October 01, 1940

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October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… SPORTS SECTION ig 5kO :4Ia itxj SECTION TWO ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1940 Miehigan State. don wirtelufter's I - DAILY DOUBLE EN ROUTE TO ANN ARBOR, Oct. 1.-A speeding train is whirling through the night. The vast prairies of our great country are rolling by my window. We are approaching Omaha. This magnificent trip is almost a memory. Tomorrow, a train will come to a halt in little Ann Arbor town, as several trains hav...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO--SECTION T'WO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1946 Wolverine Grid Team Faces Long Series Of Tough I Iattles Sharpe, Soph Grid Prospect, Once Played Rugby In England Michigan State Spartans To Invade Robert, The Football Player, Dismays Chef, Nine Assistants Ann Arbor For Varsity ' Next Test' Let there be no nistake about this. 'This is a "color" story. Yarns entitled "From Rags to Riches" or "How Bob Bemis' Perse- ve...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…/ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1940 THE MIHTICAN IATTy PAGE REE .- F'CTIOV A + a + v aa. a v .[ .a. J.t .[' . L 1.1 1 a a .va au aaa:-,yae..11111Va vv to j Watson, Louis, McNeill Highlight Summer Sports I vents '1 Reporter Stymied In Grid Quiz Michigan's Ex- Track Captain Wins National Decathlon Title An enemy grid scout dropping in to the Waterman gym in search of information about the Michigan football team last Thursday and Fri- day d...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1940 PAGE FOUR-SECTION TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY ?AAE FOUR-SECTION TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hudson, Rowell Given Acclaim As Yearlings A survey of the leading rookies during the 1940 Major League base- ball season merely serves to prove what baseball men have long known, that trying to pick the outstanding first year men in advance is like try- ing to say whether Roosevblt will run for a fifth term. Take for example the case...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…OCTOBER 1, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE-SECTION TWO OCTOBER 1, 1940 PAG1!~ FIVE-SECTION TWO Last Year's Frosh Grid Squad Proves Capable Varsity Timber r Mast year as the freshman football squad went through gruelling scrim- mage after scrimmage against the varsity, with little or no chance of glory, many of the yearlings won- dered if it was worth it. They were beaten and battered, but consider- ably toughened. Today finds some of...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

… PAGE SIX--SECTION TWO THE MICHIC AN D A TT.V TURK I A V APT"TWV, 1 14Aa a aHL 1 Mat.H 11AN1n V 1'!.1 TE11l AI £111Njl.+ 7 1 i1a L' ALA I , tit 1 t nr rt 1, l:t u Pingel Marked As Tom Harmon Spartan Gridder Performs As Michigan's Star Jim Pingel, brother of Johnny Pin- gel, All-American halfback at Mich- igan State in 1938, has been given the task of playing the part of Mich- igan's Tom Harmon on the Spar- tan's practice "Wolverine" eleve...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 7

… GENERAL NEWS LL 131Pit 4:3ait SECTION THREE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1940 Prof. Emswiler, Noted Engineer, Dies In His Home East Quadrangle Supplements Dormitory Accommodations Sellouts Predicted For Choral Union Concerts BySink Chairman Of Mechanical Engineering Department Famed For Research Served On College FacultySince 1906 Prof. John Edward Emswiler, for- mer chairman of the mechanical en- gineering department,...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 8

… THREE THE ICI IGAN -T1 ATT.V IElviY irt.&V ~ ... l. +. mm ismU..U4 mm m y t . 1. L '.U LU. 1 .rill'~J TIF M CT iI' r~ T M!)DAI, VL:TUISER 1, 1940 Story Of Champ Hitch-Hiker Bigger Than Editor Expected Directs Center li Freshmen,.Read This Sad Tale Of Poor Willie Vanderbilt, '44 By HERVIE HAUFLER The Daily just wanted a little story, not a book. We heard that Bob Friers, one of the University's Inore famous young men, was arriv- in...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 9

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE-SECTION THREE1 University Extension Courses Are Announced By Dr. Fisher Rooms, Loans, Jobs, Advice? ' Courses to be offered by the Uni- 1 versity Extension Service during the coming semester have been announc- ed by Dr. Charles A. Fisher, directorr of the Service. Non-credit and credit courses madet up generally of 17 two-hour meet- ings and consisting of lectures, dis-c cussions, assigned readings, and ex-...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 10

