April 19, 1950

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April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

… IN THIS CORNER PF See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State A6F :43 a t t, CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LX, No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1950 SIX PA SL To Hold Meeting On Liquor Ban Dean Walter Will Outline 'U' Policy By JIM BROWN An unprecedented all-campus meeting to study problems created by the University's ban on drink- ing in student residences will be sponsored by Student Legislature at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow at the U...…

April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…tHE ICHAN 0AILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19; Iggo r _ _ _. _.N_,_. _ _. ,. ,_Y . apanese-American Unity Urged Japanese today are determined > redem themselves in the eyes f the world, and it is the joint .sk of the United States and apan to accomplish this goal, rof. Chitoshi Yanaga, of the Yale niversity political science de- artment, yesterday. Speaking as guest lecturer of ie Department of Far Eastern anguages, Hawaiian-born Prof. anaga explai...…

April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… W*kYN - fl0AYAftfUL 19; IM3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... ........ . Spartans Nip ll' ichigan in Ninth, 6-5 ALWAYS IMPROVING: Williams Excels as 'M' Runner, Captain Outfielder's Infield Hit Decides See-Saw Battle * * * Blue Ninth Tigers Win in 10th; Upsets Rule Major LeagueLidl fters Hitters Hold Edge As Yanks, Braves, Plus, Nats, Cubs, Browns Triumph (4, By DAN GEREB "In addition to being a topnotch two-miler, Justin Williams is ...…

April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WDNESDAYAP 9X: _ ________________________________________________ ___ ____________ r 5. ALFRED KOHLBERG--Big importer of lace hankies, does a business of $1,500,000 a year with China, and admits he finances his American China Policy Association-a pressure association-partly out of that business. Kohlberg is close to the Kuomin- tang lobby, hates Owen Lattimore and be- lieves anyone not a rabble-rousing anti-Red is autom...…

April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 5

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Letters to the Editor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .(Continued from Page 4) 4 I in the Quad as to whether or not such complaints are constructive. The chief accomplishment of the recent survey in the West Quad was to create more discontent with the crowded conditions and to provoke additional complaints. It will take time to remedy the ivercrowding in the Quads. The University is constructing the South Quad in an attempt t...…

April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Capital Sees Paul Revere RideAgain WASHINGTON-(A)-Paul Re- vere rode again yesterday - 175 years after his famous the "Brit- ish-are-coming" gallop. Only this time there was no wild dash through the Middlesex farms. A fellow making like Paul rode down Washington's busy F Street. In front of him went a police car, behind him came an- other. THE WHOLE shebang moved at a leisurely walk. And while he was riding, ladies along th...…

April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

…THE MICIGA1NDAILY __ GIFT TO WOMEN? League Council Interviews Aspiring Male Candidate By MARJORY REUBENE A thoroughly confused League interviewing council met and in- terviewed determined Mark Sand- ground before Easter vacation for his proposed position of "male ad- visor to the League." Mr. Sandground, operating un- der the motto of "A Man To Advise Will Help The League To Arise," submitted his petition after many hours of research amidst...…

April 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 133) • Page Image 8

…T'HE MICHIGAN I)AIL"Y ~- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1950 .................. . .... ......... .......... .. _ - Schmidt'Scope Aids Milky Way Study Order Cuts In Country's y Post Service WASHINGTON-(P)-Postmas- ter General Jesse M. Donaldson yesterday ordered mail deliveries held to one a day and other cuts in postal services because of the mounting defict in the Post Office Department. The reductions apply to all sec- tions of the country. THE S...…

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