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September 10, 1920 - Image 27

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-09-10

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Peter Stuyvesant and the Jews.

the houses of a great city. The pres-
cot Stuyvesant Square commemorates
a and the hones of the anti-Semitic
all remember the fourth goy- their passage from Brazil to New 11) flich governor repose in the wall
error of New Amsterdam from Netherlands. They, therefore, adopt. of the venerable Protestant Episcopal
our youthful story books and his- ed the time-worn expedient of morn- Church. known as St. Mark's in the
,curies. Especially does he live in the gaging their scanty possessions to Itoiiwerie, not very remote from the
"bouwerie. "— Hebrew
recollection of those who read 1A'ash- the toaster of the vessel carrying Stuyvesant
'ington Irving's scintillating Diedrich them in order to reimburse the latter . Standard.


11, F.

Knickerbocker's history of New York. for their carriage.
Pet er Stuyvesant, the patron and It was undoubtedly their thought
leader of the Dutch settlement of that l'eter Stuyvesant, a Dutchman.,
New Amsterdam, Peter the Head- would welcome them on their arrival''
(Continued From Page 6.)
strong, Irving called him out of a at New Amsterdam in the same open.:
Profound sense of humor and pro- handed manner as had the Dutch out the things that are under your
portion, who governed t hose subject possessors of Pernambuco.
The 1 )))‘e."
'But where will he be getting his
to his jurisdiction for a long number Dutch were fantod fur their hospi-
of years with a strong hand and au tality to the poor and the oppr, ssed money front?"
"From you." said Sugerman frankly.
iron will, whose stern features look of all the earth, even then already
out on the reader front this page, in the seventeenth century.
Ito, ''From me?"
"From whom else? Are you noi
l'eter Stuyvesant bore an intimate re- while reputations may b e acqu i re,
lation to the first Jews who came to and lost by nations and races, way his employer? It has been put bj
New Netherlands.
individuals may act in such a manner for his marriage day."
"}lc has saved if?"
This is not the place to enlarge as to nullify the acquired and the
"Ile has not spent it," said Sages
on the Iife story of Stuyvesant for lost reputation. Stuyvesant was thus
this can be gleaned from Irving's im- an exception to the Dutch practice. man, impatiently,
mortal book and front innumerable Ile was cruel, rapacious and bigoted.
mean to sa y that I
works of reference. Nor is it need- He hated Jews as he despised Papists, has saved fifty pounds?"
manage to save fif
ful for us to make mention of the Ile regarded both as a blight on any
pounds out of your wages, he woe
tree plant ed by the doughty Dutch- well•ordered settlement.
he indeed a treasure,' said Sugerm,
!num, whioh stood even within the
So instead of beholding Stuyvesant "Perhaps it might be thirty."
memory of men now living in our
stretching out his hand in welcome
But you said fifty."
city, nor to the old "botiwerie" which
to theint on their arrival at New Am-
"Well, you came down to thirty,
he occupied and which laid the foun-
sterdam, these poor Jews from Per- retorted the shadchen. "You canoe
dation of the fortunes of his descend-
nambuco discovered a stern and un- expect more than your daughte
ants through the rapid appreciation
relenting tyrant with none of the brings."
in the ninteenth century of the value
traditional hospitality. Indeed, so
"I never said thirty," Eliphaz r
of real estate in that section of New
averse to receiving them was he, that minded him. "Twenty-seven ten w
he took immediate steps to have them my last bid."
Here we shall simply' tell the story
removed from the colony. Ile did
"Very well; that will do as a ba,
of Dutch New York, for which Stuy-
not order them forth into the un- of negotiation," said Sugerman
vesant during his governorship was a
known and untracked wilderness. sign•dly. "I will call upon him ti
synonym, in so far as it affected the
He did not send them about their evening, If I were to go over a
business to the next place of settle- speak to him now he would perce
These Jews had been driven out of
ment, for such did not exist; and it how you were anxious and raise
Pernambuco, which is in Brazil. after
would have been savagery of the terms, and that will never do.
that city and its surrounding district
worst dye for Stuyvesant to have course, you will not mind allowing
had been recaptured from the Dutch
condemned these human beings to a pound more for finding you so e
conquerers by the Portuguese who
proscription and exile of this sort.
nomical a son-in-law?"
founded these. The receptors had no
Stuyvesant, therefore, proceeded to
"Not a penny more."
use for the Jews domiciled there tin-
acquaint his superiors in the Dutch
"You treed not fear," said Su;,
der the beneficent sway of the Dutch
‘Vest Indies Company in Holland, resentfully. "It is not liket ; •
and drove them forth. These Jews
which corporation owned and admin- shall be able to persuade
had, therefore, no other alternative
istered the settlement of New Neth- so economical a faille. trz i s'
than to wander and they had been
denuded of many, if rot most, of erlands, with the situation, mean- you will be none the4. -6..,i,.'s
their worldly goods. They left Per- while aiding to the full extent of ht• ising." • N yq
"Be if so," said E-e c",:e
nambuco on short notice and repaired power the toaster of the vessel who
to various parts of the world. Some pressed for the payment of his pas- tore of weariness, a.'/.°1:e
machine again.

