January 29, 1922

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January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 1


January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…dazing tho a V l Pllcatlous D PRESS itli t r Ks ait w act .)tko-4 Usihe." aki ets Michian as seeas. hardi Suz t , if signed, the sig Ias an evidence o in The Daily at th, to The Daily office iideration.Nombs.i ores postage the sentient,. a . .EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone U414 AGING EDITOR ...... BREWSTER P. CAMPBELl Rant Mausging Editor . Hugh W. Htchcock R K. Adam .1 Over d"ard Lamibrecht Paul Watze- iai Bard Chairman..................L. Armstr...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…;antinued from Page 1)- the courses planned are the ntals of, athletic coaching, nd practice or footbal1, base- ck and, basketbal, the train- conditioning of men and gym. work. Much actual gymna- )rk will be required of th e olled in the course, and be'j its strenuous nature, it wi'l d to six weeks. The fee for rse is $22 50. Similar work given at Harvard, Colunmbia, te, Il'inois. and OIfornia. Many Courses Listed. I of -30 courses is listed f...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…--mom LIbid dLLI [Iu .5 IN BASKETBALL RACE There is still time for us to make your ior- else mal clothes for the J-Hop. Nowhere tend- TO TITLE n Feb. 11 with far brighter of success than have been d by the Wolverines during ig lap of'the Big Ten race. ptage column seems to offer on for optimism among the s for in the four games chigan has anything but an standing among the Big s. With one victory and ats chalked up to their rec- Wolve...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 5

…,u , U quarters of the committee are at desk .R F~UI VV:UR~ Ethree in the student activities room -- ' of the Union where the committee is om page 4) at the service of students from 4 to ce when the seasonI at to the Maroons be-+ ay five played more r "Piggy" Lambert's rt changed and plays .gainst Big Ten quin- her band Purdue is >mparatively easy ar- nes. The Boilermak-! Michigan, Wisconsin, d should have easy game save the pair 'eb. 7 the B...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…16 At uath improving his previous ,ur r il in tly I IV U r ul VLILBAI |SS COL. Madison, Wis., Jan. .28. -A squad of veterans will represent the Univer- sity of-Wisconsin on the'tr'ack during ..........r u Need Extra Courses? og describing over 400 courses in History, English, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, ociology, etc., given by correspondence. Inquire arned may be applied on present college program. PT. , CHCAGO. ILL...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 7

…seball Candidates First call for baseball candidates as been sounded by Coach Ray Fish- r, Varsity mentor. Battery men have een asked to report for daily prac- ice in Waterman gymnasium begin- ing Monday, Feb. 6. Other aspirants o the Varsity nine will report to the aseball mentor a week later. After the kinks have been taken out if the pitchers' arms and the infield- rs and outfielders have been given lenty of chance to limber up, Coach' is...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 8

… I [IUM AND LEAD STRIPS (1-in. x 5-In. x 1-16th-in.) 10c-PER PAIR-10c K-ndK Radio Supply Co. STANDARD APPARATUS npson ANN ARBOR - Phone 63.J re-Inventory Sale of NE FOOT 1 E11RKI MORTNI, YOUTHFUL ARTIST, WHO HAS BEEN CALLED BY SOME TIE GREATEST WOMAN VIOLINIST THAT EVER LIVED 11 Satin and Suede Party 'umps, values up to $10.00 now $6.65 7ahr's Shoe Store 108 SOUTH MAIN STREET ,., 1 111111111llillil1IlIIIU1111111111111111 ll & The...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 9

…F STAGE ATTRACTIONS Open S udents for )pening of ooked the For Two.' on, honor- charge of r the per- with E. of Union irge. is n the the- Saturday a theater. It will be a new view- point, since heretofore only the acting itself could be learned. Attractions Booked With a capacity of 500 people, it is felt that a two night stand will have to be scheduled for every entertain- ment. The theater has a main floor orchestra, and mezzanine right ...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 10

…iU L 'i N :., S TE'LL OF ORGANIZATION AM) WORK IN HOUSES FOR WOMEN e to the fact that many women on :ampus do -not realize. the full Lons of the women's dormitories, sume of the organization and of each house will be published Is and later issues of the Daily. st established as a co-operative [tory here five years ago through iforts of a body of Detroit alum- Alumnae house has succeeded in! urpose. It has aimed to fom mosphere for its girl...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 11

