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June 14, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1918-06-14

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AMA= "with Periodical Colter





See the
.• Lovehest Baby Shop

Dainty Things


for Baby !


11,11. 11011.
1 Ive
Ihr rapertill
taught hs the
of the eohoos bath. No
1. r
■ hu wish to Layettes
1..0, Noll CM.
$14.50 up


11 aye

1 11




.„•, •



e%•ning at the Nlii


111111 of the salt ar- seum of .\ rt, %%ere Leonore

mem. berg. Florence .\ rline (Mal
\Ir. Joseph .\ Zechnian, St. l ow . Yol e tt e Fin.terwald, sat.,

Paul raemi•, has hit for Stllgua- Kabaker, .1timi Levin. Mara 1.m

nay liar, where he will %pm:it Nil - . rod'. Jeanette Starikmdf, Clara

ii• I

and Mrs. \V. Ilarris. \\;agnieister. Florence Nlerecki.

NIrs. J. F. Norman and on Ida kimstein, Sadie Ehrlich, Laura
lime returned from Chicago. Seliiisky . , Helen Selinski.


• , ■ 1

a ca 1,10- last Nbanla


11111 lly

who is with the ordnance depart-, Nlyra Finsterwidd, \lice Catel,

TI.. •it:ito.

peclit I, II],

of Palmer man. who participated in a recital

rix al in France of his son, I larry, man. Sara \ ictor. Nose Rmmomm%.

Wool Skirts.
$1.25 Lip

I.. IN- no la! g.
atuaetr :111111
n 1 , ,i1 I
ci111111 he fou
, 1101.in bur



Dresses. 59r h.)
' Baby Caps.
65c u ■



avenuecas t

s 1

l it


LANt dB, 111:ANT

bringing with them as their gue-t.Skrzycki, \•ett:,

Nliss Helen Pearlman.



In her Perlman. Ilessie Freedman, f.-

honor Mrs. Norman entertained tiler Feldstein. Fatima Periniac,

II Ig the week at a luncheon, fog- 'I -obit Wildman, .\ Ina ;reenberg.

Many of the Summer
lowed by a card party. The guests Sophie Rosenthal. Blanche
Dresses Are Simply
included Nliss Jeanette \Vebber, smith, Lillian Lipsitz and Edith
Styled for War Work Miss Shirley \Velmber, Nliss Itert I lerman.

The shillther wardrobe of the aver-
age woman is unlike other seasons in
many particulars. \Vonien who have
gone energetically into war work of
one kind or another turn from the
inure fancy styles to the plain and
-Millie models.

No one expect , a gay social season

Solomon, Nliss Sadie Abramson,


Like a Government Bond, the Rauch
Lang is by far the safest investment
in a car, and bond owners are of the
class who choose this Electric.
The established prestige of 64 years of
building the most fashionable Coaches
of the 19th and 20th Centuries is its
own highest endorsement.
The Rauch LS Lang is a conservative
product. In stability of value it is
standard. This is why its owners so
willingly pay the price of universally
known superiority.

Please appoint demonstration.


1342 Woodward



Miss 1:etta Levinson entc,

Miss Pearl \Veber. Nliss Lillian mined at an attractive afternoon

\ in•, Miss Itessie \ ine, \Its , tea, at her home during the week
I tith Rhode. , Nliss Anna liensmat,.\ Inma; the guests Were Capt.

Miss .\ Ina Fisher and Nliss Tillie I larry J. \\'ildnian, Capt. and

ar lie/MA°

Fisher. Mrs. NI. F. 1:aufinan, and Lieut.

\Ir. and NIrs. Hilliard CmIdstick Benjamin Ktilut , from Camp

b u t there are imalv who are giving
Rose Velick 1 are receiving con- cock, I Ma.
only a part of their time to war work
and kindred interests and fur those B. gratulation , on the birth of a son;
NIT- . I. (Moldsmith spm•it a few
Siegel CO. are showing charmingly
tlays•iii New York last week.
simple and dainty gowns for warm Philip Frederick, on Nlay
weather need,.
This house antici-
NIrs. Fannie Halbstein, 1J01
\Ir. and NIrs. Nlax 16msentlia!,
for Ihese styles and are
ratline, has been visit- 9119 Second ratline. allil \Ir. and
models in Voile.
o th er fnex-
Giucham ,
)fg:.11.!1 ;old
ing friends for a short time in To- NIrs. Louis Goldman.
Fre d
pen,iti cotton,.


"The Social Necessity"


trick, haws returned to the city

There are dr, sses which are built
NIT-. and NIrs. Samuel Jatilus after an extended motor trip to
.Ilk or wool Jer-
hate itimm\ed to their new home at N0
fork. .\ tlaiitic City .atiml
sey and light weight silks for wear at
summer resorts 11r during cool weath-
lIrmislm street.
other eastern points.
er. One model adaptable for this
\I n. .Mexander Stein, of Jef-
\I r.. Hugo Lomewenthal and
purpose fs a one-piece dress of navy
blue \\soul Jersey mail, on long, sim- tenon avenue cast, has left fur a N1rs. Lillian Lachman Silver as -
ple line,. The collar is in sailor shape
two \ vek writ ill Pittsburgh.
sisted NIrs. Harriet Strong Mac-
finished with a cravat at the throat,
the cravat being loosely knotted. the
• he Ladies' .\ uxiliary of the Farlane at a delightful musicale
ends of which terminate in balls of
Nloshe Congregation lira tea \\ilia Nlrs. Nlacl:arlime gave
white wool.
elected the following (mincers for hi her co - workers on the recent
\oily will he wort, • this summer ,
the 01111111V Year • President, NIrs. patriotic drive. on Tuesday after
more than ever and American manti-
vice-president., noon.
Jaca ;
e succeeded in producing
fancy weaves in the white shades and
Mrs. Philip Rosenberg; treasurer,
\I r. II. \Vetsinait spent a few
charming dainty colorings in a variety
o f patterns. I.arge designs are much Mrs. Joseph Kaufman; secretary, days in New York this week.
ll demand. ;11 , 1■ the dainty small pat-
NIrs. Nlorris Jacoby;,, tinanci . A1
.\ new organization, known as
terns 011 light grounds and the stylish
so-called Foulard Voiles. Some cot- secretary. NIrs. Sigmund \Vold: the Voting \\ omen's Hebrew .\ --
1, 11 V
are being sh, 0,v,, i n ('alien
trustees, NIrs. I lerman Helmer, sociation, has been formed in the
mlm•,-iiimm - and various plaids like ging-
ham._ Ath , .
The I febrew Ladies' Aid
cit y . and is petitioning for a state

