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March 19, 1920 - Image 12

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1920-03-19

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Here Is The Street Car Settlement
You Have Been Looking For

One System Covering All Lines. One Fare With Trans-
fers. Track Extensions and More Cars Without Waiting.
Service Under the Control of the Common Council.

Failing after years of endeav or to obtain from the Civic Authorities such co-operation as is necessary to make the many car line extensions required by the people of
'Detroit and all plans for the municipal purchase of a unified system having been rejected at the polls, the Detroit United Railway now appeals directly to its patrons, the people of
Detroit, for a prompt solution of the city's transportation problem.

Initiative petitions are now being circulated that you may command the Authorities to place before all the people a definite proposition of the Detroit United Railway
that will produce for the people the extensions and cars and service they want NOW. This ordinance calls for the following:

EXTENSIONS—Prompt expenditure of not less than 320,000,000 by the company for cars and track ex-
tensions, part of the materials for which the company now has on hand. The lines to be constructed are
those we have already proposed with such others as the common council directs.

PRIVATE RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND FRANCHISES—The company surrenders free of ant to the city Its
many private rights-of-way except those private rights-of-way as are required for the rapid transit of the
Flint division and Rapid Railway Interurban,.

ADDITIONAL CARS—The company agrees to add 550 double truck motor and trail cars to its equip-
ment and to replace all of Its single truck cars with double truck cars.

SUBWAYS OR ELEVATEDS—The company agrees to equip with tracks and cars and operate all
constructed subways or structures for elevated railways as built by the city.

FARES AND TRANSFERS—The present fares and double transfers to continue.
by the Board of Arbitrators.

BOARD OF ARBITRATORS—One shall be in constant organization and operation, throughout the con-
tinuation of this agreement, to fix valuation, rates of fare and pass on all matters affecting finances•

NEW CITY LIMITS—The five cent rate of fare with transfers will apply to the entire city Including
that portion now outside the one fare zone and alsoincluding such additional territory, when annexed to
the city, to Cadieux Road on the Jefferson, Charlevoix, East Warren and Harper lines; to Eight-Mile Road
on Gratlot, Van Dyke and Woodward lines; to Maple Road on Michigan line to River Rouge on the Fort
and West Jefferson lines.

SERVICE—The city reserves the right of directing and controlling the operation of cars as well as pass-
ing upon the types of cars 92 be used. The company also agrees to pave and sprinkle between tracks.

EXPENDITURES—The city through proper authorities may except to any expenditure by the company
Including those of management.
MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP—The city reserves the right to purchase or lease the city system during
the life of the contract at fixed definite figures.
LIMITED RETURNS--The company is limited to six per cent Interest upon the value of the property
as determined by the Board of Arbitrators. This valuation covers only such property as is necessary for
the operation of the city system.
INTERURBAN CARS—The operation of Interurban cars upon the streets of the city is under the con-

trol of the Common Council.

FORD SYSTEM—The company agrees to install at any time the Ford or any other power system that
may be developed to produce economical and efficient operation.

GRADE SEPARATION—The company agrees to co - operate with the city and bear Its Just portion of
expenses of all grade separation undertakings.

HIGHLAND PARK AND HAMTRAMCK — The rates of fare and transfer reguiations In effect in the
of Detroit shall apply to Highland Park and the village of Hamtramck and should these municipali-
ties be annexed to Detroit the company will surrender all existing franchises in such municipalities.


SEPARATE CITY SYSTEM—In order to avoid any possible confusion of accounts the company agrees
to completely separate the city from the interurban systems by the organization of a new company hav-
ing to do only with the property and service of the city system. These city accounts shall be open to the
Inspection of the common council and a monthly statement showing the results of operation shall be filed
with the Common Council.

ELECTION—This proposition will not appear upon the ballot at the election of April 5, but will be
voted on at an election to be called by the common council.

