May 03, 1922

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May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…F. RS; 4 I r Sit i rn ttl IASSOCIATI PRESS fDAY AND NIGHT I SIR VICE ) 153 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN'WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1922 PRIG FIV I .......,.,.,..,..,,.wY PRICE FIVE C - _ _.. . . r.ER LEADS IN COUNCIL RAC r. USSES MAND 'ROBLEMI [)ED TO .Legaxl Steprs Will' lie Ta ken A t Union "Crease N dance? wWhy Crease dance?" Nobody knows. 'The. namte of the dance is merely a tradition, in- herited from years past, which has long s...…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…the University fal- tled t. the ee ft it or not othrwis abliaked thifrein. stree rcrpt.will expressed sentiments STAFF TOR......,.....ER WSTER P. CAMPBELL ,...,...................,,.Joseph A. Bernstein ...James B. Young m G. P. Overton awon M. B. Stahl ambrecht Paul Watzel .Pike hairman................L. Armstrong Kern dorfer Et. R. Meis rews 1Iditor.............--hornton W.Sargent, jr. .................. ..George---.-Sloan ...............…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…1IC' -i k MKkI DAILY i bra Courses?' Investigating Committee Finds Causes For Freshmen Failures Ctat SaingWs E ~Car. ' Ia'in and Wq shington ig over 4d00 Zoology, M etc., given b be appliedc courses in History, 'English , xclern Languages, E~conomics, 6y correspsonrdence. Inquire on present college program.- CHUtAGO. 3 LLn 30ih Yr. CHICAGO. lILlINtO1S ;ysar HAVE YOU our new product?' Ask your grocer to you a few cartons of our delici...…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY M.. .-... Y ity of Michgan 1 by President address in the program Sat-; urday night, when he spoke of the importance of a building to serve the women of the University as the Mich- igan Union serves the. men. Word has been received from groups throughout the country to the effect that they enjoyed the "Michigan Night" by radio. TTCOMING!! COMING!!! ATTR ACTION EXTRAORDINARY i WILL FLRNISH UNIVERSITY NEWS TO EIGHT PAPER...…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

….. SPOl g ., . .ill' .. t . . t: CONTINUES TO PREPARE r WITH O.S.U. SATURDAY WARM WEATHER KEEPS 'VARSITYTENNIS TEAM MEETS M.A.C.' SPRIN si MEN AWAY THIS AFTERNOONIN FIST HOME TILT beating ( Sanchez fi feating 'l set 5-7, 6- del and] nie, 6-1, 8 feated Sla r In NDOWSKI AND HOFFMAN ARE EXPECTED TO SCORE POINTS [chigan's Varsity trackmen are Aping along in a pleasing fashion tang in readiness for the meet with o State on Saturday. Steve...…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

…THE DAILY IM ELECTS CAPTAIN AND I FOR NlEXT YER'S SQUAD ehnie, '23E, to Lead Team; lnbaum, '23, Will Mdilage Squad Next Fall lI SULLIVAN SATISFIED ITH SHOWING OF FIGHTERS higan's informal boxing team its ,first year of competition ther teams by an election of of- for, next year. McKechnie, was elected captain and Bern- '23, manager. hie numerous men to try out for Lm the past year, Coach Sullivan the following who were seen ion at various t...…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 7

…..a...+ LCU.5%'&#&E L Lu Vdy l A A 49U' Series Of Celebrations S WiL WiIL EA H lli 111111UIIIIIi p111111t 1111111111111111llll llillllltlllllllllll111 COURSES THIS SUMMER The fumes T'heatre -The old pendence was re- ide to a ins which aorat- sign- hall .has just been rebuilt as part of' the restoration of the Independence Square buildings. The United States Supreme court occupied the back room on the first floor, while the first floor ...…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 8

… igan League SII NCMU ority To Gdive PEAEAUMA ae'i a Fifty Chapters Organized by Women aj 'n ' , Ces t Graduates in Various Localities1 Sark CHILDRITEN'S MOVIE NE TS LEAGUE $50' Approximately $50 were realized by' the League from the benefit movie which was given last Saturday morn-' I ing at the Majestic theater by the girls of Helen Newberry residence. This is one of the series of entertain- ments which are being given by' the. various so...…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 9

…. -.----- Sigma Delta Phi will hold a meeting I: at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at; Martha Cook. ; DR. CORA J. BEST ADDRESSES HIKERS t DIN~b . TEX R. H. Campbell, t'reasurer of the Uni- gig versity, before members can use the courts. Players are requested to bring their own rackets and balls and Plans have been made by Mrs. J Emswiler, chairman of the swimm committee of the athletic section ing of of the Girls' held at 7:30. g in Newber...…

May 03, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 153) • Page Image 10

…UQl ET N a w. ssardiays.) i d SERS, EN6iNEER, DIES ' AT HOME INl SAGINlAW Collecion Of Coral Fossils Here. Declared Treasure Of Science AY 8, 1922 Number 16$R ce of the Deans this morning at 10 in the M. L. BURTON.; ly of all students of Education at Newberry :15. President McKenny, of the State Normal A. S. WHITNEY. p._ the Faculty of these colleges on Wednes- Room 411, Engineering building. LOUIS A. HOPKINS. )ral Union will be held...…

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