May 26, 1982

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May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 16-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 26, 1982 Ten Cents Si*teen Pages Officials visit 'U to update Title IX data By BILL SPINDLE A team of federal investigators is on campus this week to update its October 1980 study of the University athletic department's compliance with Title IX regulations, the University's affir- mative action director said yesterday. The investigators, from the Depar- tment of Educati...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, May 22, 1982-The Michigan Daily U.S.-Soviet space agreement, expires quietly MOSCOW (AP)- The U.S.-Soviet space cooperation agreement died quietly this week, a victim of deteriorating political relations bet- ween the two superpowers. Only seven years ago, much of the world watched as two American astronauts crawled through the hatch of their Apollo spaceship and greeted two Soviet cosmonauts circling the ear- th in their sp...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-Page 3 DESCRIBE SCENE AFTER SHOOTING Policemen testify at Kelly trial By GEORGE ADAMS Two Ann Arbor police officers testified yesterday that they found a shotgun and shells in the room of Leo Kelly minutes after the shooting deaths of two Bursley dormitory residents last spring. Testifying at Kelly's trial, Officer Albert Barbow said he also found a gas mask and materials that may have been used to m...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-The Michigan Daily House rejects budget-balance proposal WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Democratic-dominated House struck down a conservative Republican proposal yesterday to balance the budget in 1983 by slashing spending for all non-military programs, and then began debating three major alter- natives. The House voted 242-182 to kill the plan by Rep. John Rousselot (R-Calif.) with about an equal number of moderate Rep...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Dily-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-Page 5 A VAqAE7,11 f SALE Now thru Saturday, May 29t1t LITE-WEIGHT TENTS 2 Person- Forester I . ........ $ 698 Eureka- Great Western 10....... 2698 Tri o e Eureka- Great Western 8 ....... $2298 $688 Ereaaipcel-1...........39 Person$68 Eureka - Space 1-12...................$4098 TrailWedge Eureka - Chateau Cabin 79" x 95" . 149 2 Person $5988 Dining Fly 10 x 12...................... 398 FRAME PACKS REG...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

…Opinion Page 6b Wednesday, May 26, 1982 The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 16-S Ninety-two Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by student at the University of M ichigan Foolish national pride kills NOW THAT THE British are firmly established on the Falkland Islands, few expect negotiations to resume until one side wins or there is a stalemate. By refusing to negotiate with a foothold on the islands, however, Britai...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 7

…Ar ts Wednesday, May 22., 1982 The Michigan Daily Page 7 Prescription for entertainment humor, wait until the lights come up. guitarists Guy Ray and Cleveland St. Arbor bar scene. By Buddy Moorehouse There they are, wearing suits that are James, lead singer Ferae DeMon- Dr. Bop and the Headliners, who just ADLES AND gentlemen - a hand wild, colorful, and loud (screaming tecristo, female vocalist Ina Anka, and completed a Thursday-through-Su...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 8

…&%1111111111111|||||11 Cleveland St. James, guitarist with Dr. Bop and the Headliners, appeared at Second Chance over the weekend. Doctor Bop cures the weekend blues These coupons can sa your move from school you another 10% later. When you move bac head off to a newjob. O where else. All you have to do is of the Jartran Moving U 0U' College Offer This coupon good for 10% off the rental equipment through August 31,1982.You coupon to receive ...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-Page 9 JARTRAN SAVES BE STIEITS 11% IllS All GO. 10% on trailers come in sizes that'll carry one more money for the fun stuff. id save room of fumiture. Or even three. Like summer. Jartran trucks are made for people Look in the Yellow Pages under fool. Or who aren't truck drivers. Most of them 'TiDck Renting and Leasing" or st any- have automatic transmission, power 'frailer Rental"for your nearest st...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-The Michigan Daily WHIZ KID HOPES FOR ELECTRONIC RICHES Libraries may get pay- computers By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO-Unemployment and recession may be plaguing the country. But in Silicon Valley, another whiz kid has his sights on making a for- tune off computers. Kim Cohan may be past his prime as a prodigy-he's already 18-but he is one of a legion of would-be empire builders in the heart of the nati...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 26 1982-Page 11 336 ERA ~hunger' r, striker weakens SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (UPI)- Six fellow hunger strikers fighting against time for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment said they are worried about Sonia Johnson, the first in the group to show severe signs of weakness "a in a seventh day of fasting yesterday. But there are no plans to ask the hunger strike leader to stop. Johnson, of Sterling, Va., who was excom...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-The Michigan Daily I I I I I x I I I I I - , 1" -1 1 1 J I- It 1, I -Vl -1 PRISON fRUTH GORDON f GIRLS Mude MC D n -D (X) His Hangups Are Hilarious!' -L. .1 . t , t . i i i . i , i i ti i i I f i - i " i - I i i i i * i - i i - P i i r 1 1 -- : S . I I. 1 I 'I l l . .. .. _ - 'f you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGH...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Dily-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-Page 13 PRION RTCOR o If you find your GIRL.1nr ,r 7 name in today' GRS Ma'ude , " ' MICHIGAN DAILY in3-D (X) His Hangups AreHilarious! classifled page MRECYPRDCION GOYOOSTTEW-23N ' U oi ' RieliJrd Prer TWO FREE TICKETS COCR tooany one of - ",- I CONERT MIDNIGHT MOVIES (Contine from Page 121 San Snuci Fall Rentals Largeane and twonbedrnnm furnishedor unfurnished apartments available in Fall cupancy. A...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Wednesday, May 26, 1982-The Michigan Daily NFL settlement WASHINGTON (AP) - The chief negotiator for the players union in their contract talks with the National Football League listed the odds at "4-to-i against" yesterday of reaching a contract settlement before the termination of the current agreement on July 15. "The odds are 4-to-1 against a settlement before July 15," said Ed Garvey, executive director of the National Football Le...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 15

…Inexperience: INDIANAPOLIS (AP)- Nine rookie drivers will be in the 33-car lineup Sun- day for the 66th Indianapolis 500-mile race. But a more significant fact is that 18 of the starters have driven in no more than two Indy races. Since the first Indy 500 in 1911, when all the starters were rookies, the record for the most first-year drivers is 19 in 1919. The post-war record, however, is 12 in 1951. "EXPERIENCE is important here," says three...…

May 26, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 16) • Page Image 16

…Sports Page 16 Wednesday, May 26, 1982. The Michigan Daily MAJOR LEAGUE ROUNDUP California blasts Boston, 10-2, BO: STON (AP)- Tim Foli homered loseriJhn Tudor, 4-2. sason in the eighth for the final and drove in four runs and Brian Downing and Bobby Grich smacked back-to-back homes as the California Angels used two four-run innings to roll to a 10-2 victory overe the Boston Red Sox last night. The victory was California's ninth in its...…

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