The Proposed Ordinance In Its Entirety Reads As Follows:

It Is hereby Ordained by the Peo-
ple of the City of Detroit:
Section 1. Cement, permission and
authority to maintain and operate the
present @Beet rallovays In the City of
Detroit, and all extensions thereof and
additions thereto herein specified or
provided for, Is hereto; granted to the
Detroit United Railway, hereinafter
Called ••the Company", Its successors
or assigns, until such time as the City
of Detroit, under the options herein
contained, shall purchase or lease said
system, provided, however. that this
grunt shall not In any CABO extend
longer than thirty Out years
Section 2. The rates of fare for
carrying passengers upon said (*.-
tem shell be such as are nuffielent,
and not inure than suffielent, to pay
the Company' ■ operating expenses,
Maintenance and depreciation costs.
taxes and other lawful expenses, plus
Interest at slit per cent eery) per an-
num oh the value of its property with-
in the boundaries of the City of De-
troit or within the limits of such
boundaries 05 they may from time to
time be extended to Include any por-
tion or portions of the area bounded
as follows: On the East by the Cadieux
Road and by the Young Road extend-
ed northerly to the Macomb County
line; on the north by Ilueonib and
Oakland County lines; on the west by
the Moonier Road, Maple Rond and
the Hauge River. Said rates Mail be
five 15e) cents for single ride, viable
the territorial limits of the City as
they now exist, err may be thus ex-
tended, unless changed by the Board
Of Arbitrators as hereinafter author-
ized. ChiWere under six lb) years of
age, when accompanied bY parents or
guardian, obeli be earried free. In
case said Arbitrators ;Mall find said
rate produces mere or less revenue
than the requirements aforesaid, the
Arbitrators may change the rate and
transfer provIelons accordingly, but
the rates of fare row charred and
transfer provisions now In effect shall
continue In force unless changed by
the hoard of Arbitrators.
liectim, 3. The street railway Sys-
tem, the operation ano malutenance
Whereof le cowered by this Ordinance,
shall, In addition to an power houees,
buildingn, equipment and property,
real laid perinea', neeessar) and
proper for Its operation and mainte-
nonce, comprise:
All existing Ate ref railway
lines. owned or cortrolled by the Com-
pany within the present boundaries•
of the CIO of Detroit not ins lading
private lights-of-way and property of
the Retold Railroad Compost and of
the Highland Park and Royal Oak
Railroad Company
11,) All lines new under construe-
lion or heretofore authorized by the
Common Council.
lc) lelditIonal line. rind extensions
of exieling lines, particularly described
e, Section 13 hereof.
Id) ehoulet the City of Detroit con-
struct or mute to be constructed sub-
ways or structures for elevated rail-
way., It may at its election require
said Company to equip said subways
or elevated structures with street rail-
way tracks and all appurtenances nec-
essary to the operation thereof, and
e to provide care and other equipment
required to operate the ranee. upon
terms and conditions ta be agreed Me -
on, or. falling to agree, the terms and
conditions shall be determined and
need by said Board of Arbitrators.
The Company shall at Its own ex-
pense build and equip the lines and
extensions described fn said Section
13 hereof, In such order as may be
fixed by the Common Council. It shall
commence work within ten Ms days
after the passage of this Ordinance
and If poised on or before May 15,
1520, shall construct, complete, equip
and put In operation, not later than
December 21. 1920, ally 1501 miles of
such tracks, additional to those now In
operation. and fifty 1501 miles addi-
tional not later than December 31.
1921, and thirty miler, additional not
later than December 31, 1922, end If
directed by the Common Council not
less than fifty 1501 miles additional
during the year 1922.
If this Ordinance be passed on or
before Stay 15, 920, the Company
shall also on or before December 31,
1923. provide two hundred 12001 addl.
(tonal double truck motor ears end
one hundred and fifty (104) double

