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February 15, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1918-02-15

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America ffewisk Pedalled _ et N kr




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'al" SOCIETY 000


Sample Fur

pleres of our
salesmen are oaTertol at

tern/aka I tie retIttotiorot!


Near Third.

0 it

To Insure publication all items of Interest for these columns should be
mailed or phoned not later than Tuesday evening to MISS GOLDA,
GINSBURG, 1 163 Second Ave., Phone North 4799.



Friends of Mr. and Mrs. David

Bloonigardem arc congratulating

them on the birth of It daughter,

Raleigh Nazin.

this week tinder the direction of the State Federation of \Vomens' many draw inks and posters to the

The Ha:kat:di Society will meet
Free Synagogue has Nvritten a lit-
Clubs, of which the Jewish \Voniens' Club is one of the largest anent-11.%\ !sit \Var Relief campaign, to tle book on "1 low to l'act. Life," Sunday evening, Feb. 17, at the
burs. Statistics gathered during this survey will be used toward the Rod Cross, and to the Liberty
which 11. \V. 1 luebsch has added home of Dr. Halbstein. Dr. Noah
the drafting of a bill to be presented to the state legislature authoriz- Loan campaign.
to his ".\ rt of Life Series," where_ .\ ronstani and Dr. NI. Beninosche
Nil- . and NIrs. Samuel Ginsburg in have alre a d y app eare a man y will read, short papers on Zionist
ins a state censorship of all lilins shown in Nlichigan. Among
' those serving on the committee of the Jewish \N'oniens' Clubs arc .ne ■ isiting in New York.
booklets by well-known thinkers acfivities•
NIrs. I lerbert \\ ail , NIrs. David O. Brown, NIrs..Nvery J. Ginsburg,
NIr. and NIrs. Samuel Epstein and writers.
NIr. and NIrs. Nlax Jacob enter-



making their hom e w ith NI rs .

H. , 111:111 ' S

.N. Krolik, Mrs. Nloe. \Veil, Mrs. Nlax May, NIrs. A. Schitiman. Training Station.
relatives and friends ill
Chairmen ;old aides of the Penny Lunch of the J e wish NV/miens' , I larold Lipsitz has returned
NIrs. J. G. Nlincer, of Bruns-
Club are asked to be present on the usual *lays, next week, as the from the G reat Lakes Training wick, Ga., formerly of this city,
order to close the public schools has been withdrawn. -t..ition on a feu day s' furlough.
:111111IIIIRTS the engagement (if her
111 C(11111eCtit41 With the
\ alii , 11 C0111111i1teC Of the Federa-
M r . J.
F reu d is in N ew y or k . daughter, Irene .\gneS, to \V . :H-
tiun of \Voinens' Chlbs, Airs. O. Lapin Cohen, representative from I Th e N ew E ra an d \v as hi ngl on
iatt) Kaplan, of Chicag,I,
the Jewish \\
Cltll. inn; written to Congressman Nichols to I'rogrussit c Club, h e ld their a n -
Mr. Harry ltrilling has returned

Baby Things

nab, h,. mo-
th. of our lorge,
•Oret . tlye et ore de-
voted to Its net or, -
eery things.
for the
bot.y al the vrloe
you Rata to pay.

Lane Bryant

t e rn, at II? Il endric

Mr. and NIrs.

moved from

.\ we.

I. \\'. Jacobs have



Brainard .Npartments, IS
Brainard St.

to till'

labbi Leo NI. Franklin opened
the sessions of the Custom

protest against the bill now before Congress authorizing the use of nual dance and entertainment on from ;t three months' trip.
.\ ssociation, at the I tote!
the national parks for sheep grazing. . She has received a favorable 'Sunday evening, Feb. IR, at the
.\ (101141 FrtitInd has left for Stitt ler, on Tuesday, I;e1),
reply. [hound' Schloss building.
NIrs. John Ileaventich is visit-
Florida, where he will spend the
IZabbi Samuel Nlayerberg has
Nliss C. Greenbaum is visiting remainder of the under.
ing ill NCW Turk.
returned from lja . }' City, where in NCW' York.
.\ regular meeting of the Delta
Taking advantage of the un-
he officiated at the funeral of NI r.
NIr. Ben 1;riedinam fi.rinerly of usual snow fall of last week, the Phi Sorority was held Thursday
\\ illiain Sempliner.
the Atlas Floral Co., Mu, has en- Sigma Phi Beta Sorority gave a evening, at the home of Nliss

Second Floor
255 Woodward

NI. Franklin spoke , listed in the navy, has obtained it sleigh ride party last Saturday .Ntina Itenson.
on Friday before the Progressive leave Of absence and twill leave evening. The members and their
(Continued on Next Pare.)
, Literary Society, on the subject, for the Great Lakes Training
"Religion in America." t 'amp on .April 1.

