February 07, 1949

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February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…10 Lie (:1 ON . J-HOP 1 .Shig&KI EXTRA Monday, February 7, 1949 Pr ice: A Dime or a Dollar =, ti i s , _", i _ , I i I ."r ,z ,,-V e= r : a xz ..1 t. ) r ; _ ;; ti7,. .k - _ + Daily-Alex Lnan OFFICIALS JOIN MARCH OF DIMES-Dom Tosnasi, M Club President, sells J-Hop Dailies to Ann Arbor's Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., and University President Alexander G. Ruthven. This special edition is The Daily's con- tribution to the March of Dime...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…Paa Two THE MICH IGAN DA I LY Monday, February 7 94 ,ll VFTAL STATISTICS oiCci oo ers F ows elow (msarapheiz by girls ( ames)paeie egrs Det. Marilynn Banwell, Get., and Gasse Pte.; Asia Bergman, Mus- Ann Arbor; Clara Blocksom, Has- MR. AND MRS. Thame Kay Hugh Ailerton, Det. klgon, and James Billinsley, well, N.M., ant Frank Smith, Port Buchanan, Im ay City; Joan' MARGO ABELS, Det., aad Bar- Donna Barak, Get., and Bob Ar- Muskegon; Ruth Berloer...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…1MWIOPrtrtg41ttU[ EXTRA Monday, February 7, 1949 Page Three Campus Descends from J-Hop Clouds J-Hop Kept Despite 72 Year istory Dance Started By Two Fiddles By P-IL DAWSON J-Hop, 'the country's greatest formal," has traveled a rough road from its humble beginnings in 1877'n Hank's Emporium on Main Street. Two violins and a piano made enough music for the 20 couples at that first edition of the now traditional shindig. BY 1891 THE DANCE had...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…Page Four: THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, Februm ry 7 949 PaqeFou THEMICiGANDAIY Mnday Feruar 7,194 COP 4-. 09 ~ OBNOXIOUS GUMSHOE: Campus Cop Turns Tourist, Cuts Out Florida Fun, Too TAMIPA, Fla.-- (P) -The Uni- the obnoxious gumshoe, one Hor- versity of Michigan campus cop atio Q. Flivvernip, boarded his left this vacation city today after plane for Ann Arbor. a week's visit that made Michi- calling himself a "one-man gan's swimming team's c...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 5

…Mnnclnve Febrim ~ 7 1949 I HL Nlf-HIUAN UAILY .,I I-Vlt4W TAV M r~tf uu A G11U 1 y t 4 Q IH -t rv A A or rVH er ...e ra "AIL*,, L a w r e n e , S p~ v ak et There were plenty of satisfied customers at the 1949 J-Hop- fi ~ they agree that few of the dance's colorful predecessors could possibly haye offered a finer corn- Y's'> ation of bands. ;r Elliot Lawrence and Charlie Spivak heiehtened the "Stairway to the Stas" theme as they shared ...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 6

…-'~ ----- ---uly e r or , - NO CHECKS PLEASEPlenty of dancers went home withChr leSpivak's famous signature on their programs. THE KICKOFF -Eager J-Hoppers arriving at the I-:1IHuilding. TJJENAP3OUT-Elliot Lawrence plays a rocking bass on the to ant; ^t accompanied by some low notes on the piano by Charlie Spivak. tJLADV OR NOT-Patti feast, Phyllis Bohnsaek and Virginia Ga.-Aitse make their dramatic entrance. …

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 7

…UHL MlCfllCAN t)AlLYrre BALCONY SCENE-A couple of Rome .3 who used stairs, instead of a ladder. PLEAiSURE PERSONIFIED-Lucy Saxon and Johin Quinmby show the typical reaction of the J-Hlop's 6,000 satisfird customners. GRID MRN-Leo Koceski, Joann Keteihut, Sue Heinemiann and Dick Kepi-horn talk over some of the line bucks and passes they've noticed among the dancers. I-MPOTENT PUNtCHI-TIhe reason this cruple' i 1:,I~~ thait they haven't tast...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 8