truck trail cane and on or before De-
cember 31, 1e21, one hundred (100)
additional doable truck motor cars
and hundred (1u0) additional double
truck trail cars. and not later than
December 31, 1923. shall replace with
cars of the type and character afore-
said all of the single truck passenger
ears used In said City. Should the
Election to approve this Ordinance
not be held untit a later date than
/Wry 15.1020, then the time for the
conrpletion of trackage and provid-
ing care an above specified shall be
extended fur a period In each case of
twelve (12) menthe after the dates
above herein specified. To the ends
aforesaid. the Company shrill expend
not less than Twenty efilion Dollars
FIve Million
($20,0a0,000), of wheel
Dollars m55,000,000) shall he expended
within one III year from :old date of
passage. Five Million Dollars (3 5 . -
000,0001 additional within too 121
years from said date, end Five Mil-
lion Linear, 159,000,0001 adelltIonal
within three years, and Five Million
Dollars 45,000,0001 additional within
four (4) years from twirl elate. If the
Company shall fall to expend sold
sums le such eonstruction and coulp•
ment within the lintels above provided
therefor, ureteral prevented by condi-
tions beyond its control, then this
Ordinance may be repealed by the
Comm , • Connell and ell rights and
privileges of said Company Sereun-
der shall terminate.
Section C For the determination
of any questions :treeing hereunder,
upon aihIch the judgment of the Com-
mon Council shall not be merle final.
there Is hereby created a Board of
Arbltratore which shall continue so
long as title 4)1,1in:ince !Mali be in
effect. Said IhNINI shall determine
by majority vote, all questions and
matters which under tills Ordinance
It Is their duty to determine. Said
Board shall (peeist of One IS) mem-
bers, two (2) of whom shall he sep•
pointed by the Common Council of
the City, two 121 by the Company.
and one Ill who shall be chairmen of
the Hoard by the four. 14) thus np-
the Board by the four 141 them named.
Shout,' the four (4) that
pointed be unable to agree within
thirty (30) days after their appoint-
ment, then such fifth member Khali
be appointed by a majority vote of the
three 131 Judges of the Circuit Court
for the Comity of Wayne who at such
time shall he mentor in point of net.-
vice. If at any Mae there are more
then three 131 of fetch Judge, of equal
seniority, the', of them shell art that
the Juoges m said Court may select.
If at any' time the number of such
senior derriere he less then three ID
the Judges of said Court shall enm•
piete the menher by eelectien of either
or tWo 121 of their ,,.
The appointment of the four Ill mem-
bers of the that Board, shall he made
on the second Tuesday of the first
calendar month beginnine after tela
Ordinance shall beeame effective 'fho
terms of all of the maid Met Roar,'
shall expire on the serond Tuesday of
January 1922: t he terms of meniteere
of each succeal rig Board shah ex.
pire on the second Tuesday of Jonu-
ary of ;he porn teor nue( ending their
appointment but eirh member shall
continue until his suocessor hilt been
appointed and has ;fomented such op-
pointment. On the second Tnetelay of
January of el, h even year. beginning
with the year 1W32. the wiceeesore of
the four Member. of the then ex-
piring Board shoe be Appointed. Any
vacancy m•enring in silt Mord he a
mend. • th•r•of rem ynatg, doing or
declining 11 - hp0 0 111 ■ 111( linable to act,
ehail he Meet w thin len t IP) days af-
ter the o•io•-.n, It, reof All •r-
reesi‘e , atip”ninients 10 paid Ilearet.
whether on .hsp.raCon of the teem or
to rat vacant y, shall be made In the
some manner it n41 by the lame party
eutherity as War the member in
'queve...lon. to whom mesh ties a p-
pn'arl. , lil 1. Iaole
The raid Rood of Arbitrators shall
determine. oil nr before sin Mont ha
after the passing of this Ordinanee
the value, an of the date when this
Ordinanle takes effect. of the Com-
pany's modern within the hound:, e,
aforeeelel. we herrinhefore drecribea,
but only 'web proaerty pertain'ng
thereto as in the jaelement of the
Board Ia nereneary and proper for the
operation of the rostem shall he In-
cluded therein. the !MP, to he th e
property Ulan the venue of which the
Cesspool Is entitled to , a lso' cent
15 k) Interest., as ate•ve epeelleel. and
shall make a detailed Inventory ant
appraisal of said property, and weld
hoard shell adept the lever afore and
epee:tied of slid property NO triple he•
them me their nest inventory end In
arrivipa at the value - o( inich.prouer-