The February
Furniture Sale



I 14( - Ci!






Mrs. Ikax Rosenthal entertained
Nit-. and Mrs. Adolph Marx are
informally on Friday evening,' lending- the winter at their home
Feb. 5, at her home in the Pioneer at Ocean Beach, California.
Mrs. Max Cohen is in New
\I r. Nathan Bluntrosen who is York.


stationed at Great Lakes Train-
It. Nlarx, I•lio is silt-
ing Station, was the guest of Nit- . ti n ted at Chillicothe, Ohio, spent
\Villiani Friedman, during the a few days in town last week.
past week.
.1inong the Detroit students of



I I 1

kg its ..;


7 I
_ t

NIrs. J. C. Brasier, of ('hicago, the University of Nlichigan Nhill)
son, are the guests of NIrs. spent the mid-semester vacation


liresler's sister, NIrs. Frederic!: at home were Dorothy Fink,
Frieda Loewenstein, Irene Rosen-
Nliss :Nimee Tobias is visiting berg, Esther Robinson, Nlarcellus
ill New York.
Marx, Laurence Van Itaale•


This first February Salo offers you the finest
products of America's leading factories.

Airs. harry Starr (Virginia
Fliesliman, Joseph Bing,
Morse) of Zanesville, Ohio, is the Aubrey Brown.
guest of her mother, Airs. liannah
Hiss Lillian Rolmile
tained informally on Feb. 5, at

In a final effort to stir things up, we have
put aside all former prices.
Prompt action
will save you money!


Robinson-Cohen Co.

Nliss Frances Steller has re- the home of her sister, Mrs. Max
turned to her home in Denver.
Frank. The early part of the
NIr. Frank Hamburger is spend- I evening was spent ill toasting
ing a few days in Chicago.
marshmallows and popping corn,




Nliss Celia Grossman has left their ride returned for refresh-
ments and (lancing. Mrs. I)avid
for a month's stay in Chicago.
There will be a meeting Of the Stocker chaperoned the young.

Edna Ferber of the famous taiuull twenty-five little folks, last
parents, \I r. and Nits. 'Emma NIcCliesnev" stories, and Sunday afternoon. in honor of the
The series of drawing room talks, on the Registration of NVoinem! Eugene Slonian, at
Chicago creator of "Fanny I lerself," will tenth birthday of little Nliss Rena
which were to have been held tinder the auspices of the Jewish \\ o-
presently sail for 1:rance, where Jaeobs•
(Tub, have been postponed, owing to the fact that Governor
:shirley J. \\ einberg , is spend- She will stay for se veral months,
Mrs. NI. Rosenthal, of Petos-
Sleeper has changed the date of the registration front Nlarch IS to nig a few (lays' furlough at home.
NI rs Alf re d I., Cohen an d key, is the guest of her father,
April G. The h ulk , ‘‘ 10 , have Mi
tre dtheir h omes are: \Irs . H en r y I IC is Siati(O1C11 at thin Brest Lakes daughter, Frances, are visiting Mr. Julius Steinberg, and her .;is-

The mother - to -
he nay 01, to ye he
ettut rtly Kiltl
In rhoh•s
by lane Boast.
Prirox ❑ 1a high, r
than clotho.
ot tool %,



um, folks Literary• .
: next Sunday at 7 :30 p, tn., at NIT%
;1 . liellinsky's home, Hastings and
..0100100001100 0A0n0a0nOnOACIROlfnOuO0o0000a0a0nOnOnOn0A0 0 0., 0x0 11
Illinois streets.
A state-wide survey ol moving picture theaters is being made 'Cozzy
Rabbi Stephen S. \Vise of the


NIrs. Julius Brown, NIrs. NI. Benniosche, Nliss Hannah Ileller,
Benjamin Lambert, NIrs.
Levy, NIrs. Charles C. Simons.

