January 20, 1912

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January 20, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…I itchigan Dal ly ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1912, .i. __ '. E N JOINS * LETIC STAFF. : * this morning's ill publish ev- * reflections of * ,ble The 0ournnt INDORSES STUDENT MEDICAL FEE PLAN Professor Tilley Proposes That. Annual Fee Be Collected From Each Student IS RECEIVED WITH APPROVAL. CLUB TO PRESENT, FARCE TO-NIGI i HT -T---- - 0, w wmRTw a lw lisn'W's 8 a I w e his eminent au- secured as the us effort. T...…

January 20, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…p but tinmle and energies are might'- be saved by medical. 0111cc ept Mon-I 3at Ann Ar- Act of Con- There are also many students who do not seek medical advice for slight+ ailments because they have here no "family physician." They know no physician. There is no place for them to go where they feel they belong and will receive sympathetic care. These, also suffer in silence and risk the se'- rious consequences. If every student in the univ...…

January 20, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…x, REORGANIZATIONS 01? ARE 3MERE LEGALIZ I1 SHA ng to the various and sundry histories religiously kept inhabitants, this is the first ecord in which no freshman as been unearthed. 'Tis pass- ;e. iversity of Wisconsin has a 'ootball and has winter prac- side line. Once upon a time The reorganization plans of both the Standard Oil Company and the Ameri- can Tobacco Company are mere shams according to Professor Smalley's third talk on "Trus...…

January 20, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

….an, aa A..,n a ~ .~ LJ v IJA1L Y AND DRAMA I l let usl latest 7u can Block 6" Majestic Theater. Today will be peanut day at the Ma- jestic theater and every youngster in town who attends the matinee perform- ancewill have an opportunity to go upon the stage and feed peanuts to "Minnie," Gruber's elephant. Minnie has caused more talk than any attrac- tion that has ever been presented at the local vaudeville house and the privilege o...…

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