November 21, 1948

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November 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… STUDENT CRISIS See Page 4 Y C- ItFA6 Ia tils RAINY AND Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 53 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENT'S Faculty To Study 'U' Speakers Ban Dean Walter, SI Representatives, Express Willingness To Cooperate Names of the five-man faculty Senate committee appointed to study the political speakers ban were revealed by President Alexander G. Ruthven yesterday. Members are: Dean of ...…

November 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO .jTHV MWCiGAN DAIT ... .a,.,a. raL~..LY _ .......T9YV4'l~ v A I ~ 01A . , .'* 4lCiiliLL . .J"F1;. YG a SUMMER SESSION PLAN: Students of French, Spanish May Have Separate Houses Separate houses for French and Spanish students may be set up for the 1949 summer session. If demand warrants it, two houses in Which students may live, study, and hold social af- fairs in their adopted languages will be organized. THE DIRECTOR of the Su...…

November 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…' s i N I E D ER 21,_1948 TIIEMGIHGANJj7ATLY. .., ,. 'YEOMEN OF THE GUARD': Tower of London an Cast Crowd Set Science Talk To BeGiven Kaplan Will Discuss Earth's Atmosphere NLRB Attorney To Speak Here on Board Operations Under Labor Laws i ; It's a big order-but the pro- ducers of "Yeomen of the Guard" are going to put the Tower of London and a cast of 75 all on the stage of Pattengill Auditorium. It won't be the real tower, it's tru...…

November 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

… qw TT-P TCHTGAN IATLY 9MMWTAY. 7 NorVt1T .1 O@ .Sa.'.dwAU * .,., _. _ i .. ._. ii1.1f' -lli Yl.l 1 .i 1<T2'11\ LL"11"J11 V v is a~r a's i 1 1 V ' ii l li L' i r (r A 1.7 b i i Student Crisis r w i .. . . . . BILL MAULDIN "NEWS ITEM: General Jacob Devers tells mothers their sons will not be sworn at in new army." Letters to the Editor.. We seem to be witnessing a kind of crisis in student government at the University. The question...…

November 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

…STNA NVEMER 21,- 1348 THE MTCHICAN :DAILY 00 .... ...... League Drives Chairman Runs $8,000 Candy Booth Business SLIPPERY SLIPSTICK: Elusive Slide Rule Spirited Away Again EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is one of a series of informative sketches of positions on the League Under- graduate Council which will appeal daily on the Woman's Page. By MARY ANN HARRIS Her business includes every- thing from candybars to bobby pins. LeagueCouncil D...…

November 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…1'. t- A71-CO- W 1N . D iL:f uiy A z -' i4 v i 21, 1948 T~lE M.C. ..... . ... . , . ., Woleri. 4m S's Overpower OSU, 14-6 Scorers Year's Upset: Pi"tt Conques N ittany Lins PITTSBURGH - (P) -Few will- believe it but Pitt beat proud Penn State 7-0 yesterday. It was one of the most stunning upsets in a wild college football year. It also was the personal tri- who shunned glittering offers from gridiron big wheels to come to de- flated Pit...…

November 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 53) • Page Image 7

…Tug MIiGAN:-DAiLY PA 117SC Romp , 40-0; California ips Stan ford, 7-6 Gophers Rip Badgers, 16-0; NU Trounces Illinois, 20-7 imely Michigan Aerials Prove Decisive Factor Allis Snares Ortmann's Flip for First TD, Peterson Powers Over for Second Tally Oklahoma Overpowers Kansas, 60-7 U i - MADISON, Wis. - VIP) -Minne- sota's massive Gophers crushed Wisconsin, 16-0, yesterday on a wet, slippery field in the Western Conference footb...…

November 21, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 53) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN T)AIIN SUNDAY. XOVTtd**'Aft.A$" EGE ROUN :... i MT Ca 6. 2.\ ol"N T .IAI 1. i1TsAhuj. t ? 7'bV fl] TI I -. ,...#4 A ' A4d RFl W fN.JI d. T'19 DUP Mascots Get Rough Fare In University Rivalries j Senior Pictures Top Past Records A record number of 3,034 Senior The staff also has sold 1,450 sub- Pictures have been taken for the scriptions, against the "mark of 1949 Michiganensian, Bill Zerman,1,2recdathitmels 'Ensian sales ...…

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