of them, to be exact—twenty-three sage money in securing his due. Into
• •
in number, came northward and the devious tangle of this litigation
tnay I
eventually reached New Amsterdam
in the autumn of the year 1654. So thereby we need not enter here. \Ve dying out, but when the whole tribe '
will be obsolete, there will always be
poor had they been rendered through
one shadchen living—the shadchen
the success of the Portuguese be- ing in brief form the successive steps
in the "Ghetto Comedies,"
leaguering Pernambuco that they did of Stuyvesant's representations to his
not possess the means to pay for Dutch superiors concerning these lin-
migrant Jews.
Accordingly we find that be wrote
accounting for the arrival of these
LONDON.—Information received
Jews and asking for instructions as
to his disposition of them. Ile stated from Danzig states that hotel keep-
that he did not want them to remain. ers in Oliva, a seaside resort near
The immigrant Jews, however, did Danzig, are taxing Polish Jewish
not hesitate to secure support at guests with especially high prices he-
home for themselves in their unen- cane they allege they are generally
viable position at New Amsterdam. verminous.
They dispatched a letter to their
Portuguese co-religionists at the cap-
ital of Holland. The latter immedi-
ately took up the cudgels on their be-
half, They presented a memorial to
the Dutch West Indies Company, set-
ling forth their participation in its
A liAtT T
affairs, the difficulties which had be-
set the poor Jews from Pernambuco,
etc. They concluded with a reference
to the well-known Dutch principles
of asylum for the persecuted.
Their representations had their due
effect, for Stuyvesant's superiors took
action thereon. They informed the
doughty governor that the Jews who
had come to New Amsterdam should
be permitted to reside there and
carry on their trading operations
from thence, subject to the proviso,
nevertheless, that the poor among
them should not become a burden
to the company or the community
All the good new books at but
be supported by their own nation.
Thus the first settlers in time United
3c per day.
States among the Jews secured a
proper legitimation of their coming
hither and only guaranteed to take
appropriate care of their own poor.
This provisionswas strictly in accord
with Jewish principles, for the com-
munity has from time inunemorial
taken proper care of its own poor
and afflicted, and not suffered these
to fall to the care of non-Jews.
Stuyvesant was, therefore, corn-
Visit our boys' and
Pend to permit the Jews who had
come to his settlement to remain
bookstore in our basement there. He did not submit cheerfully
'n this requirement of his superUrs.
He harassed the local Jews as much
as he legitimately could, and laid,
wherever possible, obstacles in their
path. For this reason he is entitled 1111
to stand out in Jewish history as a MI
Jew-baiter, who sought by all the
means at his command to increase the
difficulties which surrounded poor
and persecuted strangers.
One of the disabilities under which.
Jews labored then and there was
their immunity front military servic , .
for which, however, they had to pat
taxes. Thus the initutnYty was in
reality a grievous disability. They
could not watch the city like the
other non-Jewish inhabitants, simply
because they were Jews.
Asser Levy was not content to rest
under the afflicting disabifty. He
determined to assert his rights to
mount guard like other burghers and
refused to pay the tax levied against
him on this head. Stuyvesant was
Suite 305 Woodward Arcade
not disposed to acknowledge his
MAIN 289
right. or to let this be tested again
by recourse to his superiors in Hol-
t ( 5.1
land. So he laid the facts in the case
before the members of his council.
which wisely determined to permit
Asser Levy to do what the other
burghers of the city did--to mount
guard without let or Wildrance and
no longer to be subject to all
amercement for this privilege.
Thus Asser Levy stands out as the
'oil to the irascible and pigheaded.
governor. lie asserted and compelled
the recognition of Jewish rights. He
stood his ground manfully and forced
Stuyvesant to admit that residents of •
a town who were there of right had.
the same pr v ileges and were sub-;
ject to the same reqoirements as any
203 Beaubien St.
others. Asser Levy thus la,t one Of
he foundation stones of American
liberty, by which all citizens of the
country, regardless of race, creed or •
previous condition of servitude, are
; subject to the same rights, privileges
I and inuntin . ties, and must share the
!same burdens of all other citizens.
In 1664 the Dutch rule of New
Amsterdam fell before the advancing,
English and the place was rechris-
I toned New York, in honor of James,
Duke of York. the brother of Charles
II., king of Great Britain, the new
proprietor. Stuyvesant's occupation
was now gone. Ile was no longer
able to wreak his vengeance on Iris
Jewish fellow-citizens. He retired
tram public office to the alluring de-
lights of private life and in secret
nursed his grievance against Jews
Strictly Kosher Meats
and Papists (the latter being equally
the object of his dislike) without the
;power to do either "if them any ill.
Today the country place of Peter
Phone Melrose 2324-R
Stuyvesant has been long since obiit•
crated by the march of progress and


store stands upon the deeds of the past

and present. I have aided in the past;
I stand ready to serve in the future.


You Are Invited

The Recreation

as your down-town club.

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Make use of it yourself. Be a do-er, not a spectator.

The Recreation will mean to you:

—from —



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Circulating Library

Relief from Routine
Energy and Efficiency
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Opportunity Open
No Tips No Formality


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Book Store

to Visit

Rest and
No Dues

■••■■ ••••• ■


142 Billiard Tables.


Engraving—Correct Work,
Right Prices

Jewish New Year Cards

Rice & Ash

48 Monroe Ave.

Wholesale Clothing

The Best in Vaudeville
and Pictures

Jefferson Ave.



Main 4675

)11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111

Ginsburg &

Garton-Fisher- Wills Co.


Extending to all our

friend best


Put In Your Coal Now

A Happy

Why Wait ?

New Year

244 Woodward Ave.



Srere Bros.
We Have It In Stock
& Co.

Zt eY


Wishing You

Importers, Manufacturers and


Wholesalers of


231 -233-235 WOODWARD AVE.

Entrance on Clifford


A Happy New Year


Meat and Poultry Market

267 Woodward Avenue

964 Hastings Street

Ternes Coal and
Lumber Co.

A. P. TERNES, Pres. and Gen. Mgr.



12th and Michigan

Walnut 2091

1712-1732 Michigan

Walnut 2093

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