…ri~~~ ~~~~~~ v. !V -.. ii alw' L nmLS - nvI IJ. eVAWNcansV.- I 1 7""T 7 F~~~~~Tlry __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __y ,,, Sponsored in the Public Interest by the following Fraternities: Acacia Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Sigma Phi Alpha Tau Omega Beta Theta Pi Chi Phi Chi Psi Delta Chi Delta Kappa Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Delta Upsilon Kappa Nu Kappa Sigma Lambda Chi Alpha Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Psi Phi Kappa Sigma Phi K...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 9

…rMonday, February7, 199 T HE M iC H I GAN D A ILY Page Nine I Monday. February~~~~~ T 99TE MC IA AL aeNn -? , , - r.:" r ° f l t } i 'r . +l A Union pera Slated March 23,24, 25 Show First Br tPast Since 1941 Recahed by Presentation RevivalTry Once the biggest campus artistic A fascinating, almost incredible event of the year, the Michigan history, highlighted by perform- Union Opera. is being revived this ances at the White House, the s...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 10

… I HF MtUC H1UAN DAII Y inln r L VI r - n h IN u n rLi onday, Februiary i, 14 Y :.. ii I Sponsored in the Public Interest by the following Sororities: Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Epsilon Phi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Alpha Xi Delta Chi Omega Collegiate Sorosis Delta Delta Delta Delta Gamma Delta Zeta Gamma Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Pi Beta Phi Sigma Delta Tau Zeta Tau Alpha ...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 11

…Monday February 7, 1949 T E MCII~N V!L }. R' NA E .Ae, and 4Vllet J. erringon, Dide'. ., and Jack Ganon, Bad Axe; Gnn, Corell and John I oal 0ak Carol Diedrich an S lavess; Shiley Coart. ut. Clair Richard lang an Babara Dill Shores, ant Donald PR. Ege St. Grose Point. ad Jame El, (Cor ':. a 5e,'2) rte- Clair Shores. NRitherford. N.J. Heln Ann Dil- __-__-_hman. Houghton. axdJohn H. Rei, tiac ann -- ,. Tagalakis. S. PATSY '05KV. Mayfield. Ky.,...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 12

…Yri.vIuuy, cui UUl y I, 7 T7 (Costnue fs. Page 11 , ALICE D VER. ,n ,Arbor, andI IJay Handelsrtin Chica o; mae Ebner, En eto-. Pa., and Pobert Straichan, Amn Anbor: Helen el An Aibor, anFank Ne 1> {Giand Papidsi~ 1 ti on P et., antiAd .Bce Jr. Montclar, NJ.: Don ,Ean, Del and Bill Co "n rI Was tngton D.C.- Ruth Lidri 1.Ba; Cit, and Harley.Janitngs Jr. .Danv-ile, Va Mary Elfarditk Grand ai and Ralph Bar-_-I Jr. - eindale Mr. and Mrs P Phil Elk...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 13

…Monday, February '7, 1949 TH:.E MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thirteen Monday, February 7, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thirteen Brunsting, Rochester, Minn.; Lita - NA. * Hagen, Northport, and Roger Bus- lee, Ann Arbor; Helen Hager, Dearborn, and Fred C. Henderson, (Continued from Page 02) Detroit; Myra Hahn and Edward SR. Strong; Shirley Ann Hahn, Mrs. Leonard E. Geiser, Niagara Grosse Pointe, and H. R. Rathbun, Falls, N.Y.; Joyce Gendzwill, Iron D...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 14

…Poqe Fourteen TI-IF MLCH~AM DAIlY ,k. .-.~. 7 1 OAO P ge Fourteen T HF M LCH G A N t A.1LY Mntrx #-nra 7 4 ,.r r v rerrrs,. r r r v'ei t\ s!'t t 1..'I (Y1V(1(,)U1 ~- ;L'f ;dfy I I7 f; . . . ,Continued from Pe 13) Austin, and Neville Adams, Syd- ney. Australia Lucile Kennedy., &rand Rapids, and Charles Ham- nond, Toronto, Ont.; Mary Lou itennedy, Grand Rpids, and Blair 5oody, Jr., Washingion. D.C.; Pat Serridge, Det., and William M. Kugel...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 15

