November 28, 1917

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November 28, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Z1tr!T &U J1t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1917. Fl ti BOARD NION 5 PRESIDENT'S THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATIN '"""ULLIES CONFER IN PARIS S Oi N UFIED WAR PLAN QUOTA $4,000 F IN ity tor am in chigan branch versity Union Prof. C. B. V The :s had ns re- e, any ir ac- as a itself blica- publica- d be im- this time . "We have been given the opportunity to serve mankind, as we once served ourselves in the great day of our De...…

November 28, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…U~o ree n I .11 flour became scarce the other were also scarce on dough. -0 Keep the food pledge in the kitchen well as in the front window. ISPIRIT WRONG C 'EM" AND NOT' DS" HEARD AT 4 MEETING. "MICHIGAN FOOTBALL e L.l ics i re the Editor, The Michigan Daily: teach Those who seek evidence in score- ditor board records appear to be of one [anager mind in pronouncing Michigan's past Carey rk, Jr football season more or less of a fai...…

November 28, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…TILT II Ill LII FOR INITIAL PRACTICE NORE TIAN 6 TRY-OUTS FIGHT FOR PLACES ON BASKET- BALL TEAM MINNESOTA OR CHICAGO MAY BE ON WOLVERINE SCHED- ULE Football Hot Chocolate and d $4.50 Co. MAIN STREET ,! NOW SERVING PUBLIC FOR .v ~ '. I Small or too Large it right 117 Pearl Ypsilanti amr Although Michigan's 1918 football schedule will not be arranged for some time yet, there has been no little speculation as to the teams which...…

November 28, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…'ENSifWl ill ii lb Ye' L NEWS Fabrics e hard to get. But despite of all-wool fabrics in the men's stylish clothes are on nt you can't afford to over- d suit that is truly LM One-third of Quota Reached in First Day's Drive; Committee Confident Subscriptions for the Knights of Columbus war fund among the citi- zens of Ann Arbor for the first day of the drive, which started yesterday morning, were announced last night by the city commi...…

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