June 03, 1919

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June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…-iJE WEATHER PROMABLY SHOWERS TO0DAY I 4hr .4jjtr 000, :43 at t ASSOCIATE PRESS DAY AND IGHT V SERVICE i _ IYI 1%J, '1'7K .- _ _ - _ .. ._ IN . t0. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, -TUESDAY, JUNE 1. 1919. 2310 TINIM Mini rb vnvn - PRICE THREE :& r nk VU DAY FLIGHT Of ARMY AIRMEN LL BE MADE BY AIR ICE IN FEW' DAYS rJazzbo "Heralds Friday's Concert "Jazhbo' of the Midnight Sons' Quartet has made his appearance in the window of a4 State street ...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHICAN DAILY AL NEWSPAPER AT THEF VERSITY OF MICHIGAN every morning except Moday university year by the Board. in Student Pubhcations. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS oated Press isexclusivelyenst for republication of all news dis- dited to it or not otherwise credited ,per and also the local news pub- an. at the postoffice at 'Ann Arbor, as second class matter. ions by carrier or mail, $3.5e' Ann Arbor Press Building. Business, 96o ; Lditorial...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY wA -.ftp om s 1 1 1 MMR ~5 ..._. T - -- -- - - - - x = ---- - ° . _- ___ __ .__ i a : . . 0. 9. . DATE OHANSED1 TO BE PLAYEDTUO LUNDGREN'S MEN READY FOR BUCKEYES AFTER ILLINOIS -VICTORY Michigan comnpletely 'outclassed the Illinois nine Saturday at Campaign, when they overwhelmed the would be conference champions by a 7-0 score. Playing all around the Illinois team, the Wolverines hit Arrowsmith for nine clean ...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THE ;MICHIGANIDAILY war w ...r.r.Mr.. .., I <4 1G ELS ..momm.. . T e . . .__.... "' rrr.ry+ r """" . "',.... I111 i - - 7-1 - - N4 -IMP 8 ' 1 the' Weathe r Man by wearing one of our UL S Palm Beach or Kool Kioth Suits 1-4 -J WADHAMS AND COU. STATE ST. STORE4 This VICTORY LOAN BO0NDS $4.00 per week will purchase a $100.00 Bond $2.00 per week will purchase a $50.00 Bond We will be very glad to oarry thern for you Fa...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 5

…Th.MICHICAN. DAILN e r Will son is - J1 ffiLLL21 I - - 16 OTH ARRIVE IN LArfi FOR PRESERVATION aising, Mich, June 2.-The battle a and standards of the 119th Field .llery regiment of the 32nd divi- , made up almost entirely of bigan men and one 'of the organi- ons which acquired considerable e on the western front n France, e been received in Lansing and to be preserved. Col. Walter G. :ers,quartermaster general of Mich- a, has received the...…

June 03, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU APS GOING UO TODAY omedy cluau meets in Univer- all. ichigan-Ohio State - aseball at Ferry field. ommerce club meets in room .conomics building for initia- nd banquet. eeting of interfratrnity stew- in Union. Landolin club rehearsal %it Lane [eeting of senior class preal- and faculty marshals in room igineering building to get pro- s and information concerning abling and ijarching on Com- ement day. ay City men meet in L...…

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