February 20, 1919

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February 20, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…I Y S AY , L& it k&r az4 V P'RESS DAY AND NIGHT SERTICE i . .... _ r.. r. . . a A~ No. 96. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1919. PRICE THREE ---------------- INF ORMS, HOUSE NG SYSTEM MAY GIVE GREAT BRITAIN CONTROL OF BALLOTING TRUSTWORTHY FORCE ESSENTIAL,-CHURCHILL England Plans to Make War Physic- ally Impossible for Germany; Demands Reparation (By Associated Press) Washington, Fe$9.-Criticism of the constituti...…

February 20, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…mw-wip ing ex, ar by -ations. GAN , pt Monday eBoard in, R OF. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sociated Press is exclusively;entitled e for republication of all news Adis- redited to it or not otherwise credited aper and also the local {news pub- ein. f I at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ,as second class matter. ptions by carrier or mail, $3.$o. Ann Arbor Press Building. :Business, g6o; Editorial, 2414. nications not to exceed 3oe words, ,the signature...…

February 20, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -"- - f- r i -. ./ . ! ""..... -. .. .z _. Ya - _ .-... .. _ x !JOHNSON SPRAINS BACK IN BAD FALL Carl Johnson, Michigan's famous track star, is unable to work out with Coach Farrell's squad during the next 10 days because of a sprained back, the result of several accidents among Of the 57 runs which have been made in the four baseball games in which Michigan has met Olivet, Michi- gan has 45 to its credit. The first game ...…

February 20, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…TH E MICH A'TI XA IAJ I. Although a large freshman delegation is out for the Princeton 1922 crew only 25 men have reported for the varsity. You will :;ways find satisfaction bh adveritsing in the Daily.-Adv. I WUERTH3 Get Senihr Pictures in Year Book Seniors who have re-entered the University this semester may have their pictures in the Mich- iganensian if they are taken be- fore Saturday. The official photographers are: Randall, Ren...…

February 20, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 96) • Page Image 5

…;IUAI aid Harks Back gently removed the 1,900 pound chapel' bell from the tower in the South > Good O l D as building and laid it to rest under the YS walk in front of what is now Univer- sity hall., The police force of Ann Ar- I you ever hear a junior or se. bor then consisted of two, with no narrate upon the "good old days" campus policemen." ro long years ago? Those were the genuine "good old n you imagine "the times' of days." de past? w,...…

February 20, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

…THE :;HYGAN Iii IENT REACHED IN IEGAR TOESTATEtBILL GINEERS ANb, ARCHITECTS FAVOR EXAMINATIONS BY STATE THE HGAN D All for Want Of The Skin Of A Sheep, A Poor Dear Child-O Weep WOMEN'S COTILLION PLANSi FOR FEB. 22 COMPLETED Again- Lyndon comes out with a new creation: "Double Printed" Prints for the Amateur Nothing like it. Adds zoo per cent to their appearance. Don't forget to have your next work done at Lyndon's - the new way - You'll ...…

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