August 17, 1918

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August 17, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

… THE ONLY OFFICIAL J~ i4 u rrirwSUMMER NEWSPAPER K No. 23. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1918 PRICE THREE CENVTS ISO HIACHMENT IJISO51 MEN Have Been Examined, Measured for Uniforms, and Assigned to Quarters ALITIES GOOD, SAY OFFICERS he entire number of men in the d University training detachment ived Tuesday. The present detail sists of aproximately 851 men, in- ding 100 members of the signal ps. .t 4:50 o'clock Thursday morning...…

August 17, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…P1AGE TWO WuerthTheater:I Afternoon-2:3 and 4: 0 Evemng-:on, 8:oo and ro:n = Phone-6o-J - PROGRAM FOR AUGUST Sat-7--Wm. Rossellin "Up Romance Road." Also News and Comedy. .- Sunon-&19-Mar gueite Clarksin Rich Mn, Poo a." AsSe- nett Comedy, "Sheriff Nell's Tussle." Tues-Wed-o-2-Charlotte Walker in en." Also Comedy. Thur-Fri-22-z3-W. S.. Hart in "The Hl-Hound or Aask.' Alo Holmes= r els a nd Comedy, "He Got His." Sat-24-Mrs. Vernon Castle in "Th...…

August 17, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…PAGE THRE THE WOLVERINE- THE WOLVERINE PAGE THRI MAJESTIC Seven Days Starting SUN. Aug.18 O S HIS is the picture that has set the world on fire-You've never STseen a picture until you see this one. W. S. Butterfield, Gen. Manager Bigger and Better than "The Birth of a Nation" he Great War is but the ackground to he Wonderful Love Tale Unfolded Genes taken in Picardy nd the village, of Ham DW*LGflFIH' SUPRE E , ;,SKMEIIMT TRIUMPH WoE/Csr...…

August 17, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…YAdi Fou THE WOLVERINE THE DETACHMENT NEW Save the Pieces Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground In our own shop, same day TRY OUR SERVICE. EYES EXAMINED LET US SHOW YOU OUR ARMY AND NAVY FRAMES You Should Have One Haller & Fuller State Street Jewelers, BOOKS FOR SOLDIERS Moss--Manual of Military Training-----------------.$2.25 Moss-Officers' Manual--------------------------- 2.50 Ellis & Garey-Plattsburgh Manual-...----------------2.oo Infantry Dril...…

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