…i" 'with NorArnh tM4bel comedy, I - ~ ~ 44V~riSe All senior girls must have their ,asand gowns before the Junior ilrs' play which will be given March .'3,-24, and 25. The caps and gowtvk ,nay be procured; at Mack's. Any change in schedule that will ne- cessitate a change in, gymnastic work' should be reported to-.the instructor ,)y Friday, Feb. S. Girls who wish to work in the booth ni University hall next semester, or who are working there n...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 12

…I " Ls BU UL LETIrN 1922 :number 93 ,JANUARY 29, f ge of Literature, Science. and the Arta-Dean's Advisory Committee: 'here will be a meeting of the Advisory Committee in the Dean's office esday, Feb. 1, at 3 p. m. .Mr. Albert Kahn, the architect for the new ng, will meet the Committee at that time to discuss the proposed plans JOHN R. EFFINGER. ilttee on Diploma Schools: 'here will be a meeting of the Committee on Diploma .Schools Mon- Ja...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 13

… SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 , 1922 'rench Betrayal of By Prof. F. )ecember, 1917, a British army in. which he gives an account of his General Allenby captured Je- experiencea. After the Armenians had as. hene i foceditswaybeenr expelled from the cities, their n. Tenceit orce itswayhouses and shops were systematically northward. Damascus fell on pillaged and burned, and' Turks be- it day of September, 1918. cam...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 14

…MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 1922 The Campus Players (By G. D. E.) above the aforementioned Kennedy, A week or eo ago I was agreeably Percy Mackaye, and the emotional surprised to learn that the Sociedad Drinkwater. In the next issue of the Sunday Magazine I hope to deal with Hispanica intends to. present Jacinto him more fully In a review of "The Benavente's "The Bonds of Interest" Bonds of Interest." (Los Intereses Creados). ...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 15

…(By George Sloan) c .ve you ever wondered which sub- s proved the most fatal, which n es "'dunked" with the moat die- a aging regularity, which time of a was the most dangerous to stud- o >r why more students leave school me than in February? 'Have you s wondered how much it costs the l of Michigan to turn out a lawyer t octor? It was to answer these b tions that I journeyed over to the s of Dr. Arthur G Hall, -registrar e University. ange as ...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, JANUARY Loan funds for University Students (By Julian Mack) of funds donated by friends of the Higher education was considered University for the use of needy stu- the property of a certain "class" of ents. Most of these loans carry no people not so many years ago. The interest until after the graduation of the borrower. No security is asked. revolution in ideas on this subject, R. A. Campbell, treasurer of...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 17

…Rober (By Samuel L. Greenebaum, Jr.) Beauty and intelligence rarely find themselves possessed by the same in- dividual. Nature seems to think that either one should be enough for one person; she rarely considers it neces- sary or advisable to mix them. How- ever, we must admit that there are a few favored sons and daughters whom Providence has seen fit to bless with this double gift. Similarly, in literature, few men have worth-while ideas, an...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 18

…and Authors "SECOND APRIL" finds expression in "Eel-Grass," "Low- (A Review by L. E. W.) Tide," "Inland," "Burial" and "Exiled." There are but two poems in the vol- In "Second April" (Mitchell Ken- ume which fall below the level of nerley), Edna St. Vincent Millay music and intelligible 'beauty. These achieves that high distinction which are "The Little Hill," which is streaked wi.th Sunday-School sentiment, and was promised by her earlier co...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 19

…(By T. E. D.) Symphony orchestra? There is way to learn to appreciate r much of it!" said Ossip GE tsch after the Detroit Symp iestra concert Monday night, ed just what musical educati' ught necessary for an appreci ymphony music. The questio mpted by the apparent failu lents on the campus to appr remarkable offerings of the t orchestra. They must go to symphony ts if they hope to be able t ciate them," he continued, h music is not to be under...…

January 29, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 93) • Page Image 20

…THE BETRAYAL OF CILICIAN It usually happens that an author's eyes moist with emotion"; I was not CHRISTIANS BY THE FRENCH incidental works, those little half hour ready to jump over the footlight into '(Continued from Page 1) essays with which he makes fast a the heroine's arms or on the heartless (Continued from Page 6) be gained by making a separate peace passing thought, are the most whimsi- Higgins' neck. But I appreciated the conscious ap...…

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