October 29, 1938

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October 29, 1938 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…P UniRs P ichaIe University f Michig an .literary Magazine VoL. IL, No. 1. OCTOBER 30, 1938 A Ret urn To Te So A Short Story By DENNIs FLANAGAN I T IE STOREKEEPER rubbed the side of his chin slowly with his hand as he spoke to Ernest. "It ain't very often that we get people up here hunting, so I can't think offhand of anybody that could put you up." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Unless maybe Hubert Carver up there on the ridge might....…

October 29, 1938 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…Pa>eTwo PERSPECTIVES * * Editor - F. RANDALL JONES Fiction Editor -DON COZADD Henry R. Clauser, Jeanne Foster, Hervie Hauuer, Seymour S. Horowitz, Una Kelley, Penelope Pearl, Frances Pyle, Harry Purdy. Essay Editor - JAMES C. ALLEN Seymour 'Pardell, William Loud, Virginia Finkleston, Gwen Lemon. Poetry Editor - ROBERT WAYNE Nelson Bentley, Joseph Gornbein, Ruth Hatfield, Eleanor McCoy, David Stocking. Review Editor - HARVEY SWADOS Iris Behe...…

October 29, 1938 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…PERSPECTIVES Page Three THOMAS WOLFE ... by Elliott Maraniss I T IS NOT SUFFICIENT for Amer- ican University students to say that with the death of Thomas Wolfe a literary career of startling brilliance and peculiar value was cut short, that American literature has lost one of its most notable figures. For us there is a particular poignancy in the news of his death. Thomas Wolfe's "legend of man's hunger in his youth" is the legend of our o...…

October 29, 1938 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…Poze Four PERSPECTIVES 'DUST AND IVORY. by Martia Wolff TDDENLY she could not hear the cool and scent there in that per- fect ivory room that Ahab had built for her so long ago. She rose up from her couch, and her white robe brushed against the slavegirls, squatted there upon the white floor, moving the great fan. She went to the window and stood with her hands upon the ledge; with her back straight and her head lifted, and looked out beyon...…

October 29, 1938 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…PERSPE RC TITVES.C Pano Ft PFRSPPLX CT94 a AI LVF'L PiAP 64 She could stand no more of it, here by the window. She turned away and went out through the ivory room to the little winding fligl t of stairs up to the roof top. She rah up lightly on her bare sandalled feet, and her body made a swift graceful arc of motion around the spiral of the stairs. On the roof top she went out beyond the canopy, impatient- ly, into the sun and leaned agai...…

October 29, 1938 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…PERSPECTIVES PaP .i. lI'C J!F KENbTyeUCKYONSHINE ..by Kervie Haufler THE "BULL SESSION' had pro- gressed rather peacefully from one topic to another when Wally and Frank returned from a beering party about midnight. Their state of mind quite naturally led us into a discussion of drinking, and Wally, who is pretty sarcastic even without the stimulus of beer, attacked the drinking habits of my home state of Kentucky. He must have gained his ...…

October 29, 1938 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…PERSPECTIVES aPI Seen V AL-4 L.. f, c I r THp FATHERS, by Allan Tate, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York FROM THE TIME OF LESSING to the present the dominant ideas which have shaped the course of modern literature have been closely related to the ideas of specu- lative philosophy. Philosophy has at- tempted to create systems of ideas which rationalize man's physical and mental being in relation to the whole of his environment, and literature ha...…

October 29, 1938 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight PERSPECTIVES CONCERNING THE YOUNG by Williard Maas, Farrar and Rine- hart, N.Y. THE FIVE-FOLD MESH by Ben Belitt, Knopf, N.Y. THE CARNIVAL by Frederic Pro- kosoh, Harpers, N.Y. A GLAD DAY by Kay Boyle, New Directions, Norwalk, Conn. Modern poetry, which for years has suffered the limp slings and indifferent arrows of the reading public, has begun to show, even in this country, a facade strong and arresting. It becomes increas- in...…

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