March 19, 1922

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March 19, 1922 • Page Image 1

…4r Mtr igan tal SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1922 An International Center of Learning at Brussels (By Virginia Tryeo) be catalogued and distributed to the the development of such things as the work was divided into two parts-one In these days of the development of world. The main idea with which the railroad and telegraph-all these dealing with the formation of a sub- a spirit of internationalism, which be- center has...…

March 19, 1922 • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 19 2 _ __ - ..« . " s visi ,a ",i..{_ a _ .. W r .r v.a d uj cvwu t I ilqe rhsinn's First Nvel l of American critics of Scandinavian (iso of the 0001 interesting of the literature., Among the nomeroos-liter- fis f irst novels by Americans tin- ary works to his credit are translations esoced for publication this Springl of p1ays by Strindherg, lBjornson, by Alfred A. Knopf is "The Soul of a IBer...…

March 19, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MARCH'tl it 12THEi MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE___ A inter-Spo rts Project (113 W. IBernard Bull1 i-r) a prt of the incomte for amortization! of studet poplaion fall o t 'cantiatetokey wil tbe given a great sloa- Mlaking the Boulevard the stamping iof the fist cost of the project andtinte ps neat' thne engieeing shops. Thus los. In addition, the gradual lopes ground of sinter sports (laing the rettaittder t meet the operating cost. ie se th...…

March 19, 1922 • Page Image 4

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1922 AN INTERNATIONAL CENTER cess. In the year of its operation n A OF LEARNING AT BRUSSELS thirteen universities haveassisted by An A gume t fo Relgionsending professors fromt the various (Continued from Page 1) countries to give lectures, and by (oniribute rn by Hope Stoddard) Pth. 1 wonder which man fears sociations, the work being done by iorking, as much as they were able, Maybe 1 don't need...…

March 19, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MRCHtas ,l 1y2- THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE The Short Stories are Marked "Absent" (y (l. D. E.) But I do not blame them. Between Agnes Repplier, and the pious Paul , ine has, at any rate, fortified my prayers and text-books they have Elmer More who tried to make a high: apinion that the women in the univer- In the early dush of autumn the never had a chance, and they have church deacon of Nietzsche. O. Henry, sities are farther advance...…

March 19, 1922 • Page Image 6

…_______THEI MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 122 and six precedng ]pgesastOwell) Iles-1 oting to wome n. Thee is aothr ontntewoian, cntrin, f curematter under the heading The Pro- 0iooks and AuLt~hz,-~ tros xesonoghtx nth at a u ncuig lo cess of Delotsisn." It is a subject on suh elightfulaccteessories as a ock- wtichoe feels strotngly. Perlaps "I3N DEFEiNSE of WOMEN" lBut int slite of thoe fattotha toets tail ot' two, ao divano anti ...…

March 19, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, NI'H lii, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINEr "THE EVOLUTrION OF C'[VILIZA- The reaunme of these varioos cut- lovers. Such occasions and souts liter-WT TIOY"lures shows a remarkably slow growvth ati, are rare, but among them, let Bty Joseph Mctabe ofahge{oaiy h esa there lbe enrolled Robert Nathan, who, "ascetic Self-denial" rnns through it, (V Rteview by It. 1). s.) sbuothwoliwaprti in his "Autumn" (McBride) has dens- Joseph Mc~'abe, in...…

March 19, 1922 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE S;(NDAY, MARCH 19, 1922 _ iook andAuthosdoesnmteFt hirpoe ' E tTIKES HAVE CZLn lt(1- AGiED) Suich was the case ten years ags; ablywen toschol imslf.Therea (I3t E R.lI. m inc thn te tmeshave changed, (Continued from IPage i) point is--the why of titis ceremony of The titmes have changed in many ways,' And styles htave had an awful blosv, Thie book is evenly written--never setmester nsarks. The styles and nmanners t...…

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