…Monday, February 7,r 1949 -TK E M k C R G AN D A ILY PFage Fifteen Monday, February 7, 1949 ~TKE M~CI4IGAt4 DAILY P,-rrTp Fifta~sra f NAMES. .. a (Continued from. Page 14) son, Det.; Doris Massey, Wichita, Kas., and red Buckner, Buffalo, N. T.; Dolores Matbeny and Don Cotuden; Nat alie Mattson. Bess- s emer, and Creighton Lederer, -Brooklyn, N.Y. BARBAR.A MAUL, Det.. and Derald Katterman. Det.: Sally' McBride, Grosse Pointe. and Jerry Thi...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 16

…I-% THT MICHIGAN DAtlY ivioncinv_ F-hrtinrv 7. 1949 P--a~ ixten V1MCluA rALYF_-,, t i 7T704 F Monroe, Louisiana; Beverly Scott ids; Marie Petterson, Det., and NAI1 iPalmer, Det., and Hack Wilson, Earl Willnoft, Det.; Ruth Petite, Champaign; Carolyn Palmer, and Det., and Jay S. Pettite, Jr., Det. John Mackey. (Continued from_Page_15) *r* *BOB STUART, and Shirley Pi- JEAN PALMER, Det., and D. M. quet; Virginia Plews (Smith Col- Det., and ...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 17

…tVrttnUay, reoruary a, it M I Il (:AN I- Ye Seventeen Gerry Rose, Marshall, and Wil- liam Curry, Jamestown, N.Y. Sue Rose and Herbert Furinan; Al Blumrosen, Det., and Arlynn (Continued rom Page se) Rosen, Det.; Nancy Rook, Det., - tand Walter Roush, Jr., Grand dale, and Louis Dylil Det.; Robert Rapids; Louise Roseboom, Alle- Sheridan and Lois Redmond; Mar- gan, and Leon Ostrander, Jr., ilyn Reed. Erie, Pa., and Max Dearborn; Jean Rusesill, Ra...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 18

…Veirio TUO AirIriiAN aAII V MrNnrlnrr 1= r 1 r ynr3r " 1 44.4 -g mg ennc IaI -a na r a-L_ Iviveiu y, r iarui4y ii -t, NAMES.. (Continued from Pa t Jerry Shumer, Det.; Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Schichtel, Grand Rap-I ids; Audry Schindlbeck. Saginaw, and Harold Aven, Saginaw; Mar- jorie Schlenger, South Orange, N. J., and Frederic Arnstein. Jr., St. Louis, Mo.; Naomi Schlossberg, Det., and Herbert Title, Brooklyn; Helen Schlotter, Battle Cre...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 19

…Mondov, February 7, 1949 T HE M IC H IG AN D AIL Y Monday ._ f ", ,..1949 r TE MICHr w r rflA IeAr n lireteen I _ _ Tuck and Alan McGregor; Beverly N A M E S a Twinning, Midland, and Stanley Attwood, Ann Arbor; Rhoda Uh- lendorf, Ann Arbor and Marvin (Continued from Page 18) Marshall, Ann Arbor; Priscilla Upton, St. Joseph, and and Ned Clzralat, Det., Beverly Donald Winslow, St. Joseph; Lou- Steinman, Pontiac, and Marvin ise Vacks, Det.,...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 20

…Pace Twenty THE MICHIGAN DALY cndav. Februarv f 1949 PeausTwntyTH M CHI AN DALYM~wrs Fhrau-rs 7 1I4 T ROLLING ST ONE S ... by Harold Jackson Tough Nut EACH YEAR WHEN J-HOP time rolls around, we get a considerable chuckle out of assorted party banter about how "Elsie and Me is gonna sneak into J- Hop." All sorts of fabulous schemes from climbing down the IM chimney to rid- ing into the hall in the orchestra lead- er's bull fiddle case are ...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 21

