September 25, 1951

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September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…Keep Up with Campus Events - Subscribe Today V C, r IF alit; ti . x EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the Saoc CLOUDY AND WET VOL. LXII, No. I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 SIXTEEN PAGES Angry Reds 4 Vtj Y War Danger Grave In Iran Oil Crisis, 'U' Expert Asserts By ZANDER HOLLANDER It is "quite possible" that the Iranian oil crisis may explode into a Third World War, a University political scienti...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 - ----- - ""a MoodyA Alliednt Special to The Daily EAST LANSING-If our Euro- pean allies are overrun by the Communist forces, "real socialism" will come to America, Sen. Blair Moody (D., Mich.) said here Sat- urday at the 1st annual Big Ten Press Convention. "Socialism is inevitable if the isolationists in this country hold sway," Michigan's junior senator declared. "Because of the...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…1- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 4 Journalism Teachers Named Bruce Westly, formerly an as- sistant professor at the University of Wisconsin journalism school, r will teach editing and copywrit- ing in the journalism department, it was announced yesterday. advanced psychology degree here. The community newspaper course, previously taught by Prof. Joseph Howell, will be handled by Ink White, editor and publi...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

… PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 f _____________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________________________ U 1/ tj . io ote By CHUCK ELLIOTT TRADITION IS that the new managing editor of The Michigan Daily should fire a few opening remarks toward the campus- at-large upon commencing a new year of publication. After some consideration, how- ever, ...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Z' 21 I .! 7 "_r" r'i7 t1 I 1 71 ' '1 /W7n r T7'r-T. a ir . 1 TT. - a AA4 ' a" vI y COEDS We do Haircutting and Styling without appointments 5 Stylists to please !! ThBe iseIisei Barbers Liberty near State Auditions To pen For Radio Acting Persons interested in radio act- ing on station WUOM may sign up for auditions from 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. today and tomorrow on AK TiHEATE R TROUIP...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…T HE MICHIGAN D AILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1951 'I- Vo ivenne Lineup * * * 'S Nearly Set Athletic Department Notices * * * IlE MORNING LINE ~M Opponents Take Openers In CloseTilts Two of Michigan's nine future Oosterbaan Stil Undecided On Fullback, Center Spots Candidates for the varsity and freshman wrestling teams will meet at 3:30 p.m. today in the wrestling room of the Sports Build- ing. Experience is not necessary. All fres...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN PAGE SEVI 11 I I Giants Nip B raves, 4-3, Trail by 21V2 11 Pennauint RaIces (at 1a(Glnce I Yankees Only 3 Games From 3rd Straigth Flag Stengel's Hitless Wonders Face Athletics Today; Brooks Battle Beantowners Tonight NEW YORK-(AP)-The relent- less New York Giants slashed idle Brooklyn's lead to 2/ games yes- terday with a 4-3 victory over Bos- ton that fired new hope ...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

… PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY S .. E I ol IN 11111 1 -111, 1111111 11 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 A WOMEN TRIUMPH-AS USUAL: 'U' Scholarship Average Dips to 2 .56 C After tying the all-time record in 1949-50, University undergrad- uate scholarship took a slight dip last year. The canipus wound up with an average of 2.56, after reaching a peak of 2.57 the year before and in two previous years. J 7 AS USUAL, the women outdid the men....…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 T THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG E ONE PAGE ONE Souti When Jerry Warren, '52, strode down the asphalt-floored, oak- paneled concourse of spanking- new South Quadrangle on Sept. 14, the first student to check in at'the Madison Street Skyscraper. his reaction was not a mild one. "This place is perfect," Warren paid. "They didn't leave anything out. South Quad has all the things you could want in- a resi- dence hall. It's...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…f TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951. ____________________.. Welcome Students Hamburgers, Sandwiches, Salads, etc. Also Complete Fountain Service CLARK 'L Student Prints Still Available Tomorrow will be the last day that over 800 framed prints of fa- mous paintings and drawings will be on display at the Rackham Building and also available for student rental. Since the beginning of orienta- tion week, these prints have...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…TfJESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE I, Campus witnesses Many Milestones I (Continued from Page 2) operations budget in his annual financial message to the State Legislature. Jan. 16. Gov. Williams named Democratic ex-governor Murray D Van Wagoner the new Univer- sity ' Regent, replacing the late Ralph A. Hayward. Jan. 18. The Conference of Deans issued a recommendation td the heads of all colleges and schools ...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

… PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..-, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 -- =1 I ---~-- Ir li THE CAMPUS DRUG Liberty at State Our stock is complete- Our prices are right. We're open all day and half of the night. THE STUDENTS' STORE Your checks from home cashed with proper identification -11 Soop Elected As Director E. J. Soop, director of the Uni- versity's Extension Service, has been elected a member of the board of directors of the National ...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

…;, ,' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE 'U' Administrative Turnover In Past 18 Months Hits New High Hatcher, Niehuss, Pierpont ReceiveTop Appointments I * * * * * * ,, . T.e University will be heading into its 1951-52 year with a re- vamped line-up, led by a large aggregate of newly-appointed ad- ministrators. In fact, in the past 18 months the University has undergone the largest turnover of its adminis...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…AGE sr THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 ___________________. i1IISPRINGJ( CARNWIVA!*. 1 3UU 1 Dt WAA, Union Will Co-sponsor Biannual Michigras Weekend Panhellenic, Assembly Presidents Plan New Organizational Activities C THE LAW BOOK STORE This store is especially equipped and stocked to supply every need of the law student; such as.. . case books, text books, outlines, note- books, paper, pens, etc. VETERANS' ACCOUNT...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

…TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _______________________________________________________________________________ U a i TALES OF LOHENGRIN: Wedding, Betrothals Revealed Three Sororities Plan Informal Fall Rushing Eligible Coeds To Register in Late October; Information Available Now in League Office Graduate Outing Club Has Variety of Indoor, Outdoor Activiti ______ *~ . 1'* * . Roney-Barnes Miniature newspapers revealed t...…

September 25, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY I. CHANEL CARMEL CORDAY VANITY FAIR HENSON I Of A MEHICAS LaARomGEST MOST COMPLETE CA Mill IMPUS 4 FEATURES THE I PRINGLE OF SCOTLAND I LAROS 1 .4 'A FASHION SHOP I S 1 And here they are . . ly~ny gaily from our flags . . fashion names you've come to know and depend upon as national symbols of quality. Names you knew at home, to be EVANS BAGS MAZER welcomed as old friends - waiting fo...…

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