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September 10, 1920 - Image 26

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-09-10

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A merica lavish Periodical Carter

earnest aviNtit • clNClIgleart 20, OHIO






O OTHER Jewish writers, even

those who branch off into the
field of the novelist, have that keen
talent for story-writing that is the
gift of Israel Zangwill. The Yiddish
writers, almost exclusively, produce
works in sketch form. These sketches
are incomparable in their own style,
but they can never reach the heart,
and through the heart the mind of the
reader as surely as can the product of
the good story-writer. - A story is
somet king that all enjoy. Much in
the same way that the small child
will lose himself in the enchanting
land of a Grimm fairy talc, so will the
adult lose himself in the fascinating
weave of a romance into which all
,. the old and tried ingredients have
i been well mixed. Zangwill can write
tuch a romance. Ile can also so
:leak his story with character, human-
ty and thought that he achieves the
umbilici efforts of the philosophic
reamer and the unaffected romancer.
,The works of Zangwill arc a world
r,pulated by charming, peculiar,
r.,gic, odd, fantastic personalities.
I heir characterization is as interest-
lirg as the weaving of the incidents
in which they are involved. There is
'S.eneel Samuels"—the Sabha t h-

A. J. Walker

E. J. Walkee

J. V. Walker


Walker Bros.
Catering Co.



Owners and Operators "Walker Lunch -


Dennen's Book Shop

19 E. Grand River Ave.








The Tifferro School of Singing

Provides Instruction for three classes of students: First, those who
desire to at themselves for teaching; second, those who hope to be-
come nubile performers; third, those who study with the aim of per.
sonal Improvement and enjoyment.

Greetings of
the Season

Fred A. Ginsburg Co.

on Page Six)



Phone Cherry 5720

The Restaurant

52 Lafayette Blvd.


5taln Floor

For The Family and Pusiness Man


Ice Cream—Soft Drinks

Sero's Famous Chili at
All Places



143 Griswold St.
164 Griswold St.


and Dyers

Griswold St.

50 Lafayette Blvd.
Nlain Floor

2 East Larned St.





Voice Specialist and Authority of National Reputation

TIFFERRO'S method of singing is based upon the "Old Italian
School," of which his teachers, 5Iaestrl Perm and Giovanni, at bitten.
have been great exponents, and on the experience gained in fourteen
years devoted to operatic and concert work, and in teaching twenty
.• years in the largest cities In Europe and America.
The success which has followed the Instruction of Prof. Tlfferro
"1 shows that the school organized by hitn has not only become to the
people a popular source of instruction but is recognized as an institu.
tion tar the higher education In all the fine technicalities of vocal
culture, and in every particular establishing Detroit as a rival to the
famous cities of the Old World, in which the polishing touches of
severe training are given to the American musical talent. Such are
the advantages of Tifferro's school that there is no longer the neces-
sity for going abroad to secure competent Instruction in voice culture.
The practical outcome of Tirerro's experience and success in teach-
ing Is set forth in his "Manual of the Art of SigIng," published by
Oliver Ditson. The teaching in this book is praised and confirmed by
the greatest singers and critics.



