January 14, 1923

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January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER - CLOUDY AM) VIARMER POSSIBLYSNO1 E4, l4#4 1 TEYI AE VOL. XXXIII. No. 81 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1923 TWENTY PAGES ' "~ Sectio, One PRICE FIVI fBerlin, Jan. 13-(By A.P.)-By an overwhelming vote of 283 to 12 the(. Reichstag today registered its approv- al of the government's attitude to- John P. Lawton, ~24, an Elizaheth Wright Childs wards the Frank-Belgium invasion of John P. Lawton. '24, chairman o ...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…rmpusSymphony± Will Play. Today ~e Univcrsity Symphony orches- under the directioni of Samu-aet P. kwo(od, will give its next concert he Faculty Concert Series at 4:1:> 1ck thlis afternoon in Hill aUdi- n. Miss Clara Lundell, -pianist, 'appeal- as solist with thie orches- THE MICHIGAN DAILY CENTER OF WORLD'S INTEREST, AND COMMA NDER OF INVAD1)ERS g eneralI public is co;ria lly in- to attejj. It is requested that seateJ pronytly v~3 the doors...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…n ~ ~ ~ H MICHIGAN DAILY IIIYIW M~rYIY~ Yp YYI I Yr ,. DEAN SPEAKS BEFORE ASSOCITION W'OMEN c s t - A r \ 1, S 7 U S S I O N ...................... a a i I : I I t iromtcn Members of the senior play com- mittee will meet at 12 o'clock tomnorrow to ihave their picture taken for the Michiganensian. Speaking of things which are gena lJ Members of the Women's league are oral to the college situialicon e very+ asked to be planning their c...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UIYEU$ITY OF MICHIGAN blished every- morning except Monday ag the University year by the Board in rol of Studert Publications. Member of Western Coference Fditorial Association, The Associated Press is- exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches. credited to it or not other wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoftice a...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 5

…iRY 14, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SENT KOS BHETHDIT HUM. BUNKERS METHODS CONSIDERED FOR MARITIME SAFETY 4, , t '..Y '. ,.- . d ,. . }: , i, fig' . ., , 5 Yf':f a wi j .; , TO DRIVE TRAFFIC FROM RIVER ACTION FOLLOWS DISASTER IN WITh GOVERNMENT MOTOR SINKING OF SHIP, BOATS EGYPT Detroit, Jan. 13.- James R. Davis, London, Jan. 13. (By A. P.)-Since federal prohibition director for Michi- the sinking of the steamship Egypt gan, hopes to give ru...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY s IAOooop- IIc . ,, +,, . t14-mill lulwi . _ ., [r r'"' r srsIty Men &r 1Decides on ,Eight lames for Annual Southern Trip Sprinig Yacation PEING CALL FORl BATTERY, CANDIHATES IWILL BE FEB. ;12 Coach Ray Fisher yesterday 'anl- unced the southern and home sched- le for the Varsity baseball team for ie coming seasen. Eight gamnes have1 en scheduled during spring ,Vaca- an, but there are not as -many games 'yed in ...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 7

…TEMICHIGCAN DAILY _________ Int ramtural (continued from Page Six) 2, Alpha Tau Omega vs. Chi Phi;, court 3, Phi Mu 'Alpha vs. Delta Tar: Ljpsiren; court 4, Alpha ChiSgm v. Delta Chi. Tuesday night's schedule is as, fol-. lows: att 6 o'clock, court 1,. Nu Sigma Nu, vs. Theta Clii; court 2, PI Delta Kappa vH. Delta Alpha ;psilon; court ~,Phi Beta Delta vs. 1Psi Upsiloi ;I cour't 4, Sigma Nu vs. Phi Chi; at 6:':0 o'clock, court 1, PI' Gammla De...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 8

…__________________________TI (E MICHIGAN DAIL1 SuNDAYJA I "Mystery, Man" WHAT'S O ING ON! Ot Debt Mission BOARD LETS FIELD PRELIMINARY SQUAD FO0R HO USE CON TRACTS MIDWS EAECHOSEN Establish Air Route to Cuba ular air mail service has been insti- ited States. Present r Havana, Jan. 13.-(By A.P.) -Reg- tuted between this city and the Uni- trigs six clays a week. c ti1L I CE--CoI~y for this column should tiubmitted by .5:30 o'elock of d...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 9

…Section Two Y AV t VOL. XXXIII. No. 81 ANN ARBOR, ALUMNI BUY GRID GRAPH APPARATUS Electric Scoreboard Tried Out Fall to Reproduce Future Outside Games. Last PROCEEDS TO HELP PAY OFF OLD MEMORIAL HALL DEBT Purchase of the grid graph appara- tus for reproducing football games has been completed by the Alumni association. The electric scoreboard which was introduced to Ann Arbor last fall, at the Vanderbilt, Ohio State and Minnesota ...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 10

…________THE MICHIGAN DAILY ARCAI hie Woman Cornqu( erine Mac~oitald, i ,ction of the week. screened amid 'tl icrn Canadla, and rns hewo~n of that pictin 74 "TER 'ldution, "Salvation :Nell," which conmes here Wednesday and Thursday. Paul- Eine Starke has the leading role, which E ~Mrs. FYiskl^ erlae fonmous on the speak - .era," starring ' n g tage. bhe is seen as the forlorn is the opening little N-312', Who, because of her love The picture ...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 11

…THEjMICHIGANDAILY__________ j IUniversity of Michigan, League RR RY which is necessary if the best results are to be secured. SECRTARY ANNUNCE iMrs Earl W Dow returned from the l est ihot.Chrstnastime: While AN.17 09TE SIT'f OR was away she did work with the NeANngl21 almDATEmetSETwiF ALUJMN9ECOUNCIL H T groups as well as interviewing sce -- !taris ofcolleges which~ have been GRtAND 1RAPID~S OB1TAINS 100 PER engaged in financial, campaigns. ...…

January 14, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 81) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ki DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINf 2Publcation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 D. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 3 SUANDAY, JANUIARY 14. 1;23 lumber S1 University Senate, Further Postponemnent of Meeting: The meeting of the University Senate, called for January 15 and post- poned to January 22 it has been foun, l necessary to postponed to a still dater date. I...…

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