Ii, nothing shall be Inchatted therein
for value of franchises or fur good
At the end of each year, aft, De-
cember 01st. 1930, said Board of Arbl-
tratore shall determine the value of
any additions made to seal property
since the lest previous appraisal, also
determine the amount of depreciation
of tho mope! ty dlirinf such time, and
shall make cerr•sponffing additions lu
or deductions from the value of said
property an exed by their first Inven-
tory and appraisal and shall correct
the Inventory accordingly. The values
su correvted shall be the value Up011
which the company is entitled to Nix
per cent (VII for the ensuing Your
and also to the value al which the
City Is entitled topurely., said rail-
way nystem under the provisions here-
of reed the value which shall be made
the bailie far fixing the rental there-
for. If the City rinds to lease the
same in accordance with the provi-
sions hereof.
The sad Board of Arbitrators shall
make a permanent record of the Mat
Inventory and appraisal rind of the
corrections rennet:illy made therein,
and shall Ille ropy thereof with the
City Clerk and a rosy With the Com-
pany., Said Board shill hl ilke Man-
lier make a permanent record of ev-
er• other determinietion wrote by It
Slid the copies theroef write the City
Clerk and with the ,ieernpany. At the
time when the that inventory and
apprelsal Is made by the Board of
Arbitrotors. ne alane provided, the
Board shall determine the rates of
fare on Iii, basis provided In Section
2 hereof, :end nun increase or decrease
the same as Iti their judgment may
be proper, and In making the deter-
mination an 10 the rate of fare to be
in force thereafter shall take into
vonsId•ratIon all earnings Irvin all
source, of the property Ineluded there-
A redetermination of the rates of
fare shall be made at the end of any
calendar year thereafter on the re-
quest ill either the City or of the Com-
pany. After any determination of
fares by the Board, the rates fixed
thereby shall eionlinue In force until
redetermination shall be made.
The Oily may elect to hate the
value of the property of the Company
embracing Ito CAN sYsPan re-erleelais -
ed at Its then phehamt value at the
end of three 131 ormis after the pies,
age itereelf--prierelehel ent and rill prop•
slily' edited to suede system after the
passage of this OrdMon•e on
such ye-appraise?, Id. le- appraised
at the cost thereof, less 1 , pre,tation.
and any Burn re ,oppralsal shall In
ell other rely-u la he nee h. upon the
basis and , 11 the nt IAN alsue laian
in this suction spe:• . qed
If Hoy such remooralsal shall he
nenle. os ably° provided for. ti
fulled Mariano' Find
appraisal of
the Company's: property as of that
date ellen lee substituted for the
original rend corn anpraisale pro•
tined for In this eelitIon • but there-
after suet) appraisal pion be corrected
entata Ily ns also provided for In said
eh t ill.
The City witty except to Jerry expen-
diture node by the Company in con-
nection- with the operetlen, motet,
nonce or Manar•mmit of the prop-
erty and all swell elm option% ill be
considered by the Ilaaril e• Arhitro-
tors in fixing the rates of Poe lit be
charged within the )!mile e spe-
The use 9( Raid syetem :old fsi0tl-
tlee for eidiurhan or inteiairben er•-
vice shall he on such terme. ronili-
Ilons stud regulations no shall from
t i me 10 l'ine he prescribe] by the
Comm m Counell. Still eredlt shall be
given the eatn'ngs of the city Lines
for a just proportion of the Ineren•
derived from the operation of Ferber-
hen nr Interurban core the•eon •ith-
in the corporete terundaries of the
City of Detroit
Any del.-am motion or netem by the
Common timmell efferithee the mien-
Bon of tisieg rates of rare, they be
reviewed en the nrepliention of the
romparty by the hoard of Arbitra-
tors. whore derision with reference to
such quenthen shill final.
The tlodlocs amt deteimInetion of
the Beard agned by a tnajorlty ..f the
ntriribrr, thereof epon neealons
coming before Said Iloart shall be
final end beeline iron both the Corns
pany :old the city.
ection S. The comperentlen of the
erbetrowere for the 1 - ,t■ shall he paid
by the city. the enmornsetion of the
arbitrators for the Company shall be
Nit by the Comeeny. ands reason-
ode eisintsowetion chap be provided
for the h:th arbitrator. which, to-
gether with all other expenses In-
curred by said Baena shall -be paid

