May 15, 1918

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May 15, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…I- rSitr i an :43 at lx w DAY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1918. PR: HILL . " STRIVE PASSAGE FORI iHY WOLVERINES ENTER CHAMPIONSHIP MEET New York, May 14.-Seventeen col- leges and universities have entered' teams for the annual track and field championship games, of the inter-col- legiate amateur athletic association, to be held on May 31 and June 1, at Franklin field, Philadelphia, Penn. The list closed on Saturday. A s...…

May 15, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…THE [ICHIGAN DAILY - '.~---'--.-~'- a' perating za- wally tion. The concert tonight and the ones ESS to follow will not be without their :ly entitled tinge of war. The program from open- wise credit- ing to finale will be patriotic and local news martial. The gaiety of other years w.ill b gone in great part. A glance iversity o at both principals and audience wil' ting except Ar br, assure offe of that. nArbor as 4J410\\LOWER THE DRAFT AG...…

May 15, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…ILAU I UIflftL bWILL SHAW MICHIGAN'S POWERI Arrangements are all made for the inter-class tennis tournament to held on the Ferry field courts next ek. All who desire to enter, must put an appearance on the ' Varsity irts, today, tomorrow, or Friday. The varsity has been using the good ather of the past few days to ad- ntage in getting in some good prac- e for the matches to be played at icago and Madison. These will be the al tournaments befo...…

May 15, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

… C CAI N o';] f the All-college dance evening of commence- nouth, is the promised of the senior class of i training camps in of the country. ill, for the first time, be end the junior prom at y of Washington this dent handbook express- first year men to ap- rom, but, inasmuch as this year are to go to and Sailors association, to allow all classes the tdendlng. the University of Ore- >ning the faculty to set t a week earlier than .ed upon. P...…

May 15, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…l.T&.L....Z 1- i~Vl.& -3L j its NETS PAN AMAS LEGHORNS $7.00 &Co. - Two Stores - Main Street YOU VCAN PIIOE US TO CALL for your flannel coat, house coat, lounging robe, gloves, evening clothes or anything else in your wardrobe, ex- cept shoes, aid we wilj send for them and after dry cleaning them by our special process, return them to you spick, span, immaculate and faultless. Wise men employ us regularly to keep their wardrobe looking...…

May 15, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY LE NOT READY T Th rift R SUMMER s"s ve ordered that light weight k summer suit made by Mal- ination of style, comfort, and is possible for the reason that and made to your individual fort is there because the mat- eerest fabric, and economy, be- suit costs little in the begin- nd tailored by Malcolm will s look well-We are showing rge and flannel trousers. ~ICALCOLM REET MALCOLM BLOCIK {. Seniors eave your orders now for...…

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