July 13, 1912

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July 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…E5At Your Door TreeFifteen Hundred Sm- Evenings a Woek, 75r VOa,. II1. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912. No. 8. EXPLAIN WORKINGS OF STEAM-ROLL.ER! 'acutly 31(11 Join in Telling Their Personal Impressions of Conventions. DELEGAITES SEATED 1'IY FRAUD. Professor J. S. Reeves and Profes- sor J. I. Laane, of Washington and Lee University, who is giving several courses in the summer session, gave, in a joint lecture yesterday aftern...…

July 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE 0WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE, SCOOL OF MSS TO GIVE Published Tuesday, Thursday and -- Saturday afternoons by the students Mr. Albert Lockwood, of the School of te Uivesityof t~ihi~a sumerof Music, assisted ty Mrs. Jessie Dick- session. Communications will bo printed only ein-Read(10a1(1hiss Orate Johnson, will whens signed, although writer's name give a conceri, next Tuesday evening, will be withheld on reqsuest.Noticse July 1t, at eight o'...…

July 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE WHITE STAR LINE WlnIA OT DR O 71 ~Fr a Dlihtul all Day oting oss th beatsifuslSi. Clair Ri ake t~ thstemer i'tsti.,,tany morns'ting 33oSte a.. q-FrtrnnSat v r uon$ o tsstlys in ., Nj t isstt 715 i lty ittel x . S tin Stweek esths i ' -Fr ans Ateraoon id t tS. Cair Fits, Ttthst m k ar rP = y _Isv sluro w y pts tasketie"City o 'Tedo".at'i?.3oyp.mt. IN=DOOR GARDEN Playing High Class Vaudeville -AND-= Superior Photoplays 3 shows ni...…

July 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVsi]RINE THE WEATHER Thunder showers this after- noon and evening; Sunday prob- ably fair. TEACHERS-BE IN IT By learning to operate the typewriter correctly and rapidly. Full course on- ly $5.00. School of Shorthand, 5-8. 711 N. Univ. Ave. Have the BEST MUSIC ni your own home. The VICTOR VICTROLA furn- ishes the best the country affords. The University Music House, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Carries a complete line of machines and...…

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