May 26, 1922

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May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 1


May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 2

…RD PRSS ntitld to the not br is It or cot .tborwiR. publbRhin r h[1Ma asO . dS et. bhshed in The Daily at U@ tdscre- sailed to The Daily office. Unsigned consideration. N. manpscript will closes postage. ly endorse the sentiments expressed [Ale STAFF one 2414 ....BRI~WSTR P. CAMPBELL .. .......Josep A. Bernstein .James B. Young ............Marion Kerr G. P. Overton M B. Stahil Paul Watnel 1..................L. Armstrng Kern E. R. Mciss .....…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

…Clothes. Where, 0 Where Are The Verdant Freshmen?"--ien Of '25, Learn This Song efore C ap Nig h t Lxercises SPRING HERE Freshmen! This is the song that you will sing tonight just before you form your snake dance around the fire, to discardyour pots. The Daily has printed it in full for your benefit. Learn it.n I They've gone out from Wenley osophy, They've gone out from Wenley osophy, They've gone out from Wenley osophy, Safe now in the S...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 4

… y(iI 7 - ,; :\ :: I it -;5- i , _ MEET TO MANY STARS ecial to The Daily) Ia., May 25.-Middle dist- ig at the annual .Big Tenr eld meet to be held at the >f Iowa, June 2 and 3, will ier a fast field of perform- estern colleges and univer- ding Fassenden Hof Illinois, Visconsin, Pyott of Chica- i of Minnesota, and Wilson v of Iowa in the 440 yard ggins and Wolters of Ames, fMinnesota, Ramsey of Yates of Illinois, and Noll v of Iowa in th...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 5

… football coach and assistant director of intercollegiate athletics at Mich- igan. On Ferry Field Today in the 1909 meet that he threw the of weight 170 feet, 3 inches - a mark which has never been reached since. ec- Just two years before Koehler set for his record for the hammer 'throw, Joe of Horner, then a member of a Grand eat Rapids High school track team, and on- later a Michigan track man, set a ade record for the 12 pound shot put whe...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 6

…MPAIGN ISSUES rBE-_EONMI ridge, Republican, Declares Duty is to Restore Vigor of U. S. + Business ATOR WATSON PRAISES HARDING AD3INISTRATION (By The Associated Press) dianapolis, May 25.-Political is- of the coming fall campaign were east today before the Republicans had assembled for the first state ical convention of this year. Three' kers, looking toward the cam- n, outlined the stand of the Re- licans, and the only one of them pecify on ma...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 7

…ly north of Those plan- Katherine ' 22 'ELnsian Is 2lest In History tc )r, > should -not phone 2597. reshman and )mmittees are its to the reg- d, after which to Dean Jor- rs' organiza- to bring their, ept, over sum- The third practice for the May-pole dances will be held at 4:30 Monday, May 29. It is very important that all girls attend. Chaperones for dances this week end are: Union-Friday, Mrs. H. B. Lazzell; Saturday, Mrs. Yates Adams...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Copy received until 3:30 p. M. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 2 FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 Number 173 teachers in the College of Engineering: Large enrollment makes necessary two summer camps in surveying. The first one starts Saturday, June 3, students leaving Ann Arbor on the fternoon of June 2. The semester records of these students must be com- ileted before they leave. Secretary Hopkins and Professor...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 10

…PACE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT FRIDAY, MAY 26, t922 JOHN S. LANDOWSKI, '23 The real star of the 1922 track team. He has done 12 feet nine nches in the pole vault indoors. =di 22 - d"gsxfe nt e y track high janmp consist- D point ently. In the lii- id20 oisgdsix eet he tied for first honors with Osborne, Illini -_? -r f ..__ k WALTER H. SIMMON Running the 100 an t yard dashes the Varsit captain has been a sur winner for ...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 11

… FRIDAY, BAY 26, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT PA(E TIHREI I 1922 VARSITY BASEBALL SQUAD. Standing. left to right-I. C. Uteritz. '22. ss; A1. Paper. '22, 3b; H1. H. Stryker, '25M, p; A. L. Schultz, '22, p; H. J. Liverance, '23, p; Ray Fisher, coach; D. F. Roby, '23, If; J. L. Blott, '24, c; H. H. Mudd, '23, p. Seated, left to right--J. H. Shackleford, '23D, rf; A. Klein, '23, If; M. A. Dixon, '22E, p; H. A. Vick, '22, capt...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 12

…A(a11 POVIt ,rHV- MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT !,"RIDA) , MAY 26, 1922 iAGii 5017)1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 k - ~ I RUBY FOOTWEAR IS NOT JUST MADE, IT IS BUILT Detroit ANN ARBOR C~icajo No matter what the occasion we have the appropriate gift ane SNo. 8 NICKEARAEI 1H ALLER& FULLER are showin an extra ordinary collection of Engagement Rings in original and unusual designs at decidedly lower pric...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 13

…FRIDAY, MA11Y 2f), 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPL EMENT PAGE FIVE _ _ _ . _ .._ A 1. C. L TERITZ '23. /vA Is as finished an ini fielder as has per- ,J fonned an Fe rrefield in years. 0~o 1000, =ft s II.IINI SIAlVI 440. Indian quartermil- ers took all places ti against Mjcbig.ail. ap i Y t r 3 f ,. AYRES WINS ANOTHER I'he Indian sprint- 4) er capturing the 220-yard dash. YATES WINS* 880. Illinois captain won the half mile in 1.5...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 14

