October 31, 1919

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October 31, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…h. L , I t x I- GI DAY ANDJ SI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1919. PRIG 1 J TILL University May Inspect Board Unsanitary conditions of student boardingthouses and restaurants are receiving the attention of the Univer- sity and city authorities in. an attempt to improve these conditions. In a great many houses where students are living and eating, the sanitary conditions are of such a nature as to endanger health. Due ...…

October 31, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…>f any institution reveals true sub= It is t to the use for or not oterwise d therein. higan, 'as second ce. an- .Managing Editor 3414 or o6 *. * ... . e s Manager g6o or 2738 News Editor .City Editor .Sports Editor .~Women's Editor ....Telegraph Editor ZIAL BOARD Charles R. Osius, Jr. ...Advertising Manager. ...........Issue Manager' Office Manager . . Publication Manager .Circulation Manager SuscitinManager, .Music Editor Literary Editor...…

October 31, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…,, 'FOR TRIAL RUN E PLA Use Northwestern Shifts to Team Learn how to Stop Them AGAIN IN REGULAR UP AT PIVOT POSITION 'y's varsity football pra-ctice ired by defensive work e strong' freshman eleven.' ngs-were given the ball and ncture holes in the'varsity On account of the rain and the wet ground no run was held by Coach Far- rell's cross-country runners Wednes- day night. The regular mid-week dis- tance race was taken by the entire squad ...…

October 31, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…and OF TOMORROW 214, e - .- BIG DOUBLE BILL--AY ALLISON IN "FAIR AND . WARMER" AND HEN RY SANT] R EY AND HIS JAZZ BAN[ This is ihe Maid Youacani teil she is-U~Jj, Bud Ihals about all For you cant tell her much" _ r--i :, This is the cocktai That peps things upy_ Onre taste,-and you thinto fA &ira.Ffe is apup ! L I in FAIR.ADUAMR Avex yrIlopwrood's 'Most Jll larious F'arce When you hear SANTREY'S BAND you will be treated to ...…

October 31, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

… THE WHITNEY send their delegates aual convention which this year at Minnea- Nov. 11. Official plans ed soon for the interest I up members of the local post cure their legion buttons by ap- to Pat Walsh of the firm Phelps Valsh, at 205 North Main street. ers of other posts who have not d their buttons 'may also's4- hem on payment of 25 cents at >ove address. ty will have the COMPOSERS OF OPERA MUSIC out before mem- TO MEET AT UNION FRIDAY a...…

October 31, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…ON - __ 1. Some to the Northwestern dance, Packard Academy, Saturday night. Rhodes Bros. four-piece orchestra and ! Eddie Burke will play. Admission one dollar -Adv. is put into us plant is oughly un- Sult opera- sis an es- and if (the i who does s it might! 'roperly er the 'typhoid fever ep- dairymen put pasteuri-' on their farms and, not the workings, spoiled a result the whole proc- isrepute. It is ridicu- to judge the systemby these m...…

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