September 16, 1948

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September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 1

… aspects Look Bright for 19 48 W olverine Gridiron Seaso By MURRAY GRANT (Daily Sports Editor) Benny Oosterbaan faces one of the most difficult assignments that can be handed a first year coach as he accepts the reigns of the 1948 Wolverines. He'll be trying to improve a record that was unsurpassed by ony- one last year. He'll be trying to improve a team that was ranked num- ber one in the country. He'll be trying to fill the shoes of H. O....…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 2

…TIE 1VMIC +GAN JA .LY TMJRSDA:Y, SEPTEMBER 16. 1949 , . a TH TCIJG LN,.A lY THV;._. SEPEMm. . __.1. _ prrng Football Drills Attract over IT'S NO JOKE: Earl Riskey I In Role of Inti By PRES HOLMES A nationwide comic-strip has been concerned lately with a unique, multi-armed statuette, but this imaginative being is reduced to insignificance by a certain hu- mandownatthe ta taoi tao ta roan down at the IM building. The sedulous individual r...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 3

…THU SDAY, SEPTE-MER 16, 1948 1.i L A l1l1l:tiA IJAILL. lUlL I ~JI I ~711 JJAILI Nine r ieCrisler Tops ist as Dixon Also Resigns By HERB RUSKIN While the past athletic season was a success for Michigan from the victory angle, it was far from that in the matter of keeping the Wolverine coaching staff. Four of Michigan's nine varsity coaches quit their posts and five assistants followed along the gen- eral trend by moving to other schools. ...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TEMRSDAY, SEET'EAMER 16, 1948 THAll.:~DAr THRDA.SETMBR1& ®4 OLD CRICKET FIELD: Ferry Field Scene Of Many Triumphs McCOY DIRECTS: Manager's Club Rolls into High Gear Of the various facilities incor- porated in the University athletic plant, which started as a single gymnasium tent in 1858, none has a more colorful or complicated his- tory than Ferry Field. Since the first makeshift struc- ture, the athletic s...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 5

… THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 194 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE CHAPPUIS, ELLIOT T ADDED: Michigan Boasts 31 All-Americans) By MURRAY GRANT (Daily sports Editor) When Bob Chappuis and Bump Elliott were chosen as Michigan's contributions for the 1947- All- Americans, they became the thir- ties and thirty-first Wolverines to be honored in the past 50 years. Back in 1898, when Casper Whitney of "Harper's Weekly was selecting the muthicas teams ...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TH{URSDAY, SEPTEM~BER 16, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U wagers Capture Conference Grown After 20 Year Wait After 20 long years in the Wiest- ern Conference's basketball wil- derness, Michigan's 1947-48 cage squad finally arrived in the prom- ised land, winning the Big Nine title and receiving the district bid to the NCAA playoffs. With virtually the same roster that won six and lost six the pre-} vious year to place fifth i...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1948' THE MIICHIGAN DAILY ,. Ref's Decision Costs Matmen Big NineTitle By JACK MAY But for the bewildering ruling of a referee, Michigan's wrestlers would be the Western Conference champions for 1948, instead of sharing second place with Iowa and Illinois one point behind winning Purdue. Bob Betzig, Michigan captain, twice was penalized in his final match with Ken Marlin of Illin- ois' for using an illegal hold, the...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 8

…E M 1 CHIGAS IjAILY TAI MSDAY, SEPTEAMER 16, 1948 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, SI~PTEM~EU 16, U48 Money.. (Continued from Page 1) hockey were among those listed as being necessary. The report also carried the an- nual financial report for the last fiscal year, showing a net profit of over $200,000. Football, as usual was the only sport to make money and it pulled in a total of $437,000 and supported the rest of the spores on the program. ...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 9

… WOMEN'S SUPPLEMENT Y L IrK U61 41P AfLJM ldL,.1&6.., Am 1-0 VO-W Twtl k-I 40001w""Ml lqpp WF t tu WOMENNS SUPPLEMENT Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 204 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Orientation Week For New Students To Open Sept. 13 League Council Supervises Governing Bodies, fictivities Judic Counc ii Is Womens' Government The Women's Judiciary Coun- cil, composed of three se...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 10

… 17- THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 11 .. . ...... ... _, .1 Members of Merit-Tutorial Committee Aid 'U' Students 0> Plan Casbah As Campus Coeds Raise Funds for FresF Air Camp as Part of Projedt MEMBERS of the Merit-Tutorial Committee in the League aid deficient students in finding tutors and keep the activities files up to date for the use of students and campus organizations.- The Merit section of the com- mittee keep...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 11

… THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1948 THDE MICHIGAN DAILY __ Senior Night To Be Capped By Annual Junior Girls Play Junior women will climax their year of activities, when they pre- sent the annual Junior Girls Play, honoring graduating senior sisters, to complete the traditional Senior Night program. An annual event since 1904, this year's JGPlay will be the fourth of the completely original presen- tations, written, directed and pro- duced solely...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1948 Jew Pamphlet Describing 'U' .iving Conditions, Available (Continued from Page 1) dent chaperone responsible to the Dean of Women for maintaining University standards as to living conditions and conduct. Patro- nesses chosen chiefly from among faculty wives serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Gover- nors of Residence Halls which is charged with general supervision. Student government...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 13

… ilURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1948 THIE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Local Recreational Facilities Provide Fun, Entertainment ' r, Indoor recreation poses the problem after the beer kegs and insect, lotion are stored away for the winter. For those who are satisfied with the less sophisticated atmosphere of the Michigan campus, the Uni- versity offers a great deal in the line of recreation-nothing like Leon and Eddies, but fun none- theless. ...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 14

…PAG~E SEC TIURSDAY, SEPTEAMR _16, j THE .MICHIGAN DAILY I I I Dr. Bell Reveals Unlimited Demand for Employment t7 "There is an unlimited demand for graduates of the University's professional school of physical ed- ucation," according to Dr. Mar- garet Bell, chairman or the Pro- gram of Physical Education for Women and professor of Hygiene and Physical Education. "These teachers are well-paid SOrientation... (Continued from Page 1) wor...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 15

…TIWILSDAY, SEPTEMBlER 16, 1948 THE MIC '141t2AT JiAITV - AA&XXYCi11 "t&111 A ar-ca arau aaa, . r aa ,. aaa Ytlr Yti1L 1' a aa 11L N a Yw Women S Athletic Association Promotes Clubs for Sports Fans Gwen Sperlich Elected President Of .18 Rotivitie Interhouse Group Singing Competition Offered at Annual Lantern Night in May; Participation Cup To Be Given at Event WfIf Is Open To Rhl Women From Entrance To Graduation "Fun and fitness" ...…

September 16, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 204) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~TU~!ASPEB 6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, II a? t Welcome!F to All Michigan Students }~ $ oI~cV s~ ii-ID *O'A a" 0f yeu - Of I 1 11 k ENG I 1,9 BV 4 0 Ab -0 7W Ae-V "Your 1'riendly Campus More iEY/TT *TIT f~ A XT r rlcTZ C TlI17 0 …

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