January 27, 1924

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January 27, 1924 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 The World- Looking Into Our Bierne Artist E u iVoiffuls ROBERT BARTRON HENDERSONE ucational NEWELL BEBOUT Translator's Preface: Gifted with mistaken for subtle literature and a precognition of impending events prosey novelty regarded as great act-; and cursed with a propensity toward ing; in this day, I say, when all forms "soft-buzzing slander," Hoffman von of art iron novels to th...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 2

…PANE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1921 And for the evening I was lucky canrh to Net asngle for filter Hamoden's yrano (e Bergerac. CONCERNING11ow To G(TdTHERE Those who, a cople of weeks ago, read my first itnere oaso'Trinity Clhurch and the Woolworth Building will know that I had cheked my~ bag and was making mny headuarers t te Commtodare: Htel. Fromis there it is noft. at to the National Theater, so I took the say'potiynt ...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 1924 "rUr AATI"%IATn w wr r-. , ~ % , 1tiE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE EDUCATIONAL real self so deep that no one can pen- MIRRORS etrate to it. As long as men continue (Continued froio Page One) to suhscribe, whether sincerely or cept theories such as those of Meikle- hypocritically, to the usual idealistic john, we let ourselves be the prey of line about education, the young Amer- any student with the least degree of ican wi...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAiLa SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 i -- I BIERNE VOIFFULS E C o1 (Continued from Page One) sommes si nuls quand nous ne vivons ORLANDO BEEDE pas!" (My friend! I shall linger yet a few hours in the world. We are The Comedy Club recently present- poor, foolish creatures when we live; ed two one-act plays: "The Key" by but we are such ciphers if we do not Ferenc Molnar and "At the Hawk's live!"-L.XXVIII). Well" by William B...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 5

…SUINDAY, JANUARY 27, 19241 THE MICHI1GAN DAILY PAGE F11' names wanders through every high- describes such minor academic souis class mclodrama, go back to the desert" as Jean Huguenot's husband wit. S to die, with many remarks anent the delicacy and sympathy. But Jean her- 13 G O K SThe cover of the volume forms a makes raer a fizzle of her. He knows ______________________pleasing contrast tn the sober, de- we ese pain ta it is honbu situat...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SU' ) DAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 PAGE SIX THE MICHiGAN DAILY SU NDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 Jean Huguenot. It is a hopeless feat. Yes, my Marguerite is a very who, becoming gardener-desired to a a lofty and steep rock, and I see the woman, finally a third time come into isky affair, even at the piano. convent so physically declined in moist cloud which envelopes the head a haven. Twice is enough-this is health that he wa...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 7

…SL \ DAY, JANUARY 27, 192 t THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SE VEN eli t x nextd o suiit to pressed thlen WHITE SWAN will call for it. Clean or press it perfectly promptly. We'l L - 11 bring a cash crd wie nt $5.00cforn$4.50 $.50 for $2.25 You pay us for the cash card then just call us when you have work. It's very onvenient.* You save 10Cco WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY CO. Please Clean and Pras attached clothing and re- Press i tan d to n l . . Bring ca...…

January 27, 1924 • Page Image 8

… PAL.4 EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 1924 PALSEI~h TH MIC-HGN DALY SNDA, JAUAR 27.192 \/'G j 1 --~ Frocks That Will Grace the Fairest at the 1924 J-Hop The novel setting chosen for the 1924 J-Hop, picturing the glittering arctic land, the scintillating music, and the bold black and white of the masculine attire, will form a decidedly picturesque background for the alluring gowns of the feminine dancers. Pastel shades of geo...…

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