May 27, 1921

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May 27, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

….I C4ko .4r a DAT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921. acond Presentation of Great Spanish Play Reaches High Perfection Point a (By H. A. D.) With the advantage of a tfrst night success as an incentive to reach the, highest possible 'point of perfection, members of the cast of "The Great Galeoto", made their second appear- ance last night in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall. The Spanish problem drama, so well executed in last n...…

May 27, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

… the Univer- ans. ese is exclusively' entitled to the use for s dispatches credited to it or not otherwise od the local news published therein. toffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second gi Maynard Street. 2414. words, if signed, the sig- it, but as an evidence of blished in The Daily at the mailed to The Daily office. no consideration. No man- er incloses postage. mdorse the sentiments e- t be received after 8 o'clock 1' LOR ...........G...…

May 27, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…-. --: .. .. ." ;, ' '' 0 L - - . . - . - .. - - - . . - I . - IiiIIIIIiii, SPORT CALENDARI I I FRIDAY ' a 4:05-Varsity baseball game, Michigan vs. Ohio, Ferry field..' Medie League 6:45-,Phi Rho Sigma vs. Indepen-1 dents, Glen avenue -diamond. 6:45-Phi Chi vs. Alpha Kappa Kappa, Phi Chi diamond. EARLY.T RAINIG19A FOR BALL PLAYERS FIELD Frequent Rests Given Members of Both Track and Field Squads WEIGHT MEN IMPROVE AS BIG TEN MEE...…

May 27, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…ANp L~iJL FRENCH PRINCES TRYING TO 'WINUBCK CNDEA HISTORY OF FAMOUS PLACE IN- CLUDES REFERENCES TO NOTED MEN Greeks Diverted Iy Invasion Of' LeedsIn Airship Athens, May 7 (By Mail)-The Greek newspapers found much diversion in the arrival here by airplane of young William B. Leeds, son of Princess Anastasia. They are calling the youth, who is soon to marry Princess Xenia, the 17-year-old daughter of King Con- stantine's sister Marie, "Sir W...…

May 27, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 167) • Page Image 5

… CAMPBELL. ELECTED TO HONOARYMEMBERSHIP IN STEELASSOCIATION HAS BEEN CHEMICAL ENGINEER- VNG PROFESSOR HERE SINCE 1893. Prof. Edward D. Campbell, of the chemical department, has recently been elected to honorary membership in the American society for steel treat- ing. As only three other men have been thus honored, and they are the three greatest metallurgists in the world, the tendering of the certificate° of steel. He has served as chemist...…

May 27, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

…lie Daily aa Wa've you lost anything that you isfaction is prize very highly? The Classifiedj tronize our columns of The Michigan Daily are always ready to serve you.-Adv. 'ABLE VICT ROLA -. 10 A"ft .. . M "Vww. n YOUR CANOE Dean Jordan Lntej "'Regrets" Har Two hundred and twenty-eight fac- ulty children will be the guests of honor at the annual party which Dean' Myra B. Jordan will give Friday aft- ernoon, June 4, in Barbour gymna- sium....…

May 27, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 167) • Page Image 7

… TODAY Screen J cur- Majestic-Thomas Meighan in "The City of Silent Men." Also / comedy and News film. Arcade-Wallace Reid in "The Love Special" with a support- ing cast including Agnes Ayres and Theodore Roberts. 'I 1 1 Wuerth-William Faversham in "The Sin That Was His." Van- ity Fair Maid comedy and a color film. Orpheum--Douglas Fairbanks in "The Nut." Torchy comedy, "Torchy Mixes In," and Uni- versal news. THIS WEEK Stage Garrick (D...…

May 27, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 167) • Page Image 8

…THE y _._..._ - -- - - _. y_ , FICIAL BULLETIN ALUMNA DE SCRIBES WORK OF Ys W. Co' AtIN INDIA ORGANIZATION SIMILAR TO AMER- ICAN ASSOCIA- IrIONS ENGAGEMENT OF LINDEMULDER AND DUEMLING IS ANNOUNCED Announcement was made yesterday at the Chi Omega house of the engage- ment of Anne G. Lindemulder, '21, of Grand Rapids, to Werner W. Duemi- ing, '23M, of Fort Wayne, Ind. Dueml-1 ing is a member of Kappa Sigma and Nu Sigma Nu fraternities. Off...…

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