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 Always with Michigan GRAHAM BOOK S Two Complete College Stores Cool Furniture for warmer days XTOU will get pretty much the same kind of comfort from Wicker or Reed furniture in Summer, that you do from tub frocks and Palm Beach clothes. It's cool and it looks it; does- n't stay hot because the breeze goes right through it. We have a large se- lection of pieces and s...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 15

…FRIDAY, AJAY 26, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT PAGE SEVEN )0 D23DO3. A. L. SCHULTZ, '22 H d o io v iA veteran pitcher who has l e t f ilob c usCfon -n x s a o n eYa k *turned in many victories. He for the swill be sorelymssed next H e has ...-...y ear. "d.'H.W ELIT'2 DOUGLAS F. ROBY, '23 H .ELO,' Has made a position in Should develop into a star left field because of his next season. He lacks hitting propensities. Is control...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 16

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN RAIL -Y' PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT F11IDAY, MAY 263, 1922 PAGE EIGHT TI IL MJCIJIGAN DAJL"i PICTORIAl. SUPPI LMLNT FJ2IDAY, MAY 26, 1922 S rep..Mw I a -W-W. - LL Q .1- Tess FRESHMEN BEFORE THE BATTLE '25 was determined j hen the second day of the Spring ("times opened but the experience of was too much to overcome and tit(, sophomores vori. 4 RUNNING A DEAD HEAT. These men hit every ob- stacle at the same time in 1 7...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 17

…FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT PAGE NINE Q 0) D. C. DOUGLAS, '22E W ADAM SIEMONS, '24 A strong half miler Another sophomore, who hao placed con- w ho hasa added. TMcELLVE'N FIRST JOHN A. DOWEN, '24E sistently daring the points to Michigas's This has heen thse re- Thi season. Placed first A °/ total in the quarter port on the hsighs iumpt Thssophomore is the heat in the 0. S. U. meet., Q A mile..- in most of th...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 18

…PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 1922 ALL-FRESH TRACK SQUAD The team coached by Archie Hahn this year is reputed to be the strongest yearling aggregation since 1916, when such stars as Carl Johnson and Larry Butler were in their first year of competition. "0d i ro SARGENT WINS- ' The Michigan hurdler won the 120 yard event ' in the Ohio State meet . in 15 2-5 seconds. ( HOFFMAN BREAKING RECORD tae thre...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 19

…FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT PAGE ELEVEN 4 'i / , Don't Go Home and Disappoint the Kiddies! Whether nephews or nieces or brothers or sisters, new toys, including sand trays, beach pillows, sprinkling cans, and pails, Tinker Toys, etc., also little dresses, boys' suits, bonnets and all sorts of dainty gifts put up attractively and easily car- ried home with you. a ns Ne.NE C No. 4 NICKELS ARCADE MILfS OF S...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 20

…FRIDAY, MIAY 26, 1922 PAGE TWELVE T14E MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPL EMENT ".S .. A - m '24 ENGINEERS SCRUB. Triangles initiated teIss _ _ w sophomnore engineers on May 11. SPHIINX INITIATE. 7 Junior lit sociely iii- aced ten men on May 13. I NO ITHOROU<GHFARE $V hsbricd tpe the laws flom going EUIELWS thrloughs the Engineer- Evadled snsares set, ing Arch al, Swillsliut. for thsemsby thse seinior engineers. …

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 21

…PREIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT PAGE THIRTEEN wwmmm I GRADUATION DAYS! Happy memories of Alma Mater brought back by photographs from friends in school. Studios- ANN ARBOR HILISDALE On The Campus Phone 303-W While You Are Away, We Are Here For the complete enjoyment of your vacation or business trip, there should be no worrying about the safety of your valuables left at home. The safe deposit boxes at this ...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 22

…PACE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT FRI.DAY. MAY 26, 1922 )IIGHI t1AAtTA All-campus senior honorary society c'apturedI 19 "pale face.i" at the Rope Day c eremony flay 10. DRUIDS. Senior lit honorary society initiatedI 14 juniors May 17. VULCANS. Senior engineer honorary society initiated ten men on May 22. …

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 23

…FRIDAY, MAY 26, l q222 FRIDY, AY 1. 522THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT PG ITE PACE FIFTEEN _. ____. C LEAN I NG SAY IT WITH ENERGINE! YOUR GARMENTS THOROUGHLY SWISSILIZED AT THlE Swiss Sarmonts Cleaning Co. Swissilized Garments Stay Clean Longer PONE CLEANERS 2508 Cman.DYERS 209 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE Fill l I I I mgwvlww Dobbs 1922 Straws /' f 4 f /j,( a / Y , //d r a . / j' .{j fy. . tj f r r N i . y .f ! The Dobbs Straws are n...…

May 26, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 173) • Page Image 24

…PAGE SIXTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922 FAO SITE H IHGNDIYPCOIA UPEETFIAMY2,12 Lt I9_2 lIrt chafsier Marx Sports styles are best Young men everywhere give then greatest/favor for all- 'sound use M EN are wearing sports clothes this year more than ever before -not only for sports but for school, business, travel, every sort of use. Made of rough, sturdy weaves in smart colorings. Tail- ored to fit perfectl...…

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