the School of Religion of Temple Beth El function more effectively than men. The synagog is hospitable
recently held, Professor Henry Slonimsky of the Department to the leadership of right-minded and right-spirited women as
of Ethics and Pedagogy of the Hebrew Union College said many the experiment introduced on "Council" Sabbath by the Council
things that are worthy of most careful consideration at the of Jewish Women amply and happily testifies.
hands of all who have to do with the religious education of our
youth. But his first insistence was that the time presently at
the disposal of the Sabbath schools throughout the land is
altogether too limited to permit of efficient work being done.
Much newspaper space has recently been given to the ex- I
Dr. Slonimsky hopes for the time to come when through some posure of the reported immoral practices of the so called House
arrangement with the public schools, time and opportunity of David, better known as the "Israelites," a religious sect with
will be given for four or five sessions each week that shall be headquarters at Benton Harbor, Michigan. At least one of the
devoted to the religious education of growing boys and girls. local newspapers is featuring at great length and with unusual
He points to the startling fact that "in the old time Cheder, prominence in its Sunday editions, the story of the cult.
the number of hours devoted to religious instruction which
Both in the articles themselves and in the display advertised s ,
with us would cover a period of eight years was given within a
thereof, the cult is referred to as the "Israelites." Thi
title adopted by the followers of the House of David, is so mis-
period of eight weeks."
Under these circumstances, who can wonder that the relig- leading that we believe it necessary to call attention to the fact
ious education of our youth is at best superficial; that the re- that there is no relationship whatsoever between these "Israel-
sults attained in the best of our religious schools are unworthy ites" and the Jewish people. They have nothing in common as
of the cause they ought to sponsor; and that the miracle is regards tradition, belief, or practice. The rites reported to be
when the element of time devoted to the work is taken into con- part of the ritual of this cult are highly repulsive to Jews.
sideration, not that our children know so little about the litera- There is nothing akin to them and there has never been in the
ture, the history, and the philosophy of their people, but that ritual practices of our people. This editorial is written in order
to dissipate any possible misunderstanding that may have arisen
they know as much as they do?
It is quite apparent in these days when children like adults in regard to this matter.
are crowded to the breaking point with the demands that are
made upon them, that it is practically impossible to give to
religious education all the time that it deserves. But it is equally
obvious that if we wish to retain the loyalty of the growing
generation to their religion, we shall have to do something in
the way of establishing week-clay instruction in religion for
To some extent, this is already being done by many of the
Christian denominations. It has of course always been the
program of the Cheder and of the Talmud Torah. To such a
program, however, we cannot give our full approbation because
children must be given a sufficient time for recreation and out-
door play, a thing which is utterly impossible if from the public
school they are compelled to go immediately into a school of
religion. The only feasible solution, we fear, will be through
an adaptation of the Gary system by which due credit will be
given to the children in the public schools.for such instruction
as they may receive in their religious schools, always with the
proviso that these latter schools shall reach an accepted stand-
ard as to curriculum and method.
The element of time though basic to the inefficiency of the
modern Sabbath school does not represent the single weakness
of that institution. The lack of adequately trained teachers,
the want of a standardized curriculum worked out by experts;
the need of proper text books; in most cases the absolute want
of proper school facilities are all elements in the problem that
is of such tremendous import to the Jews of today and tomor-
row. The matter of curriculum, Dr. Slonimsky reports, is now
being carefully worked out by a committee of experts and we
may hope for a plan of instruction that will help greatly in the
solution of our problem when this committee is ready to report.
An effort is also being made to prepare text books that shall
meet the needs of the modern religious school and many serious
minded men and women of consecrated spirit are at work upon
this problem which is perhaps the most important problem
which those of us who are seriously interested in the future of
our faith have to confront.
Among the foremost men who are giving time and thought
to these problems is Professor Slonimsky. We are most fortu-
nate that a man of his calibre is engaged in this work. His
interest in it promises a solution in which we shall be happy.


■ •


Palestinian Excavations.

Inspired by the success of the Tutankhamen excavation ex-
pedition, American, French and British archeologists have de-
cided, according to report, to unite this spring in a search at
Ophol Hill, Jerusalem, for the remains of the palace anti the
tomb of David.
We do not know how well authenticated this report may be,
though it is not at all unlikely that it is correct. There can be
no question but that excavations in Palestine, scientifically con-
ducted, will be of the utmost value in throwing light upon many
of the Biblical narratives and in authenticating a large part of
Jewish tradition. Some little work along that line has of course
been done in the past but it is entirely probable that discoveries
of tremendous interest and importance will be made in the Holy
Land once its treasures yield to the pick-axe and the spade of
the explorer.
It strikes us, however, as a tremendous pity that this work
should be done altogether under the auspices of non-Jews. If
we Jews have any sentimental regard for Palestine, surely we
ought to make every possible effort to have the investigations
that are to be made there and which in all likelihood will throw



Ladies' Auxiliary of Pisgah
Lodge No. 34, I. 0. B. B.


After everything beneath or above
Will cease to struggle for existence in vain.

Although nothing will be any more and none,
He will find out the emptiness with His Grace;
Yea, everything will concentrate in Him alone
And crowd with invisible being every apace.

When sun and moon and stars die out,
The traces of shadows that they ever were,
No thought of a thought and no doubt of a doubt,

No before and no after, no here and no there.

His spirit through night and emptiness will stay,
And still wield in chaos his perpetual rod,
And in the mysterious worlds of aye and nay
He'll be forever the same Almighty God.


(Th. Forum)

"Everything I know about art
has come from non-Jewish sources
and with the exception of my own
connections just about all of my
material support has come from
Gentiles, and much of it with the
knowledge of my race and religion.
I can see no point in having the
Jews in Detroit be either patroniz-
ing or even boastful about me, as
the only picture I ever sold in De-
troit, after exhibiting there for
years, was bought by the museum lr
with Christian money."

Sunday', Evening,
March 18


A Proper Stand.

Not only Jews but all Americans who have at heart the
fostering of a true American spirit and the education of a gen-
eration of men and women fitted for leadership in our great
republic will be gratified at the uncompromising stand against
religious prejudice in our colleges which has been taken by
Chancellor Charles Wesley Flint of Syracuse University. It
seems that a rumor had gained currency that the Senior Council
of the Universiay, a student organization, had petitioned the
faculty of the school to take action looking to the limitation of
the number of Jewish students. Indeed this rumor had been
spread broadcast by the Associated Press and was no doubt
read with joy by those in this country who have not yet caught
the spirit of American institutions. However, Chancellor Flint
immediately sent out the following announcement :
"The stories published that the senior council had taken
action looking toward the elimination of Jewish students at
Syracuse university were reported to me to be false. I re-
quested all newspapers in Syracuse to delay publication until
I could make a proper investigation. I realized and I hoped
everyone would realize that the publication of such a story
would misrepresent the university, seriously damaging the uni-
versity and the city of Syracuse."
In a time when as today religious prejudice is rampant even
in our colleges and universities, it is gratifying to know that a
man like Chancellor Flint feels the necessity of defending the
fair name of the university of which he is the head by promptly
making denial that his institution has permitted itself to be
infected by the virus of Anti-Semitism. And in the long run
we believe that Chancellor Flint far more than President Lowell
of Harvard reflects the feeling of the great mass of American
men and women.

This is an indictment of our indif-
ference that ought to call forth great-
er interest in the future. Miss Cap-
lan calls to our attention the fact that
the untimely death of Saul Bernstein
of Baltimore was caused by the in-
difference of the American public to-
wards his works, which are today the
subjects of general admiration. Bern-
stein preferred death at his own rcisv



to last page.)

At the




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