November 20, 1995

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November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…V it One hundredfive years of editorialfreedom 14 j Weather Tonight: Cloudy, low 300. Tomorrow: Scattered snow showers, high in the 30s. Monday November 20, 1995 Vol.cvl O. 71"99 tieNl hgan ail Regents approve Code, 7-1 By Amy Klein Daily Staff Reporter The new Code of Student Conduct became policy on Friday when the University Board of Regents voted 7-1 to implement the code permanently - with a review in three years. Regent Deane Ba...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 1995 SHUTDOWN Continued from Page 1A Clinton and Congress still have a lot of negotiating left and if they can- not resolve their deep differences, the government could again be shut down next month after the expiration of the temporary measure negotiated yes- terday. Senate Minority Leader-Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.) and White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, said the Democrats would be able to pr...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

… ILOCAL/STAIrt The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 1995 - 3A -international workshops on wrld cultue .heduled The University's International In- stitute is offering a series of work- shops that will concentrate on art, ,literature, music and theater around the world. The five workshops scheduled cover Africa (Nov. 18), South and Southeast Asia (Jan. 27), China and Japan (Feb1 10), the former Soviet Union and East- ern Europe (March 23)...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 1995 (Tbr dI~uiguu &i Ig JAms M. NAsH ON THE RECORD 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI Street 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MICHAEL ROSENBERG Editor in Chief JULIE BECKER JAMES M. NASH Editorial Page Editors The t'n.lA ofa student body president in, search ofhIi ideals Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion ofa majority of the Daily's ...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 5

…Vae Widn OaFathers and sons To celebrate their new books, 'Beyond Translation' and 'The Shield of Achilles and the Poetics of Ekphrasis,' A.L. Becker and Andrew Sprague Becker, respectively, will read at Shaman Drum at 4p.m. Free. P Page 5A Monday, November 20, 1995 James Bond is back with a vengeance A reach beyond By Christopher Corbett Daily-Arts Writer Early in "Goldeneye," James Bond plants explosives in a chemical-weap- ons plant. Doz...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 1995 uE-7 I! '6 BDRM. CAMPUS HOUSE, Arch St. Very nice, furnished. Prkg. w/ 2 car garage, all amenities incl. fireplace and Idry. May lease. $2150. 426-4772. 6 BDRM. HOUSE, Arch and Pakcard. Parking, laundry, dishwasher, 2 baths., furnished, large bedrooms, May lease. $2040. 426-9437. 6 BDRM. HOUSES. Walnut & Linden. Lar- ge bdrms., pkng., dishwasher, fireplace, Indy., Nicely furnished. May & Se...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 7

… ]5, killed i Imbn of embassy Los Angeles Times NEW DELHI, India-With the dev- astating car bombing of the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan yesterday, Islamic hard-liners battling the Cairo govern- ment have apparently carried their ter- ror campaign to foreign soil. Pakistani Foreign Minister Sardar Aseff Ahmad All said the "dastardly" attack in the capital, Islamabad, which killed 15 people and left scores more inijured, was the work of a suicid...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 8

…8A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 1995 Panavision yields a new point of view The Tafelmusik orchestra, low s o By Matthew Steinhauser Daily Arts Writer Tafelmusik - one of the continent's premier period performance groups - took all in attendance at Rackham Au- ditorium Wednesday evening back to the 17th century for an evening of Ba- roque music. The performance featured the music of Henry Purcell in the 300th yearafterthe Engl...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 9

…altre irbichj fla (2) Ohio St. 42, Indiana 3 (3) Florida 38, Vanderbilt 7 (4) Tennessee 34, Kentucky 31 (5) Northwestern 23, Purdue 8 (6) Florida St. 59, Maryland 17 (9) Colorado 27, (7) Kan. St. 17 (8) Notre Dame 44, Air Force 14 (10) Texas 27, Texas Christian 19 UCLA 24, (11) Southern Cal 20 (19) Penn St. 27, (12) Michigan 17 (20) virginia Tecn t>, (13) virginia 2 Louisiana St. 28, (14) Arkansas 0 (15) Kansas 22, Oklahoma St. 17 (16) Orego...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 10

…2B - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 20, 1995 Brownlee, O'Donnell shine in last home game Women head to Iowa for NCAAs I . st By Doug Stevens Daily Sports Writer Cliff Keen Arena will not be the same in the future. - Michigan fans will no longer have the opportunity to watch the performances of two of the finest players in school his- tory. Saturday's match with Penn State was the last home contest in the illustri- ous...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 20, 1995 - 3B Qusto &Anwer Jim Harbaugh DARREN EVERSON Darren to be Different Cane 7r' Surely, Mr. Roberson, my application got lost in the mail. I sent you a job application a couple of weeks ago - it was for an opening in your athletic department - but I bet some Cliff Clavin look-alike mistak- enly dropped it down a gutter or something. That has to be it. Otherwise, if you got my appl...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 12

…4B - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 20, 1995 rI PENN ZTT 7, MICH G1 No time to wallow; Buckeyes are conning Michigan puts loss to Nittany Lions behind as it prepares for No. 2 Ohio State GAME STATISTICS PASSING Player Richardson Totals RUSHING Player Al Pitts 1 Enis 1 Witman 1 Archie Milne Nastasi C-A Yds TDint 17-31 193 2 0 17-31193 2 0 By Antoine Pitts Daily Sports Editor STATE COLLEGE - The Michi- gan football team...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 20, 1995 - 5B -....A... Pitts proves that it is possible to run against Michigan's line U"U By Scott Burton Daily Sports Writer STATE COLLEGE--Perhaps it's not so strange that someone finally proved it's possible to run against Michigan's defense. After all, the Wolverines play in a conference with the best running-back talent in the nation and something, at sometime, had to give. What i...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 14

…(% - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 20, 1995 A. Muckalt stars before parents By John Leroi Daily Sports Writer Bill Muckalthadnot seenhis parents in along, long time. But that is what happens when you live almost 3,000 miles away. The sophomore's parents were in Ann Arbor for the first time this Friday for Parents Weekend. And Muckalt didn't disappoint. He had a hand in all but two of the Wolverines' goals Friday, not...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 15

… BASKETRA ... The Michigan Daily - SPQRTSMnnday . -- Monday, November 20, 1995 - TB The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday. November 20. 1995 - 7R ;0ona to i nw esquad veFisher was a sarcastic guy after Friday night's game. Sure the Michigan basketball coach was happy -his team had just WA1Ho6d Weber State, 80-62 - but he knew itwas just the second game of the seasorBetter opponents will soon follow',eginning Wednesday with Arizonain ...…

November 20, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 37) • Page Image 16

…j / / % 8B -T he Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, November 20, 1995 SPORTS CAI.ENr-,-. NATIONAL COLLEGE FOOTBALL STANDINGS WMEB Poll Red:a FZtu+Ln i Atlantic Coast Conference ConferenceC Florida St. 7-1-0 Virginia 7-1-0 F Clemson 6-2-0 1 Georgia Tech 5-3-0 # Maryland 4-4-0 North Carolina 3-4-0 N.C. St. 2-5-0 Duke 1-7-0 Wake Forest 0-8-0 Overall 9-1-0 8-4-0 8-3-0 6-4-0 6-5-0 5-5-0 3-7-0 3-8-0 1-10-0 Southern Mississippi 35, SW L...…

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