October 30, 1919

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October 30, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…i IF" ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1919. IDE STRIKE INEVIT .. Vage Campaign City Restaurants will tted by ing houses and all kindred conditions for the must be stopped," said Dr. Wessinger. iarants. Deed More Money n street In Detroit cards of inspection are r street given those shops that are clean, phy- closedsical certificates from the regular of the ! health authorities or from reputable anitary physicians being requ...…

October 30, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…take part. This movement was wide-spread, and systems of limitations were adopted at Princeton, Pittsburgh and Yale. Nothing definite was accom- plished at Pennsylvania, and the matter was allowed to hang over until this year. Already we have seen the result of allowing stu- dents. to accumulate too many responsible positions. As was the case last year, some activities are be- ing slighted for the benefit of others. If the stu- dents want clas...…

October 30, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…r 1, of 1916 Returns achman's a ' t / TO IE:OLON PRACTICE re, one of the best quar- Northwestern has ever had, school last, Tuesday and of the Purple football team t the eleven to win from as :3rightm ire fills the one on tae Northwestern team, Wh Ie in school he was lot two years and was a e temn in 1916, when the a ly wpn the Conference ;htmire entered school ear- .r, but was' forced to leave Sof the illness of his .moth- as- been expect...…

October 30, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…Hon. George Sutherland, '82L, has accepted an invitation to deliver an1 address at the exercises to be held on Washington's birthday. Dean H. M. Bates received this word by letter on -Tuesday. Holding of exercises on Washing- ton's birthday is not a new thing at the University but during the past two .years, due to the war, it was abandoned. On previous occasions such men as ex-President Cleveland, ex-President Roosevelt, Secretary Newton D. B...…

October 30, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 28) • Page Image 5

…7 '1 Fir, 4 Advertisers. { ' : i S IY A r P I )S' are , as different from ry cigarettes as morning is from nt to economize you'd better do :herway than by smoking cheap g additional cost of Murads will - returns in Quality than. any in- 1 ever made. Lurads are - I I I -E WORLD'S MOST CIGARETTES. Ige for ourself-! nl C:W.T A SCENEiI, FRONT "SHE 'WALKED IN HER SLEEP" WITH AATHUR AYLES- Lieut. -Coningsby Dawsou, who lec- tures at...…

October 30, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

…111 i Women ilL IPLULIL Ull\ PART Of "1" SCHEDULE e . v IFU Wednesday, November News 7L, of Rochester, Is her home in Port Huron for a short visit. Many of those in the University ei- tension department, and all teachers, in the Ann Arbor high school and grade schools, will be ; in attendance ov'er Thursday and Friday at the State teachers' convention at Detroit. -- , '19, of Knoxville, ds the guest of // College Notes trick, '18...…

October 30, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 28) • Page Image 7

…'ife of ecretly It is O his a prom- in Her ed by A. day eve- original ur Ayls- Crehan, awis and ere is EthelC layton playing the part of I an unsophisticated girl entranced by her initiation into the shallow smart set of the East, is rudely awakened when her money runs out, in "Men, Women and Money," which will be shown at the Majestic again today. Penniless and fac'ed by enormous gambling and millinery debts, she finds that she is fitted...…

October 30, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 28) • Page Image 8

…4 IIvt F, ~ V' o overcoat f laksgivng YOU HAVE A CHOICE OF MANY FINE WOOLENS Ka 2Ialm Last 7lalcolm Bldg. S $25 E RANDALL STUDIO .n by 3-inch. space. rtisement. andall Studio, 121 E. Wash- will receive a cash prize of nits which are used will re- tle G. C. Maedel, proprietor im and H. F. Adams. all Studio of the Randall 121 E. WASHINGTON _ Shop air g to grow. I FLORAL SHOW IMPRACTICAL AT PRESENT, SAYS BARTLETT There has been...…

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