out of the earnings of the Company
and shall be charged rie ,1 pieta of the
Company's operating e•reieses. The
'Wahl of Athitratore ne., -.Wet rules
regulating Its procedure anti the
method of grottier notice ta the City
and the Company of the hearings
thereof and may appoint a Secretary
for salt feet lid.
Section 6. If hereafter the Ford or
any other wevt:r systen, shall be de-
veloped rind perfected and by teraelleal
operation proven to be mare eilloient
and metenomical for the operation of
street railway systems under condi-
(lima similar to those prevalent: III the
City of Detroit than the power s)'tt-
le:it now in use by tee Company. thee
such more efficient ar•i ceoreenical
stater. shell adopted fur future
use en said !Oaken.
Section 7. Tho City of Detroit mat'.
et Ito .Ption. pure till ce all of the prop-
erty of the Conlitan•, tile value of
which Is to be deteernIned as afore•
said, red all additions and better-
ments thereto at We expiration of
any calendar ,eier after this Inidinainee
takes erfeiet, upon. glieleg the Coin-
pant six lel months' preview, puttee
of Its 'Mealtime so to de. and at the
value fixed ny the Inventory and ap-
praisal made by the Boort of Arbi-
trators na the and or that year. as
hen-II:before Provided for.
SeetIon S. The City of Petrol shall
also hove option, to be exercised at
the end of five 15t }'ears after Wig
°retinae, takes efteet, ow at the end
or any calendar yoke thereafter, :men
upon giving the Company six (fit
months' notice of its InteptIon to exer-
cise such option, to lease said prop-
erty for a term of not less than the
then unexpired term of this greet
and not more than ninety-nine HOU)
years; the rental to he six per cent
16'1) of the amount of the value of
the property' determ i ned at the time
of the •xer-elso. 111 the ultIlarl and In
the intone manner as In the case of
purchase, as aforesaid. payable in
quarterly Inst•llments.. The
City shrill also obligate Opel( during
the term of the lease to pot the rental
no (Pied, to pay the taxes and BMW,-
moods esseeseel iegalnet the properly
loosed, and to maintain the leased
property In as gond vermillion are When
leased. Such lea., shall rein° casino
such oilier paw :e'en.

such lens., 'Ind AA

, p411 I.


the Mb:rests .of toe ohm,. ,nh .
lease shall cave the t'!th th , • option to
.1 1.4 , 1 , , 'at Al the
•Fe the

it th•
en(' of any (•olt, I it
on ill.. ..:ms
•nntInnotInn 0 , Iii
Apecitled In the pu.,hl ott Shotion. and
also the relit toi.eme eel ',nip:,
the lelse or !IOU , t the
s 'to the
SuAloott 9. The C,i) to
• • pow-
fullest measure limbo
the ,pera•
ers, the right to recoil
Don of the saki System with resp•ct
to the netIntonanee of Ile T rick, rierl
eeulpment. the freeperie) nervier..
the eperning eel dis n'eetmg nt It,
ears, the mullieieney .1( Mat rya , : end
yontllatioli, the halting of service, the
cutting of Wires in ease eo( lirea. the
routIna ana naeratioe of sr:limbo, or
interurban ears, end in all other mat-
ters •offecting Ilue health, convenience,
comfort and setae). of the ;midi.,
which reguletion at all Cunt, Shall

be re•latillahle nip] lawful.

