November 21, 1954

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November 21, 1954 • Page Image 1

…FILMS, MUSIC, FEATURES, 4 flA JH SPORTS, FASHIONS 4IL54UI I( J, THE SUNDAY MAGAZI NE u. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 ltcA Inter-An e. sy B; PHILIP B. TAYLOR e Asuk,iiii P'rof'eo t Iepart en, of Politi science N NOVEMBER 22, the nations of the Organization of American States will Smeet at Rio de Janeiro for an Inter- American Economic Conference. The Latins long have looked for the chance to pin down United States eco- nomic policy toward thems...…

November 21, 1954 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 SCHWEITZER, THOREAU: IntellectualEscapism: Einstein as Plumber By ROY AKERS pie, studied the startling news the men living today Dr. Albert THE OTHER day we happened to thoroughly, stroking the pipe Einstein is one of the best known be sitting in a local beanery, wrench on his lap all the while for and the most loved. one of the more elegant of the composure. He finished reading, Few men...…

November 21, 1954 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE By D " WASN'T sponsibi Doppmann, calling his ance at the cinnati's Sy } Doppmann W. Naumbu. Award and Award last r--rson to w .as weli as bI sity student aels Memor The Naum sors a debut rown Hall Hall recital Doppman Benning D of Music, Moore of telegram af ing comm York Press. "High praise ed over ar As part o gram, Dopp Barber...…

November 21, 1954 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 Single Faculty Members Show Ingenuity IVING for the most part on a small scale, single teaching fel- lows and instructors on the Univer- sity faculty exhibit ingenuity in their ability to convert their living quarters into living room, kitchen, bedroom and study. 44 Durapes, bamboo ,, mg inary efforts and wa':s or. s ly, are used to execui s sary divisions. No sater small the aparline:t...…

November 21, 1954 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 THE MICHIC In Close Quarters N AVID worker of crossword puzzles George Babcock, a teaching fellow in the zoology de- partment, shares a small and well- packed one-room apartment, which includes berom study and ltch- All s If lurniture ranging m a n table to orange cr dinthe Babcock in- Q t'i igars, pipcs and Se cock explained, "ci- ears often too expensive and ~' pipes are too much Itroubte to bother with when I'm not...…

November 21, 1954 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Largest Synchrotron Analog SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1954 'M' Stars Wax, Wane In 3 Years I AN ULTRA-HIGH-ENERGY par- ticle accelerator for nuclear re- search will be constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory with completion expected by 1960. Cost of design and construction Is estimated at 20 million dollars. The Atomic Energy Commission announced that the new machine, an alternating gradient synchro- ton, is des...…

November 21, 1954 • Page Image 7

…UNDAY, NQVEMBER 21, 1954 Y THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN IJNDAY, N~VEMBER 21, 1954T H E MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Items were sketched in local stores by Carol Hillman, '57A Anne Boegehold, '55A made the illustrations and did the layout work. For the past three years, she served as fashion editor for The Grand Rapids Herald. Elaine Kihen, '55Ed. illustrated the articles below. Formal Wear Highlights Fashion Scene Velvets, Cummerbunds Featu...…

November 21, 1954 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY r4 SUNDAY, NOVEMarm z i , i g-)$ PG GHTH MCHGNDIYUNA ...NOVE > .8 r.+ r FOLLOW CODE & SYSTEM: Dull Writers Cause of Film Weakness By WILLIAM WIEGAND ' ness is ordinarily not the fault of scenarios. The film is essentially ing reminiscences are lunatic be- NOW THAT the novelty of Ciner- the Greedy Producers. For some not a theatrical art, but a novelis- cause the film has a simpler way ama, VistaVision and C...…

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