August 12, 1992

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August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…SUMMEedo One hundred and one -years of editorial freedom 'U' to employ Dude's wife Nitric oxide discovery University researcher Michael Marletta and graduate student Kimberly White have discovered a new and unusual characteristic of the enzyme that triggers or catalyzes nitric oxide production in mammalian cells. The discovery could help to synthesize new drugs for hypertension, stroke iMpotence, and other rnaladies:. U' holds science forum ...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 2

…SAPAC head will be named soon Suns in the sky A skylight at the University Medica 764-552 by David Shepardson 1 Daily Opinion Editor The University search committee7 charged to find a new director of the Sexual Assault and Prevention Center (SAPAC) has made its final recom- mendation to the Office of Student Af- fairs. Search committee member and DepartmentofPublic Safety Lt. Vernon H Baisden said, "We've (the committee) made our recommendat...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, August 12, 1992 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - 3 'U' hospital lightens hearts through art by Nicole Converse From May to July, live perfor- Daily Staff Re porter mances are held in the outdoor court- A hospital is not the sterile place it yard. The performances draw a crowd used to be, thanks to the Gifts of Art that includes the lunch time staff, pa- program which provides patients, visi- tients and visitors who enjoy both th...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

…Tha WAimin r1,;Iu Cimmar Wan6ki WnAntit nA w .irfi.cP m - inssmsieganursa y summerittevesisy - wenesay, Augus1i , What with the summer term about to end, there are many issues that need to be addressed but, as this is the final Opinion Page until Sep- tember, these issues must be discussed in a great pormanteau editorial if they are ever to make it into the Daily. This "Omnibus" Editorial focuses on many andOdy trouble spots at the Universi...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 5

…Letters Wednesday, August 12, 1992 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - 5 * Restricting Freedom of Speech for Orientees To the Daily: Our group has been participating in dse special interest sessions organized by the Summer Orientation program. We, along with several other groups, attend die sessions Monday through Thursday. We set up displays and dis- cuss our group with inconing students. The incoming students had the choice of going to di...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

…6- The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - Wednesday, August 12, 1992 'Truth is a rare and precious commodity. We must be sparing in its use.' - C.P.Scott I Moonstruck bargoers search for their 'happily ever after' Performance Network stages Danny and the Deep Blue Sea by Jason Carroll You say that you haven't had your but they still want that romantic fantasy Madias thinks that the play was fill of sex, violence, and comedy at the of living hap...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 7

…___________ vCJrds25,,Ags: 12, 1,92-''-g ;V,,iiop'i ~uu^,n-" Actually, Death just bored her Death Becomes Her Then I thought, "Fuck it." Death for the cool things you know will be in dir. Robert Zemeckis Becomes Her should have been called there (like who else is dead or wanted Death Bores Her (meaning me). Sure perpetual life, stuff like that), but when After seeing Death Becomes Her, I the characters and their creators were the situations co...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 8

… CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 1 ANN ARBOR CONDO 2 BDRM Great location. Parents: Good investment for your student or grad. student. Unit rentable. Leav- ing town. $52,000. Call 677-4261. BIKE Men's 17" Trek 700. 21 gear grip shift. 3 mos. old. Hardly used. $275. 662- 5645. BY OWNER 2 bdrm condo l9di fl. Tower Plaza E. William. Great view. 971-4742. HONDA NIGHTHAWK 91- 250cc. Runs great. LOTS OF FUNI Excellent conmuter bike, 65mpg. $1400. 769-6565....…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 9

… *CLASSJFJED AD5 7 764-0557 FREE ROOM & BOARD in a non- smoking, vegetarian home in exchange for childcare & housekeeping. Mature, respon- sible woman witli car. Begins Sept. 1. 429- 4312. FURNISHED HOUSE 2 blocks to diag., 6 bdrms., new kitchen with dwslr & microwave. 2 full baths. New living rm. carpeting, furn. & mini-blinds. Parking & laundry. 663-4101. GALLATIN MANOR- Avail. Sept. 1 - E. William & Division 1 & 2 bdrm aparts with securi...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - WednesdayAugust 12, 1992 Union to welcome new 'U' students *I Nicole Converse Daily Staff Reporter The Michigan Union is mixing an all day open house Sept. 9 and creative programming ideas in an attempt to make new students feel more at home. New students at a large university are often - at the very least - over- whelmed, finding thefiveminutesgiven at orientation to get to know the people with the mo...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 11

…Wednesday, August 12, 1992 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly -11 D Y Q: What is the only time a country hosted both the winter and summer - - Olympics in the same year? (alw) 'A 'N 'P!lId 94197 pue (Pawwns) sal&.SiJV s07 - SQIL'J5 Pa!Ufl JE6T :V Athi. Dept. passes fgraduation rate test by Josh Dubow Daily Sports Editor Last week, NCAA institutions re- leased their respective graduation rates. In response to prodding from Congress, the NCAA v...…

August 12, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 14) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - Wednesday, August 12,1992 FULL COURT PRESS Nix the split. season tix plan by Adam Miller Daily Basketball Writer Everyone likes banana splits. Accounting majors enjoy split transactions. Gymnasts love to do the splits. But there should be very few fans of the Athletic Department's split-season package plan for Michigan men's basketball student tickets. Anticipating a ticket rush the size the University ...…

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