The` type and it,I hotel of the rare
to be used end the Carla to I..• eine-
• tru•t•d, and ,f nil otlue. eaaperent
iro•••I it. !medic
or strteiteree placed
1 , ,, , ap•
dart. (Melt lie
C 0 1 •
'K al of the C001111
1 ,
n the
sa i l Company rtollt p
outer rolls of It-
o •
t, 1 1,, the
material as in 1) h

Curmmnl CI on , ' I
iiv.C.nt tin the s,•••
or repair's,. la P44

n.I -•• 1:•



oI Id a and
•,, la la. th e
maintained005•. ei
City. The said
In th.• epa , e••,

of Its th.oci
said Coro,, •! .
err frown e•i
•...1 ter
chi). at
The roar.'
, •
their uptano when
h tho• tales
of fare Charger' an i 4 , 0 :4 ,
Urp, ISO
of preitienting en• i•o• k arma
give r•visideretine to i•
Ii ,
emidikeng rend
- , 1 .1

I ,
period, of t Inn
Mine. the ...mei. • • •

niece It. • s
mire of
Sevtl, n
avuallng • •

thunpapy Will1111 the corporate bOlind-
arles of the City of Detroit 110 de-

fined In Section 2 hereof, and the
hooka and accounts of said railway
corporation so organized Oran he deter
In the manner pre. Hired by Federal
and State laws. 'I hey shill at all
reemonable time, be open to the in-
spection and examination of the Comh
mon Council or such agency as the
Common Council racy designate. The
said Company .shill Me with the
Common Council each month it state•
'tient Mowing the results of Ill open, -
Don fur each suet. month within the
elowirate bout:darted of tl.e of
Detroit as they now Chin or may be
hereafter extended, and full 'relit
shall be given the vernier:et of the
City lanes for a just proportion of
the Income derived ?roan the operation
of euburban or Interurban cars oil said
seaten within the •arporate lemma
arks of the City of Detroit. and from
reuvertreing Mal Lill other miecellane-
etre PollreeS.
11. The seta Company
agrees to re-operate in the work of
separating grades at rallooad cm‘e-
Inas, total to arcane the same prop-
portIonals cost thou-,,f us Is provided
in contracts heretofore entered into
with the said City for the separation
of fir Ides, or an nary be (otherwise
'rite mot:ration of the
Section 12.
ears of said l'ompany shall tie nub-
Ject to the regulatory Ordinan•es of
the City of Detroit as they ona• tram
time to time be adopted: and the cars
8111111 be required to ;vomit, unit dis-
charge poweengere et all pointe de-
signated by the thallnlon Council.
Section 13. The add Company Is
hereby authorized and required to
enter upon the following streets end
revenues end •l-instruct thereon street
railways an fellow., to-wit:
A double track on Dailey Avenue.
from lepworth Boulevard to south-
field Avenue, then, on Southfield
Avenue to Livernels Avenue. [teepee
on Liver/Iola Avenue to lionaperte
Avenue, and on Bonaparte Avenue to
the City Limits.
A double Wick on Cadillae Avenue,
from Moyer Avenue In IVarren .1•'r-
brie. And (rein Forest Avenue to :Mork

