January 23, 1920

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January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…'I itr au xilx ASSOCIATED PRESS )AT AND NIGHT WIlt ' 1sRYll CE -1 _, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920. PRICE THREE i PRCiHE ___________:_____ TENSE MOMENTS FEATURE HEARING OF SOCIALISTS Counsel for Defense Threatens tO Jng partly as evidence, partly for Quit Case Because of Evidence identification the following docu- SONGS Of ORIENT SUNG, INJAMOREE IRITISKI IS AMERICAN Artist Wh Plays Tonight Piano Study at Six Be...…

January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…ept Monday during the Univer- Sof Student Publications. SSOCIATED PRESS lusively entitled to the use for s credited to it or not otherwise al news published therein. Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second ard street. o words, if signed, the sig- Iint, but as an evidence of ibshed in The Daily at the mailed to The Daily office no consideration. No man riter incloses postage. endorse the sentiments ex- .Managing Editor Phone 2414 or ]o06 ....usiness ...…

January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…rt Men' asketball players will r the Chicago and Illi- week e'nd. The follow- n Coach Mather has the journey: Wilson, 7, Dunne, Rychener, ervirtz and Ruzicka. leave for Chicago at ofiight. The contest s will be played Satur- ie team will stay over y until Monday morn- then journey down to Illinois game, return- Tuesday morning and Arbor the same after- p Unsettled hich Mather will use ago aggregation is not is probable that Hen- ss will hold ...…

January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…Goddard believes that the that will come from his J~ be towards scientific in- fthe iatmo sphere at here- tainable altitudes. The tudi ever reached is 19 record was 'made 'witha represents approximately which a balloon may as- atmospher~e of the earth over 200 miles, leaving ed field open for the in- ,f science. Greater knowl- ltions at these high alti- greatly aid in~ forecasting accord ing to Professor lit is to' this end that he t- P. BK....…

January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

…e ved, 400 Fittor k (. UZ Vi ft . F ^ } Sresulted iin securing a lot of Overcoats the eq ns e ,1nti iy C m n o sa dip wonderful assortment from which to select. every, modlel that is desirable. mot one is Included 1 FABRIC Pure Wool? light and heavy weights. . The colors are as well asistn obby patterns. All the staples as well as i ties. The tailoring, lining and p~ddlng is' all of the best. $l 50 Less 'Than Cost aeon1 an...…

January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…,, for money and "S" grades during the fall term. ng at the In the university grading system "H" the state if stands for honor, the highest possi- s vacation. ble grade, and "S" for superior, only subscribed. slightly lower in the scale. Thirty contribution of the students were men and 26 anonymous women. The girls, however, have a better average in scholarship than the men. m have reg- e in agricul- Illinois-A movement is being start- nester...…

January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 7

…III IONS MAY MEET HERE Members of the Cercle Francais will hold their annual dance at 9 o'clock Saturday evening in Sarah row Caswell Angell hall. In former 'years a French play was given before the LINS , dance, but this year it was found to in a be impossible. According to Mr. Ever- ett Hackes, faculty advisor of the Cer- Ni TO cle Francais, the. dance is to be an informal affair. Those desiring to at- tend the dance who are not members ma...…

January 23, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 86) • Page Image 8

…FFIL MICI IF oi (Continued from Page One) I eech with a plea for gentleman- iduct in the building and urged nts to take as much care of it3 y would their own homes., Varsity Quartet Sings 'ing the course of the dinner, was furnished by the Union stra, a jazz orchestra, and the ty quartet. Knight Mirrielees, and Kemp Keena, '21, sang so- After the speaking was over, a was taken on the new cons'titu- William Hinshaw, '20, and Carl on, '20, o...…

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