December 13, 1919

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December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…P. oo Wr A4uka Ia ! DAY AND N) SERV ) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919. PR] STERS TAKE SENIOR LAWS Fifteen embryo lawyers success- ily pleaded their cases for entrance to the ancient order of Barristers at e tribunal held yesterday after- oon. Although the court commenced roceedings shortly after 3 o'clock it as found necessary to adjourn 'to the nion for, food before completing the Those who were given a favorable 'H...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…e invested in govern- k~ationsE. - REss to the use for or not otherwise !d therein. igan, as seconad street. signed, the sig- an evidence of That student organizations discuss after-war eco- nomic problems, seeking particularly a statement of their practical bearing on the reconstruction problem and of the personal responsibility which the college student has during college and after- wards. One paragraph' of the letter deserves, perhaps, s...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…and that her handicap with which the games of this year competed and will be cut out next year, was ne. The series was started so ais year that the time had been ed on Nov. 1 before the season pened, so that most of the games mded in semi or total darkness. difficulty will be overcome by ig the series earlier in the year, nding the season before the e in time. ball among the classes, and the nterfraternity game, has been his year more to revi...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…It PHONE 1028-W .l" CONSIDERED BEST PLAY THIS YEAR1 YULETIDE SPIRIT PORTRAYED MASQUES' PRODUC. TION -e IN DEAN JORDAN TO ENTERTAIN CHINESE .WOMEN STUDENTS Dean Myra B. Jordan will entertain the new Chinese women students at dinner on Saturday evening at her ;home at 1215 Hill street. They have been invited to meet Mr. H. E. King, who was a missionary to China for 25 years. Gilbert's Chocolates for Xmas, 1 to 5 lb. boxes. Tice's Drug Store,...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…w JL&VF Prices T n Wge THE WHITNEY d/ F, R. Corm The II Last Tignes Today WASHBURN In "Love Insurance" is ARCADE Shows at 3;00;7:00, 8:30 Phones , - Theatre, 295-M( Mgr's Re.s~ 3x6-M An army retail store was opened 'yesterday morning by the U. S. Quar- termaster corps at 213 North Fourth ayenue with Mayor E. M. Wurster temporarily in charge. At the present time the store has a stock of 'two carloads of general merchandise, food, and ...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…MHAT'S GOING ONI 11 I A SATURDAY I I n cordoroys trousers in your size. only a limited number. ned and leather coats-better look 1:00-Union Service committee meets in Lane hall.. 1:15-Iota Sigma Pi meets in room 303 Chemistry building. 6:45-Menorah society board of di- rectors meet in Lane hall. 7:00-Upper Room Bible elass meets at 444 S. State street. 7:30-Student Volunteers meet in Lane hall. Dr. Lerrigo speaks. 7 :30-Bayonne, N. J.,...…

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