December 18, 1928

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December 18, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 A sommmallIMMMA- Ajo la i I&,. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS . .. .® 0 Vol. XXXIX. No. 73. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1928 EIGHT PAGES MICHIGAN DAILY FINDINGS SHOW MANY FLU C S[S MORE THAN 100 STUDENTS HAVE LEFT BECAUSE OF ILLNESSI ESTIMATE 2,000 AS TOTAL Health Service Is Taxed To Limit While Class Attendance Is On Decrease More than 500 cases of severe colds or mild influenza were listed last night in a...…

December 18, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…PACE TWO AIR4NDE WORLD PAYSHflAQE TO MEN TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF FLYING IS CELE1RATED IN NORTH CAROLINA ORVILLE WRIGHT ATTENDS Crowds Pay Tribute To Wrights At Scene Of First Air Flights * ( fl As s e<~c Pre.- . KITTY HAWK, N. C., Dec. 17.- Kill Devil hills, windswept sand dunes on the North Carolina coast, became an international shrine to- day as an "air-minded" world paid tribute to the men it called "flying fools" 25 years ago. Orville...…

December 18, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, DECEMBLR 18,. 1928 TU-IE MICh--IGAN DATILY r PACE TTIRER TUESDAY, DECEMI3EU 18, 1028 PAGE TITTh~ ______________ _- ---- ___- ~--- ----- ~----- -- ----~~ _-- ('IAIIlVUI IUTnflITf~lf SNOWS FALL IN ""REASONABLENTESS OF RELIGION" IS rmikin urur Pni i rnrt. LYW AIII I IiI fUb I f WESTERN STATE.S THIRD CONVOCATION SPEECH TOPI UrU!tY U~~ ; V' au W ie i ~~ ~oest a tJn of love, Itruth, adbeauty, and [lD[IPL lA SOCIATION Til O LD llwig...…

December 18, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…GE FOUR~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY _. Published everytmorning except Monday Suring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffiece at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a...…

December 18, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

…AY, DECEMBER 18, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY LYAV 40U \..7 13 k 1 i 1 ||h|LQ DI | nr MICHIGAN WOMAN PUBLISHES 'QUILL' D K FLU SURVIVORS ARE BECOMING FEW VULLIO DHALL LUS FULFILLING AMBITION OF CHILDHOOD IIUIl \ YOMUNYMtKl AND FAR BETWEEN,_OBSERVES CORA "The Quill," a quarterly maga- has been printed, each one devoted Well, my dear, Christmas vaca- I the sirvivors do come down with To ZE TA AU ALPHA!ne devoted to the higher arts, is to...…

December 18, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…"vAt I MICHIGAN a TUE$DAY,JMB1PR 18, 19214 THI MICHIGAN I) A I L Y BREAK_ RECORDS AT 110-"'---'bk'4O1VT0 WOLVERIES OATCCach DrsHockeyTeamFor Init TORONTOLAWAGOSLN CONFERENCE CAGE ANNEXESTTL STEATE ITLE BATTING CROWN INVASION OF PIf >, x qU1 N awnai';As Marked Contrast SnlCLOSE T RIaACEAndn ,es Meet D eaL In Si Spindle, Walker, And Ault Make R(elease of tPe of icial American ll last Season New Canad in Marks In league batting averages ...…

December 18, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 73) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, D)ECEMBDlR IS, 1Mu" THE MICH-IGAN DAIEV- PAGE tmvE-l ToOPPOsE[NWKEYE IN CONTEST TONIGHT- Conquerors Of Indiana Will TPes Strength Of Hawkcyes On Both Offense And Defense WILCOX BACK IN LINEUP IOWA CITY, Dec. 17.-A!fn as- signment of maid-season toughness has been meted out to the Univer- sity of Iowa basketball team which plays. the Washington University quintet from St. Louis tomorrow night on the field house court. It is the probl...…

December 18, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 73) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1928 University Girls' Glee Club: The Glee club will meet at the School of Music today at l o'rciu-1 IDAF I Y 111 I * B U L I and the Christmas party will be at 4:30. Rehearsal will be held a 7:30 this evening, in Hill Auditorium. Everyone is urged to be on time. Esther Anderson, Acting President Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members University Girls' Glee Club of the Uni...…

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