June 30, 1921

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June 30, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…r 47 .pJ TH AINN ARBO0R, MICHIGAN, Ti HURSDAY, JUNE -00, 1921 < 1< Riegent Grant Lage Number~ Of Degre eAt Final ]' eetingOfYear ft1 WIN NO 1-0 S I R A U C K L A N D G I . C ME DE TAMM E S O 1AME, BUT FAILL F DIXON, YA - jTO '.a, IN .UN INITIAL WINS SECOND, ii Kno Cks i loner 111of One thous andl foue- hundred and 'eventeeon degrees, the large3t1num1e over granted at one time in the his- tory of the Uier sity, were voted by te...…

June 30, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…y to have avoid- lnaAmerican, and is G R A H AM TWO O O L 0 FA G3 a A w The whole affair, has, to a considerable extent, assumed the proportions, not so much of a contest between nations for the championship of the world as of a battle between one whom we admire simply for his brawn and one to whom we pay respect be- cause of his reputedgentlenty energy and hero- ism. It is a combat of -man against man, of skill and alertness against br...…

June 30, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…ye .revious high mark. s- ed Subicribe for the Wolverine, $. II yotir tires, repairs storage see Cadillac tge Co. and benefit heir Quick Service Garage CO. ftli Main Street E. Schmit. Prop. ANNOUNCE SUMMER, ECTU REPROGA List Issued by Dean Kraus is Most Complete Ever Offered During Session MANY SUBJECTS OF CURRENT INTEREST TO BE DISCUSSED A complete list of the special lec- tures, concerts, and excursions 'that have been arranged for the...…

June 30, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…and (in ne Tala- 'h School) Hedri cl , 'ions -ora Crated) nization and Supervi- )Dean S. A. Courtis, lege, Detroit. r Ilighl School 1Ma the;- R . Hedrick, Univer- ,Pr * AuguiSt1%) p. m.The Conservation of th Through Food an~l Drug In7- tion, Prof. C. C. Glover. p. m.-Concert. Faculty of fthe ersity School of Music (Hlill aud- August 11 p. in.- The Bicentennial of llett, Prof. R. M. Wvenley. p. m.-E''dicational motion pic- s. At1gulSt12 p....…

June 30, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

…ult in an jnhro be has become a god, endiowed reat con- with all1 the ,vrtues. H-is briliant war ow" with; record is one reason for this, and his to "never keen intelligence and speed in battle 'is another. These things have mad~e him a popular hero of fthe first magni-. * tude, and there is little doubt but that ond his many American's would be glad to see of events the 'championship go over the water f~ a false to France because of this frie...…

June 30, 1921 (vol. 12, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…iU 's party, asking them to t the Manston House in Lay for a conference, )RGANTZE ail CRI ABLER WAR VETERAN S USE AII"HUYEb DIAMMN itman, of Cincinnati. led in the University founder of the na- ion of disabled war to organize a branch is summer. Arbor While a student at the , University of Cincinnati ,Quit"an founded the first chapter, co-operating with the Ohio Mechanical Institute Disabled Soldiers association, in April 1920.' At presen...…

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