October 02, 1916

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October 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…* * * * oe en ve of Slav Rou- * * * * 41 * * * * 41 * * since the re- rg drive dis- rad say that been won; e has been soners taken. territory and is are "strik- the re- 'n north n troops r blows -German renewing the at- oumania from the now staring it in orcing the with- itonic troops from the Dobrudja the te his manoeuver during the drive sent the famous n" men into the gion, where it met 3t disasters of the DARTMOUTH TO INAUGURATE N...…

October 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 0) • Page Image 2

…stations: Qjuarry's, btacients' aup- 1.1-1 ply Store, The Delta, cor. Packard early and State. Phones : Business, 96o; teleg Editorial, 2414. 7 pin, wher _________ Monday, October 2, 1916 8 BIssue Editor-E. L. Zeigler print some THE FIRST QUIZ pus?. BThe Michigan Daily welcomes you. Almost immediately quiz- socie masters will be asking you difficult what questions. The Michigan DYaily ing t wants to start things off by asking a ha. several ver...…

October 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 0) • Page Image 3

…is eleven the pre- ear, this igly pop- is the only new team a late season game St. Louis eleven is Big Bill" Edmunds, ,f Yost's All-Western ew years ago. The am is not expected ally difficult, but will erines enough oppo- them on edge for the which follow. liege opens the sea- Vednesday afternoon, upying the Saturday d on page six) legiate Briefs :Mass., Oct. 2.-Har- worrying over base- or next spring. Five veterans were grad- eting has been ...…

October 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 0) • Page Image 5

…inue tnrougn expected the ompleted. f as im- Nickels Arcade To Be Ready Soon the i Providing labor conditions re- oppor main satisfactory, the new Nickels ipparent, Arcade extending from State street. intense- to Maynard, which was started and that about May i will be completed by was all Nov. i. The building is being constructed of brick and concrete. ,ents at- The arcade is to be well lighted by iversities sky-lights running the entire leng...…

October 02, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 0) • Page Image 6

…S TO DAILY'S EGRAPH NEWS in the ng Chi States. (Continued from Page 0) with the idea of conveying to its reading public the salient charac- teristics of the day's most impor- tant events in capsule form, This feature of The Daily was institut- ed in iri, and has been continued owing to the expressions of approv- al it received from students, towns people, and members of the faculty. wYrawuu Filling as it 'does, the positioni October of the...…

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