February 13, 1950

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February 13, 1950 • Page Image 1

…The, 'S.: 0 Manch of Di J-HOP Off Guard For Over A Century r Monday, February 13, 1950 OPENING- NIGHT-The entrance to the I-M is one mass of lights, people and noise as the J-Hoppers begin to arrive. FINISHING TOUCHES -- Bar- bara Munn puts the finishing touches on Carol Walker's hair- do while waiting for dates. ANTICIPATION-Joe Cyr and Bill Schmalhorst pick up dates Pat Scanlon and Helen Carson and start for the I-M Building. Se...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY mr-Im THE MICHIGAN DAILY w w . Page Two Moriday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 J-Hoppers Dance i, -- NAMESo.. (Continued from Page 25) Relax to Music I "Deep In B lues" By DON McNEIL Monday morning came wearily into existence today, held back from full reality by a string of remembrances which kept more than 2,500 couples still caught up in th magic of the J-Hop weekend. The "greatest dance of the...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Monday, February 13, 1950 ti' .41 )ietitian Makes Application or Five Cent Hot Dog Stand DAILY SPOTLIGHT: Promotions Men Run Wild on Campus J-HOP P irl rix trt ttxt I Off Guard For Over A Century Monday, February 13, 1950 "What this campus needs is a good five-cent hot dog stand," Reginald B. Reinhardt, East Quad dietician, declared yesterday as police released him from impri- sonment in a "cabin" outside Yp- ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 4

… p-Rv 9 ~4, THE MICIHIGAN-DA'LY I :THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday ebruawy,,13,;1950 maee It Up' To Ply March 29, 30, 31 * * * * * * * * * Union Opera Road Tour Also Planned By PAUL BRENTLINGER "Lace It Up," second in the re- vived series of the Michigan Un- ion Opera, will be one of the high- lights of the campus' entertain- ment parade during the second semester. With an all-male cast, includ- ing a line of gorgeous masculine chc r...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 5

… , ..: s ob , " ; A, I -A- Mondays.February 13, 1950 HIGAN DAILY (Continued from Page 23) Dean; Joan Lennon and Donald DeVries; Louise Leonard and Jim Frost; Vanis Lephart and John Brumbaugh; Martha Lee Lesher and Merlin Hughes; Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Les Strang; Joanne Levey and Jerry Freeman; Helin Levin and Al Riefler.' BARBARA LEVISTEIN and Bud Frank; Gary Levy and Eli Schoen- field; Ann Lewis and Theodore Munsat; Patricia Lewis and ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 6

… ,., .vi. - i.' i. ._... . Pu THE MICHIGAN DALLY Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' MERRY GO ROUND: The Truth About The PIGS By SCHMOE McPHERSON Has anyone wondered, besid the members of the ticket com mittee, why not a single membe of Pi Iota Gamma sorority at tended the J-Hop? Not one of th charming creatures enhanced th occasion with her presence. How ever, my investiga...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 7

…Tw -W - 11 ;;,.1 mm A _ f __- H A. G N THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 2 .. M dy Fb ry , Monday, February 13,. 1950 THE I AN -r .. *- R DAILY j Continued from Page 21) and Edward Sidor; Beth y and Richard Golden; Pat y and Don McNeil; Carol W. De Mond and Karl M. Fleck- ner.. Joyce Denison and KeithI Frey. Jackie Ann Dennison and Rich- ard A. Fenington; Mary Ann Det- zer and Bruce Jones; Janet Dewey and Stan Spaeth;...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 8

…a .4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 ) . A THE' MICHIGAN 4& w IDAILY ._ - '' Monday, February 13, 1950 *uI I AILYIBLE by pros holmes, sports co-editor THE ANSWER to the age-old female cry, "We want to play with the varsity athletes"-meaning of course they desire that girls be allowed to compete in intercollegiate athletics-seems to have been found in what appears to be a very favorable and practical solution. There is ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 9

… rr--m 0 Or C I 0 -U 0 0 ""1' 0 * Z 0 0 0 CD, cr -" " 0 Nan I z zn {L 1 v ( , ". y } i ti 4 :5 I mss' v 04000 H 0 rte.., O h, . N "S H . H V- ev . v N n CA v O. ro 9J -9 D -" ', t . C C U cam, .1 S c . H H z -+ 0C C+ C o P'" C !0 C & pt 5 . as. N". Cp p . - .4CD C D m H CD A CD)" II0 11 1 (0®V -I. L i (A)h (A) Cr) CV) r 0 mm w I O '1 r O ~ 0 S 441 ~ 41 0 - -t. n -t C+ C+b 0o 5 g1 C C C +. j C + D~ C ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 10

…,, >~ , r . ' ; t = I ~ '. '- §' S 'Monday, February 13, 1950 Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SCHOOL SPEAR-IT: Zoraster Elected New Prexy Of Fast-Growing Bzantium'U' (Special to The Daily) ers use the now famous "Zoraster BZANTIUM, Egypt -Following system." -' PENCIL BRIGADE: SL Pledges All-Out Fight To Install Sharpeners New Super Men's Dormitory Will Provide Homey Living a furious three-day...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 11

… Page Eighteen THE MICH IGAN DAILY 1 .c-1 Y ' -i~ l ~ , V j S f s Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY _. _ - - - - RHYTHM, SPECIALTIES: Ellington, Prima Thrill J-Hop Crowds M.. Daily Team Exposes Plot Behind J-Hop D * * ~I' * * * * * * * * CORRECTION Many people think that Ulrich's Book By WENDY OWEN Duke Ellington and Louis-Prima left all 5,000 J-Hoppers thrilled with their red-h...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 12

… 'i.. 7 ) , 7} THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY' - _- - __ _f .. -- -~- -i THE MICHIGAN DAILY WiI' y WrIv a dieLm e LK Committee Toil Brings Forth J-Hop By NAN BYLAN Plenty of toil and trouble stood behind the week-end's moonlight and roses for the hard-working J-Hop committee. From their first meeting two days after elections to the final night before the big event,...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 13

… PPP Pagt- Sixthen j. THE MICHIGAN f DkILY,, . Mcnday ebrwary 13, 1950 cP g itei'4 . H tW HG N D iY odVebtir 1,15 ody, ,February 13, 1 5Q . t T.;yE;,,M BCHI GAN D~A I Y- :. x _ i on the ie Party, party, party-a new semester begins and that means a new xound of parties. To keep you staggering in a straight line, this handy guide will tell you what's where and how to stay away. BEGINNING THE SEMESTER with a bang, those social beavers, t...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 14

… e Fourteen THE M J CItGA N DAIkLY Monday, February 13, 1950 Mondy, Februory 1 ?41950 T i- E MICHIGAN DAILY y' 4 > r Iill ' x I THE UNEMPLOYED: Lost Land Poses Problems For Kingdomless Monarch 4 * * 1 * / ._ 0 .t . ,_ ,. , , HEL P SMASH POLIO! all a '"4 * * "It'stough," the King said, "When you don't have a country." This was the answer to a Daily query of how it feels to be a King given by Petonivitch, XIX, whose country di...…

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