…SPECIAL 4i tMW UJ 4t t4 SPECIAL Monday, February 7, 1949 . AND THE SNOW CAME Ole Man ?Weather Smiles on Winter Frolic C1m pus Skis, inIGala 'Da 1v Alegi:Lmzanian, . y-iv. I -eis WINNING DISPLAY-Phi Gamma Delta's winning ie carving. Phi G ma Delta To s List O Winter Carnival Winners Phi Gamma Delta led the pa- women's division and Winchell rade of the ten houses awarded House and Phi Gamma Delta in trophies for top total scores in the men'...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 22

…P--.~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II I - I " LI " Pf 141!C A N I -A it r!vI - -I.i- I-uyc I wcrlty- , wv 1rr. fvla-knvta^N IJ ^ I L T AAon6 *'Fp tom- 7 _gf.:r. ., °"' F- ..". ". ,"," " v .. ...a~..r + . " . v r r. .. IYIUI IUVy1 I CLII UUI y 1, 1 7T7 Apathy Rules In Solemn SF Campaigning Only 30 Rubbed Out As PollingBegins ANN ARBOR, Nov. 30, 1972- The campus prepared to go to the polls today after one of the quiet- est campaigns in years. Only th...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 23

…O'n t' riinrsi IIv 9IF'1 tU -I '' i h . U---, ,,~ . v vu; r: e e.i v e L ratat ettv t tN UwF -%IL t rage t w my-mrnree _ ...., ., Y, NWIT CAN HETOLD. c" i Charman evel '9 o Fae i e l -1 o By PUG DARKRl The Itiue story ol cheit9529J- Hop can now be told! . In an exclusiv'e interview5 aivcn to a Daily re'porter.,IHenry Ma- _:an, 30 F&C, chatsrman of thie .1,.-29 Commissteexposed the c.- plIete history of the 921 H A leaking a vow 01 twen...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 24

…PaGe wentv-l-our JIlL MILMIIaAN L)AILY Monday, t-ebruarv I, I !9't~ :71 Pace Twenty-Four T HE M IC H IG AN D AILY Monddv. February 7.,19491 r BUCKS 'FOUR OF FIVE' RULE: Eastern Prince Reeruiting Harem The sole representative of roy- The royal dignitary first began at least five feet tall, healthy and alty on campus today announced his research on prospective mem- in good shape. Those interested his official business at the Uni- bers of t...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 25

…Monday, February 7, 1949. THE MlCHIGAN DAILY Page Twenty-Five Sports Predictions i Wondering what 1949 has in store for the world of sports? Seek no further. After a quick glance into a slightly muddy crystal ball we come un with the straight inside information on the headlines and top sports stories of 1949. They will read something like this: February 19-Story: Michigan's cagers climaxed a stirring come- back tonight with a hard fought 9...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 26

…Pae Twenty-Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY AA^mrlniv. ra r snr 7.' 1 Qda Pai wnySxT-Fava %-. t, u n l v nIL.V IUQ~,«rlf! :i CLASSY CLASSIFIED W ANTED STEAMSHIP COMPANY needsosummer employees betwvern June lst and Sep- tember 30 for South Amenican, Eur- opean, and Asiatic voyages,.hoth Male and Female. Various jobs avail- able. Steomfittors. cooks, ships moor, diesel merhanie, radmo operator, welder, radar operator, technician, sales clerk, mo...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 27

…Monday. February 7,x;1949 SHE MICHIGAN DAILY Pooe Twentv-Severs Monday, February 7, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pane Twenty-Severs 0-- F i- -'0-f ARRIVING AT THE J-HOP--Rumors that President Ruthven was advertising for Ralston straight shooters were dispelled at the IM Building Saturday night, when the Prexy and Mrs. Ruthven arrived in their newly decorated Continental. Wearing the uniform of the university police, the Doctor told reporters th...…

February 07, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 85) • Page Image 28

…Poge Twenty-Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Mnndov. Februrv ' . 1949 a ... -we-ty-.u. H I H GA ~ L odw Fhur .14 ST he Goo Ne Ovrr iss A whole army of extra clerks at SLATER'S guarantees you immediate, personal service- no irritating, long lines! Veterans, the efficient handling of your accounts is a must at SLATER'S. Experienced workers know what they're doing! SLATER'S has complete lists of textooks for all courses, and all the books it's possib...…

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