December 09, 1956

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December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… Stu dent-Faculty-A dminis ra tion Talk Reviewed By ALLAN STILLWAGON, DALE MCGHEE,1 and EDWARD GERUILDSEN Delegates to the Union's Student-Faculty-Administration con- ference yesterday heard University President Harlan Hatcher refer to the meeting as "unparalleled" in other institutions. He pointed out that there was "no other example" of a conference 'attended not only by students, but by the President, three vice- presidents, deans, and s...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 195 PAGE TWO Tonight at 8:15 P.M., SUSAN GLASPELL'S W INHERITORS A forceful, fighting play that takes a stand. Ann Arbor's PROFESSIONAL Arena Theatre Group Urges Drug Caution Social implications of the use of tranquilizer drugs by industrial workers and the need for caution against frequent use of penicillin as a "cure all," highlighted the scientific session of the eighth Ann Arbor Discussional a...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

… DECEMBER 9, 1956 THE MICHIGAN, DAILY PAGL TIMIM DECEMBER 9,1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TItREE i'Vebraska Downs Cagers, 736-0; Icers ictorious 'Vichigan Trails from Start :n Game.Delayed by Snow SPORT SHORTS: Pitt Defeats Miami Eleven, 14-7 By The Associated Prs '4f Special To The Daily LINCOLN, Neb. -- A harrowing is ride and some generally trying >nditions led to a disappointing 1-60 defeat of Michigan's basket- 1ii team by Ne...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BYS TUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 TWO VIEWS FROM SOUTH ASIA: Indians, Pakistanis Discuss Kashmir "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all r...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…MEMM SUN-DAY, DECEMBER 9,1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Inn SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9,1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PTV~ £New Orleans' Jazz Will Accent k J-Ho p's 'La Rue Basin' Theme Seven Coeds' Engagements Recently Announced - I BY ELEANOR GOLDBERG "Basin Street" complete with American jazz comes to Ann Arboi F'eb.r 4 and 5. With "La Rue Basin," as theme the 1957 J-Hop Central Committe( is planning a "gay atmospheric setting" for couples att...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHMAN DILLY PAGE SIX THE MICHI G ANT DILLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 195S SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1959, Good Cards, Bad Luck Can Often W/in Game I . ... 11 it DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN II' By EDGAR SIMO,NS Daily Bridge Columnist N 4 A73 V A3 * A,654 a. K762 4 W KQJ854 KJ9 10853 4 S 962 KQ1065 82 A4 4 E 10 J9872 Q1073 QJ9 4 W 14 P discarded his remaining diamond. East, having no more spades, could lead only a diamond or a ...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

…Mm :L"4 1 11 :.....":":: {{{ L: .." }:'';{ : * * *r ~~"Y4 * %0000rlmmo - Immmmommmommm- ~ ai - A - A __. _-_A M r -- -- & _-. - _. __.- . __.- A . 1. . -ft - -% - 3& - Jv - AL -i"79M + fr !*sv +rvwe7'w's+m's il+n7*ny++nfrsrpYv+ '1r,'+r/ri+ry+§r'WYi+ vyVy '+rF' rw+'0 " '.+pis' O '+h +a "+ y'+ 's+ad§ ' 'w w++c irs sr+i9 + iy'+ni '+Po Ywd'i" '+nis'y E MAKE. A LIST: Check it with The Daily Christmas Supplements to Know Where to Buy...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 8

…SECT OM TWA-PANE TWO TH MCHIGAN DAILY SMMAT, DEC ;MB M 9, SECTION TWO-?AOE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. DKCE?4B~R 9. im GIFT SUGGESTIONS a Clock radios Hi Fi equipment AM-FM Radios HI F1 STUDIO 1317 South University HOLIDAY Charles Dickens comments in one of his works, "And I do come home at Christmas. We all do, or we all should. We all come home, or ought to come home, for a short holiday - the longer, the better - from the great boa...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 9

… SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1956 TH MCMGAN DAILY SECTION TWO-PAGE THREIP. ~UYDAY, DEVEMBER 9, lOSS TILE MICHIGAN DAILY SECTION TWO-PAGE THREE Snow, Yule Considered Synonomous There's something about snow, at Christmas that traditionallyJ , completes the holiday season. Christmas brings to many minds the hope of slowly falling snow- flakes, gliding silently and peace- fully from the Heavens. As one coed said. "Without a snowfall Christmas Just is...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 10

…I TWO-PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN (DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1958 TWO-PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEM~BER 9,1956 ALBERT E. WARNHOFF: For 30c .. . Try our malts and Real 'Santa' Bright( sh k s ...finest on c m u By ROSE PERLBERG. -.x ByhROSE PERLcaRpus/ "So that night I go to bed and1 This is the story of Ann Arbor's think about those children and 'Saint Nick' - of a man who pretty soon I think up a new de- would "rather see a child...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 11

… , DECEMBER 9, 1956 THE MICHIGAN '.DAILY SECTION TWO-PAGE FIVE DECEMBER 9,1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SECTION TWO-s-PAGE FIVE JUST AREN'T KEPT: New Year's Resolutions Present Big Problems By SARAH DRASIN Resolutions and New Year's just seem to go together like fire- crackers and the Fourth of July. The newness of the year in- spires even the most apathetic in- dividuals to wipe the slate clean and try again. Everyone makes New Year's resolut...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 9.1956 i .,T . v + r v vvv 'Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus' CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY: Christmas Represents Spiritual, Moral Rebirth By GERALD LUNDY Evidence of the holiday season is present everywhere. Gifts are being given and re- ceived. Brotherly love and good- will is at a peak. Joy and laugh- ter create a genial and gay at- mosphere. People are crowding pews i...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 13

… SUNDAY, DECEIMER 9, 1956 THE MCHIGAN DAILY SECTION TWO-PAGE SEVEN IUD Y E E B R1156T E M C I A A L EC I N T O P G E E . Decorations Make 'Spirit' Of Yuletide w By BEVERLY GINGOLD Sparkling, multi-colored ascen- sion balloons will make "Spirits Soar at Christmas" in the League cafeteria beginning tomorrow through Christmas vacation. The design and construction of the balloons was the three-week project of 25 elementary educa- tion studen...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 14

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9,1956 I9F,'PTdW 'FTfl.....P ACTSLW UTIG F . Y THE MICHIGAN DAILY a oaa:aavn : rv a -r av rU cykp4V CsPO § COLOR PRINTS Living Units Enjo Yule" Celebrations Many housing units on campus celebrate the holiday season with typical holiday meals and after dinner entertainment. Helen Newberry Residence hasI 'MY FAIR LADY': Elegance Describes Fashions FEW OFFICIAL DUTIES: Hatcher Family Relaxes Over Christmas Holiday By ...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 15

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY ItTrNnAV- TirV.W.MIVllt. 6 1 fiNR PLANS BEGUN LAST JANUARY: 'U' Hospital Plans Yule Parties i e : : :: By RICHARD TAUB be given stockings to hang at the Children in University hospital 1 foot of their beds. Hospital teach- certainly won't have a dull Christ-e .p mas. ers will have been keeping separ- Plans have been underway since ate stockings and filling them last January for this year's yule- with gifts, many of whi...…

December 09, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 67) • Page Image 16

…I S E CTTION Twc --PAGT TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, D DER 9, 1956 . SECTON WO-AGE EN HE ICHIAN AIL SUNAYDECMBER9.Al"5 #/el are 17 Mendeqfu! e&aqy% to j~ars Ixemny Ch.4majs $n $ ~~PST-IMPRESSION ISM3 JOHN REWALD's brilliant account of THE FIRESIDE BOOK OF the post-impressionist period, from Van BASEBALL $ pOS4NPR S$'0Gogh to Gauguin. A milestone in the ro history of art. 489 plates, 47 in. full col- 394 big (7 x 10) pages of the game's ...…

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