Greetings of the Season

Art In Voice Culture

13 A /IC..

dana trailed •gitatedly from his coat
At last!" he cried, addressing the
little white-haired master-tailor, "I
have the very man for you."
"Yes?" grunted Eliphaz Green, un-
"lie has all the qualities that you
desire," began the shadchen. "Ile is
young, strong, God-fearing—"
"Has he any money?" grumpily inter-
rupted Eliphaz.
"Ile will have money," replied Sug-
erman, unhesitatingly, "when he mar-
"Ahl" The father's voice relaxed,
and his foot lay limp on the treadle.
He worked on one of his machines
himself and paid himself the wages
so as to enjoy the profit. "How much
will he have?"
"I think he will have 50 pounds
(two hundred and fifty dollars) and
the least you can do is to let him
have fifty pounds," replied Sugerman,
with the same happy ambiguity.
Eliphaz shook Iris head on principle.
"Yes, you will," said Sugerman,
"when you learn what a fine man
Ile is."
The flush of confusion and trepida-
tion already on Leibel's countenance,
became a rosy glow of modesty, for
In this little extract is seen not only he could not help overhearing what
a typically-drawn Zangwill character, was being said owing to the lull of
but a sample of that quizzical argu- the master-tailor's machine,
mentation on religious matters that
"Tell me, then," rejoined Eliphaz.
runs through all of the Zangwill
"Tell me, first, if you will give fifty
to a young, healthy, hardworking,
Among all of the Zangwillian cre- God-fearing man, whose idea is to
ations there sturdy is none to compare start as a master-tailor on his own
with "Nehemiah Silverman." Ne- account? And you know how profit-
hemiah lived on the east side of Lon- able that isl"
don in one room, with a wife and a
"To a man like that," said Eliphaz.
brood of children that multipiled reg- in a burst of enthusiasm, "I would
ularly. Where his subsistence .would give as much as twenty-seven pounds
come from he never worried to find ten I"
Sugerman groaned inwardly, but
out. The world was large. Riches
there were in plenty. Would he not Leibel's heart leaped with joy. To
receive a share from someone some. get four months' wages at a stroke!
time? Nehemiah was a Schnorrer, With twenty-seven pounds ten he
but an unconscious one. He schnorred could certainly procure several ma-
by naive instinct, putting his faith in chines, especially on the installment
results and men in trust of God. His plan. Out of the corners of his eyes
business in life was to live and bless he shot a glance at Rose, who was
the Almighty. The Almighty, through beyond ear-shot.
''Unless you can promise thirty it is
His wealthier servants, would not for-
a waste of time mentioning his name,"
get him.
Thus it happened that Barstein, the said Sugerman.
"Well, well—who is he?"
sculptor, received this letter from Ne-
Sugerman bent down, lowering his
voice into the father's ear.
'3A The Minories E.
"What! Leibell" cried Eliphaz, out-
"Angel of God:
I have the honor now to ask
"Sh!" said Sugerman, "or he will
your very kind humane merciful
overhear your delight and ask more.
cordial nobility to assist me by
He has his nose high enough as it
your element philanthropical lib-
eral relief in my very hard trou-
"But—" spluttered the bewildered
blesome sorrows and worries, on
parent, "I know Leibel myself; I
which I stiffer violently. I lost
don't want a shadchen to find me a
all my fortune, and I am ruined
man I know—a mere hand in my own
by Russia. I ant here at present
without means and dental practice
"Your talk has neither face nor
and my restaurant is impeded by
figure," answered Sugerman sternly.
lack of a few frivolous pounds. I
"It is just the people one sees every
know not what to do in my actual
day that one knows least. I warrant
very disgraceful mischief. I heard
that if I had not put it into your head
the people saving your propitious
you would never have dreamed of
magnanimous beneficent charities
Leibel as a son-in-law. Come now.
are everywhere well renowned
and considerably gracious. Thus
Eliphaz grunted vaguely, and the
I solicit and supplicate your good
shadchen went on triumphantly. "I
very kind genteel clement human-
thought as much. And yet, where
ity by my very humble quite in-
could you find a better man to keep
stant request to support me by
your daughter?"
your merciful aid, and please to
"lie ought to be content with her
respond me as soon as possible
alone," grumbled her father.
according to your generous very
Sugerman saw the signs of weaken-
philanthropy in my urgent ex-
ing and dashed in, full strength. "It's
treme immense difficulty.
a question whether he will have her
Your obedient servant respectfully,
at all. I have not been to him about
her yet. I awaited your approval of
Dentist and Restaurateur."
the idea."
"But I did not know he would be
On the surface it appears that Ne-
hemiah had derived his inspiration having money," murmured Eliphaz.
"Of course you did not know. That
from the dictionary, but it was really
due to his worshipping character that is what the shadchen is for—to point

would now make a second sin, it
seems more pious to let things be.
Not that I really admit the first sin,
for let me ask you, sir, which is nearer
to the spirit of the Commandment—
to work sin days and keep a day of
rest—merely changing the day once
in one's whole lifetime—or to work
five (lays and keep two days of rest?"
The minister, taken aback, knew not
how to meet this novel defense.
Simeon Samuels pursued his advan-
"My co-religionists in Sudininster
seem to have put all the stress upon
the resting half of the Commandment,
forgetting the working half of it. I
do my best to meet their views by
attending. their Sabbath service on a
day most inconvenient to me. But no
sacrifice is too great to achieve prayer-
ful communion with one's own
"But if your views were to prevail
there would be an end of Judaism!"
the minister burst forth.
"Then heaven forbid they should
prevail!" said Simeon Simon fervently.
"It is your duty to put the opposi-
tion doctrine as strongly as possible
from the pulpit."

