July 10, 1915

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July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…TIMES A WEEK, 75c SUMMER NEWSPAPER AT YOR OO TREii:WOVIII NII H NYOFCA Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1915 No. 8 UB1 PLAYS FIBSI CAME its Victors Over Laws In Pitchers Battle ini Wbiils but Six hlits Figure PLAY TWO MORtE GAWPS TODJAY By Halp Church Surprisingly goosd ball featured the opening game of the Vacation leagoe Friday afterooon, is which the Lits u, pset the legal lights hy a 4 to 2 count. Both teams fieldeds w...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THlE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The ose o f Fsams lays by Fasss Players. July io, Sat,-"A Child of God." July 2-13-14, Maa.-T"e.-Wcii.-. Mary P'ickford as "Fie iesalae CricketC" Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME Sat. July as-MARY' PICK ORD in THE EAGLEV'S MATE+. Sun. July CI - THE, BLUR MOUSE, MADGE LEI"SSI:NG. Sundayontosshow z pim.tio aIn ALL SEATS 10 CENTS THE WOLVERIINE IisT.evofficial studet 1espaper for t1 UlIih el ...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE F We charge you nothing for devel- oping roll films if you can find a single defect Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing in Ann Arbor is at L Y N D 0 N'S, 719 North University Avenue (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) Established 1905, and growing bigger every day J h PRINTS ON VELOX (the best paper mnade) Ai 1a yl Made to your measure Palm Beach The Summer Comfort Cloth In a variety of shad...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE IYASII iON BARJBI OUTIlNEIS PRESENT DAY IE 1I SH ('UI,''I'RfE Asserts Our Public Sclhools Faill o 'leieh C (haracter Iluildiung Rtabbi Abram Sheon, tier Jewish Chatauqua society lecturer, comepleted Iis history of Jewish education. Thurs- day by outlining the modern era in the culture of hie race. The mod- emn era, in reality begins with the latter part of thec eighteenth century, according 1o Dr. Simon. Fur it wcasn't until Mos...…

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