AVealle; also a &phi,. I milk on

land Avenue to Jerre- lane ,1venne.
A doable track no WeRt End Ave-
nue, (rain 'West Jeffm,on avenue 10
Fort street; ids.
:-pr'. teweils Aye-
rue, front Fort Street to chamber-
lain Avenue.
Avenue !lot,
v.." , No nue to
Sorloote,lk Atom,: id ea a double
track on r'...itrrl Avenue from Fern-
dale .Nv•nto• to l'ernor A venue, theme
on Verner Avenue, from Central .Ave-
tal e to mei hcents Ammer. then, 011
Mellontild Avenue, from Verner •ave•
nue to Warren Avenue,
A. double track me Charlevoix Ave-
nue. from St. Jean Avenue to the
tilt• Tamara
An addit'onsl or reeeorel :cock on
Itearhorn Avenue, from West Jeffer-
son Avenue to Fort Street. and too
Fort Store! (roan Dearborn Avenue to
the River Rouge.
ie double hark on Forest Avenue,
from alt. Elliott Avenue to elratint


A doUtde toirk an Linwood Avenue,
from Perry Pork :venue to M e Grot a,
Avenue, thence on NIcrtraw Avenue.
from Linwood Avenue to Junction
A double track on Harper Avrnne,
Runt Ntontchir Avenue to Alter lined.
0 doulde track on Junminn
fmm Fort Street to NVest Jefferson
A double track en Linweeel Avenue.
(rem Joy Rum] to Northwestern Belt
A double track on Livernots Avenue,
f• , m. Southfield Avenue to Six Mils
1: .1.1.
I double track on Lynch Road, from
end of present harks at the budge
Ord:mare Flint, to Van Dyke Avenue.
An elditienal or seton I track on
Mt. Elliott ?venue, from Congress
Street Ira Fart lit lett. and a double
trar•k horn Fmt Street tr, leerchevel
A venue, also a double track from
Lynch Road to Devison Avenue.
An meet i It el nr senny0 tr:n.k nit
Doe n Avenue from Jefferson Al enue
In 1..0411'441e 1venue,
A . , o111.1” track on .1. Voton , t1
A , rasa. 11 , 111 11,14011 Runt! In the City

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Aeonrst ••,

of manna.
PA bete,.

Company, the grantee undertakes and
agrees that it will folliew.th cause it
separate corporation to be formed to
own and operate the 1111411 01 Said

Ili 1

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I11ienilb• 1 11 S . •

This Advertisement Paid for by the Detroit


Uni cri Ilatkay.

1, ,

• Ira , ! - on Jay Road, from
,• ■ •• , 10to 1.lnivond AVe-

n C! ,

11 , 1 0 . 110 T1,
nue to Owen

o mot A11 1 1111P, from
• .• ,

Wo0.1,,n1 AVe-

Or 01 , ..e. thence en nwen
Avenue. from \voixlward Avenue to

Russell Street; thence on Russell
Street, from (I•re Avenue to Hol-
brook .Avenue. theme on I loibrock
Avenuh loom Itus.0•11 Sued to the
City Limits; id, a double track on
Conant Avetme, from Sit. Eillott Ave-
nue to the City Limits.
A doable track On Markinew Ave-
nue, (room Crawl Elver to Petoskey
Avenue, thence on Petoskey Avenue,
Gum Mackinaw' Avenue to Joy Road,
thence acrose Joy }load to Petoskey
Avenue. thence on Petoskey Avenue
from ley Road to the Northwestern
Belt Line.
A double truck on Palmer Park
!boulevard (Six Mlle Riad), from
Livorno!!! Avehue to the City 1.11110
of I letrolt and Highland Park, and
single track from said City lamas
to Woodward Avenue; also a single
track from Oakland .1venue east to
the City Limits of Detroit 1 11111 High-
land Park. thence a double track trom
said l'it• Limits to l'otitant Avenue,
(hence 011 Gamine Avenue, froln Pal-
mer Holley1rd to SIB Mile Road,
thence on Six Mlle Ito:ot, R om Conant.
Avenue to Conners Avenue, thence on
Conners Avenue. from Six Silir Road
to Porliance AVe1111•4 thence on Port-
Noce Avenue, from Gunners Avenue
to tiratiot Avenue.
An additional or second track on
Fourteenth Street, into Hogg Street
to Henry Street, and a doable track
from Henry Street In Michigan AVe-
nue; also on additional nr st.crontl track
from Halaelle Street io Ntanonette
Street, and a double track from Xtur-
Ho•ne Street to Vol( ktreet
A slogoe track on Baldwin Avenue.
from Jefferson Avenue to IV'er•heval
Avenue; oleo a double track on N'an
Dike Avenue from Kerclieval Avenue
Ill Harper Avenue. and an additional
or Second track on ‘')on Dyke AVE11110.
from Harper ..Avenue to the city