… THREE THE MICNTf. AV 1) A TT.V Enthusiastic Response Given 1940 Ten-Concert Choral Series Sink Predicts Every Concert Will Be Sellout Heavy Demand Reported For Season Tickets; First Concert Oct. 23 (Continued from Page 1) they delighted 1uc cities last year in less than five months. (5) The appearance on Nov. 7 of Rudolph Serkin, Czechoslovak pian- ist, whose brilliance was first ac- claimed locally after a dynamic ren- dition of Beethove...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 11

….1940 TTE MICTGTAN D ATLy PAt*lr,.rrvv--QvlyrTAv rru-ovv .a:-' u . , A.a I JUL.i v.. r. . a5.w.. 1! 112,73.A. L" .1. .;ef , rA £ V B yR c:l£Ar "IA Z15E!@ 1 a I" I- . A -a 1 Faculty Artists Will Present Concert Series Musical Series Will Begin Nov. 3; To Be Given In Lydia Mendelssohn Will These Frosh Kneel To'43? History Shows Ups And Downs Among the features planned by the University School of Music for the coming year is a series of...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 12


October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 13

…WOMEN'S SECTION IL 4 Ar 4w .Jitr4t g an 4:IaitA SECTION FOUR ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1940 League Facilities Will Be Explained During'Fortnight' Never Put Of f Until Tomorrow. .. F--,- Senior Society To Sponsor Teas, Dances; Assembly BanquetWill Be Climax If you freshmen should be con- fronted by an earnest, intelligent and not unpersonable young woman af- ter rushing is all over, you may be justified in thinking that...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 14

… IAGE TWO--SECTION FOUR THF: MlelTI .: A N D d TT.V oll nvfmclmAAr nr"rvtuvn I ttwn 1___ _ _11__ __ _ _""__ _.U..a 1 i .1 1 lA .1 A1. .H. 1\ LH1 tl .L I .'1{71 h:~W'E )VAI. OUOBER*. 194 9 Merit System Awards Points For Activities Women's Activity And Service Center Group Housing Plan Expands C0lorful Bedroom Decorations Re juvenate Class-Laden Student League Credit Is Received By All Women Who Do Extracurricular Work In an explanati...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 15

…yTUES8DAY, OCTOBER 1, 1940 Local Linguist Will Continue StudyGroups Foreign Language Students Will Be Aided In Work' By Mrs. Ruth L. Wendt By JANET HIATT Begining her second year in the, official capacity of language coun- selor for the women's dormitories on - campus, Mrs. Ruth Wendt, will again use her wide experience in foreign countries to assist language students in the University. Mrs. Wendt began her work here last fall, when in her cap...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 16

… PAGE FOUR-SECTION FOUR -R .... .. .. G £ J. i.. ATU. S... IMrTT?..gTVAY_ nP ARIM 1 1 *An _... _. ..,.. ,...... ...................... .Ijqy H2 , ' , , vi1rUn 1, 1A4 f Gay Accessories Add Distinction To Classic Campus Clothes Leopard Muff, Hat To Match, Will Be Worm Fur Trimming On Cuff And Pockets Enhance Lines OfSimple Coat By FRANCES MENDELSON One of the nicest ideas that the American designers have collectivel3 agreed upon in the...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 17

…Y, OCTOBER 1, 1940 THE MICHIGANa ~ E..U ~~ TIAT3.. JA I PAGE ME-SECTION O Jumpers, Boy Suits, Baseball Caps Are Among New Styles New Styles Reminiscent Of Old But Total Effects Are Opposite Jumpers Were Novelties! In 1930. With Skirts Longer And Slimmer By FRANCES MENDELSON Just fresh from an intensive tour of the college shops and full of the really NEW ideas that the fashion magazines had to offer, it came as something of a shock to ou...…

October 01, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 9) • Page Image 18

…i PAGE SIX-SECTION FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. OCTOBER 1. 19 Opportunities Offered By C. A. A. For Women To Obtain Pilot Licence _. By RHODA LESHINE So you want to learn to fly. And you never knew how to go about ac- complishing that secret desire. Will you be able to do it? Thus go the questions prompted-by the opportunities offered by the CivilI Aeronautics Administration. In an-I swer to the complexity of flying, Prof. Willia...…

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