February 18, 1920

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February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…WIC 4 I'1 1.1 ;eJ M4 I * ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1920. ,. . _ .. .; Of ENGINEERING CURRICULA CONTEMPLATED Cooley Explains New Five Year Course Planned by Faculty )bable revision of the course of es for Engineers, making an elec- course of five years, after which Master's degree would be con-; 1, is one of the important chang- ntemplated in the discussion now g place among the Engineering ty. Cooley Explains rega...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…,'11 I. .W ing. It welcomes students from every department irrespective of class or previous experience and re- quires only a serious interest in the work and a genuine desire to serve both The Daily and the University. It is not unusual to find students from every department on the campus working on The Daily and cases of medical, law, and engineering students who are working merely for an incidental knowledge of journalism, are far from r...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…U 11 El JI ISSUES BASEB LL I-I L. a _ . . o PRACTICE TARIT TOA INTRAMURAL NO Coach Mitchell, direc tramural athletics, ha into his new quarte 3 of the Press buildin 2268. MTIIE tor of in- aS moved MINNESOTA,21 srs. roam I to an inexperienced quintet. Now that there are three experienced men, Rychener, Wilson, and Karpus, the team should move more smoothly, and make up for the early season set- backs, Close TWO FRATERNITY sb, Pho...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

… ... From The Other Colleges M!ay be Smuck Will See Them Firs t DANCING CLASS Arcade Dance Hall ENROLL THURSDAY 999 TAXI I Pennsylvania- Twenty-eight men,1 who have been in war service, have been given free four-dear scholarships; to the University of Pennsylfania by1 the committee on war activities of the Knights of Columbus. In order to: utilize surplus war funds the commit- tee selected twenty Catholic institu- tions and twenty no...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

…hAIL UUUILII- 0 MEETING HERE at WILL HAVE CONFERENCE SHORT- LY AFTER COMMENCE- MENT Vid a's ' '' service1 nt to your soci Cegular M 35c and4 I The society for the promotion of' Enginering Education has abcepted food and the invitation offered 'by President Harry B. Hutchins and the Board of will lend Regents, to hold their next annual meeting at Ann Arbor. The meeting, which will take place l chat. shortly after commencement, will brin...…

February 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

…i mlti ILIaUL | IN COUNTRY, SlS' THAT'S )I _II I ,_3 I the World of To- k at 8 o'clock this ural Science audi- wt will be "From cracy in Industry." WEDNESDAY GENERAL END ALVARADO PREDICTS OF TROUBLE IN 1921 LANES TAFFIES at Tices' Store, 117 So. Main St. Re- every week.-Adv. I 1 1V 111 t $5.75 per Week, D'HOTE" id Sujplies ing 'ANY V' AVE. MEMMMMWI LINES RALLS, CHEMI- (By Associated Press) New York, Feb. 17. - Disordered...…

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