c•tv has elected the following charter.•he activities of the club

mmtlim•m•r• for the coming year : 111/ to this tittle have been largely '
NIrs. Martitt-t-cice pets-(athletic an d soc i a l . Any y ,,,n,,,z 1
ident. Mrs. Jacfili FlIntan: tress - I Jewish woman i,cer r,• yuar , of

f tut, r.

Ignatz Kraus; secre-', age is eligible to membership, and,
ft, tars, NIrs. \Veisberger; financiallby giving her name to any mem-,

secretary, NIrs. Jacob



• 1 1111111 11 111111 HI 111011111111M81111111111111111111110101111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111 11111111 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111001111111111111111101111111111111111111111110111101111111111111111 III

Imer may :mid% fir entrance. Care-1

sergeant-at-arms. NIrs. Nl. Gold- fill ime-digation will be made

tore any title is elected to the 01'-




NIT- . and NIrs..\rtlitir I larris, 3 , 3 ganizatim mil.
The officers ar•:,
k are receiving con- President. Nliss lose Goodman:

gratulation, o n

the birth of a secretary. Nliss Lillian liellman :

daughter, June 1. treasurer, Nliss Lillian \Volfe.
,orlon, of Prook-
Miss \Vilma Lederer, of Cleve


Iv!), N.1 .,is visiting Mr. and Mrs. land, who has been-visiting Mrs.


NIrs. "idler Stone, of Virginia Nlilton Hirschfield. has returned

to her hurtle.


Nliss !rata Netzorg is visiting

friends in Bay City,.

"Meet Friedberg—

Wear Diamonds"
GriswoldSt.;',1. 4.111e
a biesyTheater


Mrs. I. Nlichael and Miss Leila

Nlichael, of Toledo, spent a few m

Mrs. Penjamin Rash and chil- days in the city last week.
\ leillittry avenue, will
\I r. .11)1- abut Cohen spent a
.pond the summer at .1verne, few mla 's last week ‘vitli \Ir. and

d ren, o f

N. I.

NIrs..khraliain \Vechsler, of Pitts-

The New Policy of The
Frontenac Has Lived
Up to Advance Notices

We have again established ourselves as an

institution to which
Detroiters can look for something different, something bigger and
something better.

Pupils of Nliss Hattie krone-' burgh.

NIrs Harmon lx:eidan, of •o-







k !


It d ti , is spending; a short time in



f t

r ite.

FriendsIrl/Oral 1:.(1%varml N

I Li% is, of •olemlo and Chim.mgo,

. I " ill be interested to learn of


safe arrival overseas.

\I r. II. I irinherg, if Pittsburgh,


is I isiting in the city as the guest

mmi his daughters, NIrs. S. Nlei•ner i
and NIrs. II. I ireenherg.

.\ Scry lovely June bride



The artist who has made millions laugh with his daily
cartoons, is now drawing a


Corking New Sunday
Comic Page

lvilenkam Whose marriage to \Ir.
I larry \Vold, son of \1r. and \Irs.



Six Full Pages of Colored Comics

Every Week in


was Miss Lucille Nlerm'emles

Zellenka, daughter of NIrs.


1 train.

1 ,

We promised to cut food prices—we have done so. Remember,
are serving good food cheaply, but we are not serving cheap food.


Everyone conversant with present market conditions knows that it is
impossible to buy fine foodstuffs at low prices, but with our tremendous
advantages in purchasing power and purchasing experience, with our re-
markable kitchen facilities and an efficiency which elitninates all waste, we
can serve you highest quality food at the lowest possible cost.


Hotel l'ontcbar-

tj] Therefore, if you CAN discriminate and WILL appreciate, this is

The Restaurant For You !

labbi Leo NI. Franklin

the ceremony in till•
presence of the immediate family

and a \ cry

few close friends. •hc

k bride was attired in white gcor-

11 .



\ \Volil, took place on

4; culling at the

Ill That 1 0 Piece Dance Orchestra about which we boasted, has more than
made good, and it is a pleasure to note the delight of the dancers as they
sway to this wonderful music.

gene crepe, heavily beaded in
•crystal, her long tulle veil being

caught in place with orange

Open Every Day

All the Year 'Round

Serving at all Hours from
Noon to Midnight.

Dancing and Cabaret 6:00 P. M. to Midnight

soots. She carried a shower of

alley lilies :11111

white roses.

Estelle Strauss was her only at-
tendant. Nliss Lloyd \Vemptter,
of St. Louis, a schoolmate of Miss

The Frontenac Restaurant

Entrance at 14 Monroe Avenue.

Zellenska's, and an accomplished

pianists, played the wedding

march. The bride seas given in

marriage by her brother, Mr. Lc-

I Continued

On Page Slx,)


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