February 28, 1922

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February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…)p w PO 'o t {4gan Li .I ) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 nfuIn IENCE [OVAL TO ICAGO ERS AID ssor Opposes md Dlrectlon Federal of Smith In Favor Of Rooming Plan "Although the University, has been in possession of a small number of private residences this year," said Sec- retary Smith, "every one of them is either sold or soon to be sold and all will be removed from University property before July, thus making it ...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…ESS o the use for rnot otherwise i therein. gan, as second which is enjoyed by both the student and the resi, dent of Ann Arbor. The crowds which attend are continually growing, and he who visits once "de- parts but to return". There is something peculiarly effective about the full, resonant tones of organ music within the im- pressive surroundings of Hill auditorium, towards the close of day. Care and responsibility are for the moment laid a...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…WHIIL TREATISES BE LI) APRIL lIST NIGHTS . z 7:30 to 10:30 MINGTON gs) , GALPIN AND BRAND WORK ON BOOKBSAS A RESULT OF STUDY ABROAD Dr. W. F. Galpin and C. F. Brand, of the English history department, are eachwriting historical treatises, as a result of study abroad last summer. Dr. Brand is now writing the last chap- ter of his book and Dr. Galpin expects to have his ready for publication next' year. The two men were in London last summe...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…. t= .. *.1 a/: . "' .r ; viii ;;k ii . . .. . . . ... .... =. I-_ I t G ,,; CHIMES ART STAFF Freshman Track Squad Continues To Show A Balanced development There will be an important meeting of all those who are interested in art work for the Chimes in room 306 of the Un- ion today,at. 5'o'clock. or sist Sat- f Catalogue on request LDING & BROS. State St., Chicago I SENIORS NOTICE Men senior lits must report to Moe's now...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 5

…|J1iL LIiML tLIL LUltiU LUIA LPU V lay in the next few days on she ce as the condition of the ice w warrant further notice. lay .v A -~ - olState Relay Carnival At E. Lansing 'OR DROPS 18 MEN C OF CANDI. Eighteen men were included in the rst cut made by Coach Fisher this eason. Thse surviving the knife oft ie coach's eye went through their aces for two huirs yesterday after- on at a' lively clip.-t The coach is well pleased with the ray th...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

…:. l ., _zs' and icel laeous s somewhat damaged by Fire and Smoke so we have decided to hi the balance oof our Miscellaneous Books, Fiction, Stationer I Notebooks Our entire stock of Cloth and P. books. All sizes at rock Fiction to Caet One of Them Brief Cases 98c 28 3.98 KIPLING O'HENRY MARK TWAIN" STEVENSON SHAKESPEARE THACKERY DUMAS DICKENS HARDY and many at REMARKABLE VAI Stationery k Racks All Michigan Seal Paper ...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 7

…- on cast. On account of I ture this afternc Jordan will not bo sity students. Swift's lec- n Myra B. e to Univer- I Edith H. Swift, of the American ne association, will give a lec- for all University women at 4 k this afternoon in Sarah Cas-' Angell hall. Her subject will Vhat and How Are We Building?" Kahn, R. Waldron; sophomore squad- G. Baker, M. Birmingham, D. Bolton, D. Compton, W. Craigie, P. Delf, M, Hays, A. McKinnon, J. Raum; f...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 8

…I .. . 'days.) I Colin Will (ul-e Lecture Tonight (Continued from Page One) ments ) disappear under the waves in 19 minutes without being deeply im- pressed by the picture. Mr. Coffin was present at the bombing tests and is in IN DEBATE T 1922 Number 106 All students who desire to compete in the Northern Oratorical league con- test should hand in manuscripts of their speeches, consisting of not more than 1,850 words on any subject of L...…

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