May 06, 1954

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May 06, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…1 j[1:4 r ATOMIC WAR IN INDOCHINA? See Page 4 itt mi 4 ~Iait1i ._ ; a -'!. " -a ... . Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIV, No. 150 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954° CLOUDY, WARMER SIX PANG ES Trace History O ICmmttees. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of editorials and inter- pretive articles dealing with the question of Congressional investigating Committees and civil liberties. Readers are reminded that the ...…

May 06, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MAY 6. 1954 'rrnrRWWJ"nAv AYA1fq R f DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Dcily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day precedin...…

May 06, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMmE THURSDAY. MAY 6, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A MrA dLIiTU.Rl 51 Pi Lams Whin b PERENNIAL PESSIMISM: op Stb iilt Eliot Fears illinil - > By LEW HAMBURGER Weak at Tackle, End BOBBING ALONG: 'Bobs' Monopolie Four Slots On 'Aet Squad - By DAVE GREY The success of the Michigan Varsity tennis team, according to captain Al Mann, lies in the rel- atively unheralded play of the "fourBobs"-Bob ...…

May 06, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

… WAGE FOUR TnE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 lk PAGE POUR 1liE MIChIGAN iJAILY ThURSJ.)A~, MAY 6, 1954 Atomic War In Indo-China? A NEW TENSENESS is due to appear on the diplomatic front with the imminent fall of Dien Bien Phu and the return from recess of the French parliament. Dien Bien Phu has long been discounted as a strategic outpoint in the war by military observers, but the valiant defense waged there has given the battle a...…

May 06, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 150) • Page Image 5

…fiHUMQSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Fl"E THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE JIVE I International Student Association Arranges Date Bureau for Dance, At a ceremony held last night, Mrs. Harlan H. Hatcher was pre- sented with a ticket to the 12th annual International Ball. The dance is sponsored by the International Student Association, and will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Saturday, May 15 at the Union Ballroom. ...…

May 06, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

…TnE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 TilE MICHIGAN J)AILY THURSDAY, MAY C, 1~54 SHORTHAND NEXT: Panhel Head Trades Gavel for Ring By JANE HOWARD To Martha Hill, '54, goes credit for finding the often-sought bal- ance between extra - curricular work and social life.j As retiring Panhellenic Associa-' tion president, Miss Hill has had frequent occasion to meet Clifford A. Matts, her fiance and the out- going head of Inter-Fraternity C...…

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