I, came to the very orthodox
Ingltsli-Jewrsh community of Sod-
roister and raised the wildest kind of
.term by keeping open his store
ieng the Sabbath while the other
•w 1 , 11 storekeepers were praying in
sv tytgogue. Simeon himself went
the synagogue. lie could read the
1 auk all the stately dignity of an
emit patriarch, and he was on con-
rsational terms with Talmudic quo-
, ■ 11S, but that in no way hindered
from being an Epikoirus when-
business purposes made it de-
super-roguish wisdom makes
thimsically entertaining. After
le community had been on
needles with regard to the
reaker, and several much
',trinons from the synagogue
tiring the sinner's presence
(. ad
• t a iltd to keep the shutters of the
4,ainuels store closed, the Rev. Elkan
Abriel, the meek coat-tails of the
parnass and other community leaders,
was chosen to pay the erring member
a personal visit with strict orders to
wield strongly the spiritual whip. Mr.
Samuels received the visitor hos-
"It is most kind of you to call," he
said as he wheeled the parlor arm-
chair towards his reverend guest. "My
wife will be sorry to have missed
You knew I was coming?" said the
minister, a with startled.
'I naturally expected a pastoral
visit sooner or later."
"I am afraid it is later," murmured
the minister, subsiding into the chair.
"Better late than never," cried
Simeon Samuels heartily as he pro-
duced a bottle from the sideboard.
"Do you take it with hot water?"
"Thank you—not at all. I am only
staying a moment."
"Ah!" He stroked his beard. "You
are very busy?" .
"Terribly busy," said the Reverend
Elkan Gabriel.
"Even on Sunday?"
"Rather! Its my day for secretarial
work, as there's no school."
"Poor Mr. Gabriel. I, at least, have
Sunday to myself. But you have to
work Saturday and Sunday too. It's
really too bad."
"Eh!" said the minister blankly.
"Oh, of course I know you must he sought the most colored and
flowery framework for his thoughts
work on Sabbath."
"I work on—on Shablios!" The and expressions. His dentistry and
restaurant were products of his imag-
minister flushed to the temples.
"Oh. I'm not blaming you. One ination. All things existed for him in
most live. In an ideal world you'd fantasy and were it not for the re-
preach and pray and sing and recite bellion of his body, he would be quite
the Law for nothing, so that Heaven content to dine on imaginary food.
A more prosaic pertganage in Zang-
might perhaps overlobk your hard
labor, but as things are, you must williana is:
To Sugerman love-matches a,e a
take your wages."
The minister had risen agitatedly. crime Love to lorn is the ornament
"I earn my wages for the rest of my which is bought for a home decora-
work—the Sabbath work I throw in," lion after the wedding has been sue-
he said hotly. cessfully settled. And to settle a wed-
"Oh, come, Mr. Gabriel; that quib- ding—Sugerman was an instrument
ble is not worthy of you. But far be more potent than love. And even
it for me to judge a fellow-man." when at rare intervals love did slip
"Far be it indeed!" The attempted in and rob him of his just commission
turning of his saber point gave him he did not despair to find ways and
vigor for the lunge. "You—you whose means to put in his spoke—always no
shop stands brazenly open every Sat- manipulating the spoke that its end
would fish out a banknote.
"My dear Mr. Gabriel, I could not . When, for instance. Leibel, the
tailor-hand, and Rose Green, his em-
break the Fourth Commandment."
"And yet you hold a rabbinic ployer's daughter, pledged themselves
diploma, I ant told. Does not the to each other without calling in the
Fourth Commandment run: 'Six days help of Sugerman, the latter suggest-
shalt thou labor and do all thy work?' ed to Leibel's susceptive mind that a
If I were to close on Saturday I dowry would come in very con-
should only be working five days a veniently in the purchase of sewing
week, since in this heathen country machines for his establishment as a
master tailor, and that he, Sugerman,
Sunday closing is compulsory."
"But you don't keep the other half would negetiate this dowry for hint
of the Commandment," said the be- at a nominal fee, 1.eibel grasped the
wildered minister. "And on the opportunity and gave Sugerman carte
blanche. And it follows that—
seventh is the Sabbath.' ''
The very next day Sugerman in-
"Yes, I do—after the six (lays. the
seventh is my Sabbath. I only sinned vaded the Green workroom. Rose
once, if you will have it so, the first bent over her scams, her heart flutter-
time I shifted the Sabbath to Sunday, ing. Leibel had duly apprised her of
since when my Sabbath has arrived the Sugerman maneuver and Rose had
acquiesced in the comedy.
regularly on Sundays."
Sugerman's entry was brusque and
"But you did sin once!" said the
He was overwhelmed
minister, catching at that straw.
"Granted, but as to get right again with joyous emotion. His blue ban-


Wm. M, Walker



Harry J. Dean


193 Griswold Street


G. Elmer Blakesby,

To our friends and our community

at large,, we extend the wish for

, A Happy and Prosperous New Year


Cor. Lafayette Blvd. and

Shelby St.

Michigan Luggage Co.


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