I ' _
.40$ • z•

ir t zcr, Jerome Ryneck, Nathan guests assembled at the home Of
Kohane, Abe Kohane, Max Frank. Nliss t iertrude Reisman, and after

CORNER .1 111611 ani HASTINGS
FM 11.0018 IMMO v, f 0 otTIOT
ft witetrwsso


NONTN-loytegt rOu RRRRR TN CARS Poll 501 DOOR

Mr. and Mrs. NIonroe Rosen- after which supper twos served.
field have left for a southern trip. Dancing completed the evening's
; T h ey will visit their son, Lieut. entertainment. The guests ill-

!land(' Rosenfield, at Kelly Field, chided Miss Sophie Goldsmith,
No 2, San Antonio, Texas.
Nliss Eva .Nlkin, Nliss Gertrude
\I r. and NIrs. Frank Ilambur- Bernstein, Nliss Pearl \\ . eislilooni,
ger entertained at dinner, in honor NI iss Ray I lorowitz, NI rs. Nlax

For the benefit of the

of \I r. Fisher. vice-president of Frank, Sidney Chatlin, .N1 Gold-
the Highland Park State. Bank. stein, Will \Vax, Jules Schubot,


and president of the Detroit Bernard Rosenzweig, Simon
Credit Nlen's Association. Covers
Very Smart Lines Are
were laid fur seven.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rifkin

Shown in Spring Wraps

announce the engagement (4
No doubt at all that topcoats or ,
o w n
their daughter, Sadye Louise, to 1 ;1 1 1 : g to hold
to the smart
Lieut. Adolph Strauss, of Chi - trim Y t a r il' or4 e t lelienol stt° 1U, for Anutricat;

given by the

Detroit Lodge No. 55

women agree With their English cow
sins that there are times when only
Nlisses and Sadie a, correct ianormade will convey the
Netzorg, of the Ilay City public right impression in costume. Ilut the
wide vogue and extreme popularity of
schools, are at home with their one-piece dresses for morning. after.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morse Net- noon and evening wear, bring the sep.
orate coat well to the fore In the
zorg, during the enforced closing spring wardrobe.
Many of the new coats arc long
of the Bay City schools.
enough to cover the dress completely;
Masters Nlerton and Robert others show an inch or two at the
Liner who were the guests of NI r. hen) and still other occasional models
are In three quarter length. A Worth
and Airs. Walter Fuchs, have re- Coat recently showed by B. Siegel to
exaggerates this effect, suggesting a
turned to their home.
turned-up coat edge to show the skirt
Miss Dora Stein, of Harbor beneath. While technically it is
Springs, who is studying at the called a sport coat, it Is really a very
smart traveling coat, and is •tupposeil
Michigan State Normal School, at to make up part of an Easter trous-
Ypsilanti, spent the week end vis- seau. The coat is (lark and white.
rather an unusual choice for a bride.
iting in Detroit.
but black and white is a great irons-
NIr. Nlaurice NVarshauer spent seau choice this season.






For not only does the name VI•TROLA tell of quality that is

the ree4nized standard everywhere of sound reproducing Instru-

a 1 Kt.911111111a, vet
e wt ht,?p ,,
c oa
itt c.

la few days as the guest of Lieut. fiti N ilu aln ai. e( o l r Ettiown
i Harold Schlesinger, who is sta. F:ton portion overlapping the coat

ments, but the model XVI Is especially handsome and charming.

tinned at Clintonville. Wis.

has been finished by the young then turns at right angles and goes
tirwoupnldealtt coal. its stitching holding
Detroit artist, Mr. Julius Gotts- a
Many of the spring coats show en-
denker, and is now on exhibit at
0rittthioufsaccioniglarsorofstl rhitp• ecdon:iielkrtiobrlectryop:
the artist's studio, Scarab Club ,,

There is artistic design, completeness, highest standing and

unfailing pleasure—bringing qualities to commend the Victrola

XVI to you—each one in your family, too, will enjoy it!

First Floor


Grinnell Bros

Largest Stock of Records




Mr. Gottsdenker is

bar pique, which show when the hug;
collar Is turned down on the should-

better known to Detroit as erg.--Ads'.

OLD Gowns Made NEW

Madam Rau


skirt, where it is stitched elaborately.
This house shows one nindel. hanging

.\ portrait of Miss Laura Net- in loose, soft pleats has an Eton motif
frfwatilttchb„edcoclilnalrli to w;hil iech‘air,utusline tit i
zorg, daughter of Mrs. S. Netzorg.,o

Price is $215, and we will be glad to arrange
convenient payments if desired.

205 Washington Arcade
Cherry 11454.

Upholstering and Furniture
Done at Reasonable Rates by


270 Kirby.

North 4229-M.

Knights of Pythias


(Woodward and Stimson)


(Shook's Orchestra.)


Alan Kopelson School of Pianoforte

Spring term begins March 1. Enroll now,

160 Medbury

Phone North 5747.R.

For Exclusive and Distinguished Designs For Engagement


Woodward at Gratiot

"The Sallan Corner"

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