March 14, 1918

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March 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…'ROBABLY SNOW 'RONG WINDS r4131kr1an Iai1t. ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AN) NIGHT WVIRE SERVICE III. No. 115. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918. PRICE THREE ssa Falls; German Drive On East Begin USE GREETS AL SHOW OF I UNION OPER PERFORMANCE EN; TICKETS ON TODAY WILL SALE BE F HAS MU H VOCAL ) DRAMATIC TALENT Costumes, and Scenery Good; relty Song Hit of Production is "Blue Book Blues" (1f rk K. Ehlbert) plause is to be ...…

March 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 i .. .. .. .... ... . BER ASSOCIATE PRESS iated Press is exclusively entitled for republication of all news dis- ited to it or not otherwise credit- paper and also the local news crein. ewspaper at the University of Published every morning except ing the university year. t the postoffice at Ann Arbor as matter. nn Arbor Press Building. Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. ations not to exceed Soo words r notices of events wi...…

March 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…imes in 23 field ttle for- ery, the combin- as a for- e game playing he pivot second received a valuable addition to his quintet when George Halas, a formert captain of an Illinois five, joined thef squad. The other members of the1 team have developed into much more signs point to a very satisfactory close tr to their schedule. av George Hurphy, ex-'19L, Being Treated w George Murphy, ex-'19L, of Harbor Ibe 1. 11, II i I; ae a next 1 ...…

March 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…at ." at .9. opera, at tltt ay, and Sat- * * I l Holmes in Red Gap." Fanny Ward Also Mack in "On Service Ierry in * edy, "A * ade - John Barrymore in es." Also Christie Comedy, Wakes Up.". AT THE MAJESTIC 'Ruggles of Red Gap," is a typical stern drama, with Taylor Holies the role of a ranchman of the wild d woolly variety. The scenes of the ture were taken in Arizona, and production is featured by the wild .e of Taylor Holmes on the b...…

March 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 115) • Page Image 5

…MICHIGAN DAILY IGH morale and neat appearance are inseperable -in business and profess- ional life as well as in the fighting force. You men who control the destiny of industrial America will find the qual- ities you need-the snap of youth, the dignity of age, the refinement of ex- perience and the acme of value--best expressed in Y) Smart (Oothes NDENSCHMITT APFEL & O. -TA i ,,- - , , / , , _ -.. -, 1 . I --- A BUNCH OF ROSES is a gi...…

March 14, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1.2Y U L J tiJI, 1 ri iRl "-- .e. "1918" Models! g Slippers Evenin in unlimited 'les. They it, Black or h of gold or r fashioned nted vamps, and artistic red heels. or Colonial Y - r 1 f S y i ( g , , _ k s /a . 5 _;' ' . , : d s r All sizes le A to D._ and alk-O ver Boot Sop R J. Hoffstetter, Prop. 115 S. Main St. . v - y nts of the University of Michigan spect our new line of very smart models in >ung Men's To...…

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