A double track on Mack Avenue,
from (iratiot Avenue to Riopelle Street,
thence on Itlopellth Sheet. from Slack
Avenue to Rowena Street, thence on
Rowena Sire( t, from Riopelle Street
to Russell Street, thence on Russell
Street from Rowena Street to Rowena
Street, thence on Rowena Street. from
Russel: Street to Brush Sttret, thence
II ntlno itrueh et reel to Rowena Street,
theme on ItnWrala Street t. Woodward
AN mdse, thence across 3b•n••I,n1,1 Ave-
nee PI Dav•ttpoit Street. thence on
Street, ['roll M'oodward
Avenue to Cass avenue. thence across
Cass Avenue to Itra'tmed Street,
thence on liralomohl Steo,t, front Case
1V•litie 10 Th111,111111 0, 01te: 11194) 011
IPIllsevelt A Ve11111, from Myrtle Street
I„ thole: own Street, taro, on II,
chaser Street. from lloosrVelt Arenas




Srotten AVF1 11111• In Ituchnllen Street.
thence oa Ruchan - on Street. from
••otten Avenue to lAvernois Avenue,
thence In Liveruhrs Ay chile. PPM
Durban:in Street to:Michigan Avenue.
the said
Section le
Th.. ht.,.
Company on the City of Highland Park
end the Vill,•tt.. of Ilanttrattuk shall
Ile deemed to he a part of the said
1 . ,anitat ye( system within the cur-
t orate hountiotiles of the City of Ile
trolt, ono) no tither ru /111,1111011A Giro
S11;111 tie charged for to ride into
through or from .0•1 Clty of Wall-
band Park nr N'Ilh.ge of flarntramek
and in Inc event of the annexation of
said City and VilLoge to the City of
Detroit, thin OnEn ,n•e shall apply
and Bayern the operation of the said
Company In said anneved territory.
franchisee and franchise
rights granted by wild City and VII-
lege to the said Company t , r Its Pre -
deceasore shall than he surrendered.
Fee lion 15. This ordinance shell
beeenne binding upon the Detroit
Felted Railway upon the adoption
hereof by the regalia,' vote of the
People at any election at which It
may he submitted. 111111 the apreptahro
of till- ConManY 1,1 he :;led with the
City Clerk not later than ten 1101 days
fetter such edoption. The effect of
such adoption and acceptance of this
ordinance shall be to noel mile as li sur-
render of all existing franchises, and
franchise rights of the Company with-
In the City of Detroit and H dedlca-
lion to the City •Itbout cost of any
private right-of-way in any street In
We City. Should the City hereafter
open Any street which would Include
prIvare right-of-way named by the
Cempane, the Company agrees the( It
will dedicate 50111 private right•of-
way to IDs City without cost; sub-
jee t In the continued use thereof by
the Company' for street railway per-
poses maimr the te:ton and provisions
of this Oetlinnnee. The private rights-
of-way and property of the Rapid
thew, 1 CompaliV :and The Highland
Park and Royal Oak Railroad Com-
pany, however. are not ' ,abject to the
provisions of this Ordinance.

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