August 03, 1912

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August 03, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…At Yeir [beor Three 1 ite ade m Eeeige Week, 75eo mres VOL. III. ANN ARBOR, MICHI1GAN, S[.' I It) tY, AGUST 3,-1912. ME IS TUMBLE-PPR CME O 11 1'"CR1 SON Hia"iia J41-SesT ""y Cp fTO L ITS I N -OPEN E lMAKE"1i~i~Xr2 op e Idesn Fnises n Tlj n Se= Saw Librarian Koch has recently pro- Proe'ioils to, Stige Famcion 1,911 AI~ue f lii'heuing Scen cured an old newspaper, printed in M ieICop iIirn Erros . ~ Ann, arbor in 1839. The paper was Eros l.foun...…

August 03, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE it was nearly fifteen minutes after -- the hour before the professor appear- MOTION PICTURES SUM ER SCHOO L $Ot lh The official newspaper of the sum-1 ed. 7 SD O mrssino-teUiestof WarnocrtcsnthstdnsE AMichigan, published Tuesday, Thurs- who staid, nor are we justifying the EXTR o * ~ day, and Saturday afternoons, man who left. We simply relate the Temple1 Theat re O WIHincident to show the totally different TO -. Ad...…

August 03, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…THE' WOLVISRINMe WHTESTR N WHARIFFour OF RISWOL L' -d' : :.; til F i For a Delighttal all Dayi 6eting oh t> 1etfotl ;t tli1 K ri _ all iiugsr i ciitioni.;fr ~n~ so .ei 1 i t1i~ae ea" t lscil L -_ Far aa AterdaaaRt hide to St. Clici Fit. 1w 'h lio E00 1 o o -o.t r"l Hurlon .i ofts talke theCity of 'oloto'at 23 .. ..dtc. I FURNIS INXW I 11SK 1 7) iflls . ,1t1E.: -.odistc A u. 1 L5 -i A.x'2.~ ic,.t~c I i 6 $1 New't ceo slintoitti i It(...…

August 03, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…THE rO1VdiILINER FRISK' IYOUNC lA I KI N . Perhaps it was Mary's lamb, for Mary Was headed towasrd a ote o'clock. Perhapa it seas starting something like a 'Boll Moose" moe- ment, or the anlitussing crusade in Ypsi. The fact is it was there, ontos. lng the kids and the co-eds on theE canmpus and holding an imtprompttu re-' ception for anyone who careud to stroke its fleecy coat.. But along camnea yelping hoon' doh and several olflte local Boy...…

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