December 10, 1929

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December 10, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…. )ESTABLISHED 1 1890 ,CI r tIrk 446 MEMBER I ASSOCIATED( PRESS VOL. XL. NO 61.--T - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS CLAUDIA MUZIO, FAMOUS OPERA W ESEYAS 33- iSINGER, WILL APPEAR TONIGHT ULgram of songs and operatic arias. I knew all of the operas so well- 10 O [N S C [0The concert is scheduled to begin that, if it were necessary. I could at 8:15 o'clock. have p~roduced and stage managed !...…

December 10, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…PA ^ EEms. .u +re '".1 }n -. w .. fin. -" - " " rr .- ... r "+ " w A A- . 5~X'.? ,.'+a.r',C".t .'. s '.'. .'a.diY.:d$.e +-,t" . . h .. x, 4i ..tJV PA~Z ~ A - MACANY DECLARES Men of Union Opera Don Finihig Touches asT Merrie-Go=Round' Prepares for Premier IUNG GNRTION Detroit Minister Believes Youth Must Settle Conflict of Science and Religion. S.C.A. CONDUCTS SERVICE Indifference Toward Church Is Laid to Multitudinous Body of Truth Fa...…

December 10, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…* - . n . r+f -' -iw -- -- s - f 'r ... " 1R M+M +I . y .il +N + l!.r uY wwvrr.. 1 MCH tCl A IN D;IL IEfTITI ID. National Student Fedeation Ask Gener-al installation of Honor System - Colleges (This is one of a series of five articles whichtepsoadtth syem te .heDaily. will print concerning the honorsystem, the sNtoae series has been prepared by the field should be thoroughly prepar- Raymand B. Fosdick as First of s of i ed by faculty m...…

December 10, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…SAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAIL.'Y TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 4929 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 7 ublished every morning except Monday during the UniVersity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association, The Associated. Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republi,:ation of all newvs dis patches 'credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published her...…

December 10, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 61) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIC'XAN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 A VAaE FIVI TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 THE MICITTICAN DAILY PAGE FIVE 1111 w '. . ..,.... ITAIANS OPRANO WILL SING TONIGHT IN CONCERT SERIES Claudio Muzio Will be Heard in *Hill Auditorium for First Time Since 1918.' IS RENOWNED IN OPERA! Familiar with all of the grand operas at the age of 15, Claudia Muzio, the distinguished Italian so- prano who will be heard tonight in Hill auditorium on th...…

December 10, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 61) • Page Image 6

…T gTANChA\,I . . . ~.... ... ...__... ..._._ . _._ \ tr'A:'..: .L_ 1" _'_ '. : 1_" .ll .L. 1.1 J lv, i-.v __ ,.-. :: A - t L ANN& FLA FIVE HO E GAMES A Conference Cage Games Are Carded r I , CHAMP WHO REPE ATs fIA ORKSAEN GMHRECEIVES AWARDhINDIANAPURE ILINOIS, CHICAGO FOR CAMPUS MEET ~- ANOMINESOTTATO MEET WOLVERINES 41 First Test of Season Scheduled I{First Big Nine Bas to Start Next Tuesday on Set for January Intramural...…

December 10, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 61) • Page Image 7

…i ...£ 1 L ., . B .. ! T 4 Q _ TWO CONTESTS AW ARDEDWSN RTH RSTERN C LAssIIED R~i 1 TO-NR'AD VERTISING ~. COAUESMETINGt DECGIDES ON MEETS Four Conference Meets Remain Unsettled After Coaches End Confab. MINNESOTA GE1tS TRACK As a result of the meeting of the coaches of the Big Nine at Chicago to draft schedules for the coming season, three Conference cham- pionship events have been awarded to different schools. Indoor and outdoor t...…

December 10, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 61) • Page Image 8

…t PAIGE ETCHT T HEMICHIGAN DAILYi I TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 .......... . . . ...... . ....... ....... . ........ ......... ......e..-. .w... . T . r_ . rte. W A 1 ®NYXORYNf/ 11 /IMIr '. D0-AILY OFFICIAL BUL*LETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructivye notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- 'dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. in. Satu~rday) __ VO.X.TUtADEEBR10, L1929 N., lai c.- Coll...…

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