December 08, 1917

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December 08, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…, ,. tranyrn at II a PRi f AT A:5)D N. {~ ) /r' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1917. F II 11 S I SWISS INAUGURATE 10-HOUR SCHEDULE I UUnII F ELD L COMPLETES TIONS FOR T AT CAMPUS r Only int to Necessary Be Measure Passed by Federal Council Because of Economic Neces. sity Zurich, Dec. 7. Confronted on the one hand by the grow- ing socialistic and workingmen's agitation, and on the other by the necessity of econo...…

December 08, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

… ..... les from their faces, nor of their conversa- bs incessantly in their ::ey are busy at theirI and thl 3when Under such conditions concentration University of is imnpos~ible. The student's de.;ire to crning except get the most out of his studies should year. AnArbor as not be questioned; his professors~ ding. should realize that he cannlot be ex- ial, 2414. pected to make as high grades as in ed 300 words former years wvhen his compani...…

December 08, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…Ge Thant 9 Wolverines Will Play 7 Games Next Fall Instead of Usual Ten About the only thing certain re- garding the 1918 football schedule of he University of Michigan is the fact hat the Wolverines wil play seven' ames instead of ten. The rule of the Western Conference, which limits the tumber of football contests, will not be unwelcome here. It has been said nany times on the campus, that the ame schedule this season may had something to...…

December 08, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…00, will start Monday, and other channels that rely on this :cept the cement work source of capital to a considerable y soldier labor. I extent. This was the substance of completion of the gym- original statistics presented by William SI IJ tnouu110E UtIJL FORIBYWTH ALIENS. The nasium the camp Y. M. C. A. auditor- ium will house the athletic events, c while the government theater takes - care of the shows. The theater was at open this even...…

December 08, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 59) • Page Image 5

…L I 1 LP i E w NIHI 8 YKOOER ay. The recruit soon a soldier-trim, smart, success- --ou Bloch Suit for the man who wants to MORE MEAT AND RAIN BEING EXPORTED TO ALLIES Washington, Dec. 7. - Statements made in Chicago papers to the effect that meatless and wheatless days were beginning to show up as a failure, have called forth a denial from Food Ad- ministrator Hoover. "Results from meatless days have for the first time created a sufficie...…

December 08, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 59) • Page Image 6

…LRMY SHOE Regulation IUNSON LAST HUM COACH Tlraek TIONAL SPOHTS FARRELL DRIVES PUPILS IN )AILY GRIND There will be no hike tomorrow aft- ernoon for the men in the military companies under Lieut. George C. Mul- len. )ivi" t"rv Cawlidates Await Days Competition With "Big '"en""Teams of V wi 3" its, ti" ; . .. ill RaYf.. G ! 9 O O ONE OF THE BEST I Compari4,, . uNpasO Large Shipment Just Arrived All sizes and widths Regulation or Oil T...…

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