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September 30, 1921 - Image 38

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-09-30

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ear Oreettqs

Mr. and Mrs. David Saffir and Family

An Interesting Family Group

322 East Forest Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baer sad Family

7310 Hamilton Boulevard
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bloomg•rden

1630 Virginia Park
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ellenstein and Family

859 Delaware Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a happy and Prosperous New Year.

Well Known Matron and Daughter

Mr. and Mrs. D. Falk

210 East Palmer Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rosenthal and Family

659 Boston Boulevard
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Rabbi Joseph Thumia

1030 Division Street, Extends his best wishes for a
happy and Prosperous New Year to every member
of the Beth Abraham and the Presidents.

Mr. and Mrs. Raub Adel and Son

3039 West Grand Boulevard
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wetsman

Mr. and Mrs. S. Louis Harrison and Family

1590 St. Clair Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

1588 Webb Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weinbeck and Mother, Muriel

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goodman and Family

440 Farnsworth Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

455 E. Euclid Av., Extend their best wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Netzorg

Mr. and Mrs. William Lichtig and Family

325 Marston Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

140 Glynn Court
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and l'rosperous New Year.

Herman Cohen

Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Sorock and Family

322 East Forest Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

1624 Glynn Court
Extends his best wishes to his relatives and friends
for a happy and Prosperous New Year.

Dr. and Mrs. N. E. Aronstam

Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Krauss and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carp and Family
889 Virginia Park
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

1177 Blaine Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwarts and Family

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Davidson

1471 Cherie Street
72 Gladstone Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.
for a happy and Prosperous New Year.

['bolo by Horn.


and Mrs. Maurice Dreifuss (Bertha Grahowsky) and Their Charm-

ing Children, Maurice, Jr., Richard and Bettina Frances,

of 160 Foram! Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kalinsky

1448 Longfellow Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

2920 Blaine Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Hymai• Levin

Mr. and Mrs. Abe H. Davis

8781 Quincy Avenue
295 East Kirby Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and
and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Mitchkua

Mr. and Mrs. J. Steinberg and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldberg and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss


lifted P. Breilenbach (Ida Mar.r) and Lovely Daughters, Ruth

and Judith, of 618 i'atnain


1525 Burlingame Avenue
1103 Atkinson Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for is Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Heads Temple Auxiliary

1131 West Philadelphia Avenue
308 East Hancock Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Heads Women's Auxiliary

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gerson and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Moe Ehrlich and Family

300 Monterey Avenue
1196 Edison Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Oppenheim

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobson and Family

504 East Kirby Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

287 Watson Street
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Friedberg

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Meyers

Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Slobin and Mother and Family
1409 Burlingame Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

1654 Virginia Park
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year,

1605 Glynn Court
306 Erskine Street
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Levin and Family

The Jewish, Orphan Home

Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Rosenthal

Detroit, Michigan
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

1479 Virginia Park
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year:*

Mrs. Israel Meyers

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Steinberg and Daughter

3766 Carter Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

8720 Hamilton Boulevard
Extends her best wishes to her relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Jos. D. Greenbaum and Sons

Mr. I. Wax and Family
7434 Michigan Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

621 Englewood Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rothstein and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Berry (nee Anna Was)
1006 Clairmont Avenue
7434 Michigan Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Boschwitz

Mr. and Mrs. M. Shatzer and Family


2276 Gladsone Avenue
284 Frederick Street
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends . Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.


Wallace Rosenheim, of 91' Pingree Avenue, President of the

Women's Auxiliary of Temple Beth El.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwartz and Family

683 East Warren Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

7962 Fort Street West
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Berg and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Silberberg and Son

Airs. David &mon of 816 rirginia Pork, President of the tromen's

Auxiliary of the Shaarey Zedck Synagog:ft'.

1416 Burlingame Avenue
1646 Taylor Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlussel and Family


Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bofsky

533 East Ferry Avenue
Sibley, Michigan
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

A Charming Trio

Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldberg and Daughter, Juliette

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friedberg and Family

Mr. and Mrs. I. Ogooshevits and Family

Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallach and Daughter

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Singer and Family

Mrs. H. Ginsburg and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frank

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weissman

Mr. and Mrs. George Cohen and Family

Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Arden and Family

Mr. and Mrs. William Jacob and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Netsorg

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinberg and Family

Rev. and Mrs. .1. S. Rabinowitz and Family

Rabbi and Mrs. Sachs

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Carve!!

Mr. sad Mrs. J. M. Mellinoff (Sarah Shalit)

Mr, and Mrs. Isadore Mars

Mr. and Mrs. L. Shalit

Mr. sod Mrs. A. Kirschbaum

Mrs. Nathan

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loewinstein and Son

2295 West Grand Boulevard
610 Virginia I'ark
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Attractive Matron and Daughters

557 East Kirby Avenue
330 Hague Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

557 East Kirby Avenue
78 Church Street, Mt. Clemens, Mich.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

2230 Taylor Avenue
549 Vague Avenue
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

1766 Ferry Park Avenue
321 Rowena Street
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

302 East 1, erry Avenue
24 Henry Clay Avenue, Pontiac, Mich.
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

1678 Virginia Park
534 Frederick Street
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

535 Farnsworth Avenue
1681 Glynn Court
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Ilappy and Prosperous New Year.

1733 Nest Grand Boulevard
Astor Court Apartments
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

1733 West Grand Boulevard
224 Erskine Street
Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mrs. Milford Stern (Mollie SilIntan) and Attractive Children, Philip and

Josephine, of

560 East Grand Boulevard.

...0111 ■

536 Horton Avenue
Midland, Michigan
Arm 1 . H. Slcsinger (Jennie Siegel) and Lovely Daughters, Constance
Extends her best wishes to her relatives and friends Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends
for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
for • Happy and Prosperous New Year.
and Marion, of 701 West Hancock Avenue.

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