December 10, 2014

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December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…~~1)E fiCidjiataI iI) ! \L5 Phi ¢I). i3 Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, December 10, 2014 michigandailycom ADMINISTRATION 'U': Regents complied wit state meeting law Officials to members of the general public. Though members of the press prevented public were alerted to the venue change; University officials did not pub- from attending licly announce that the proceed- ingswould be relocated. November session "It was a complicated deci- si...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…2A - Wednesday, December 10, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 2A - Wednesday, December10, 2014 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom SENIORS SAY GOODBYE 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 PETER SHAHIN DOUGLAS SOLOMON Editor in Chief Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1251 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 Newsroom 734-410-4115 opt.3 Corrections corrections@m...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, December 10, 2014 -- 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, December iD, 2D14 - 3A VIGIL From Page 1A "I think this is an important issue and to see so many people standing behind us," he said. "I think it sends a very strong mes- sage about what's important here at Michigan at large, and why we're leaders and best." Holcomb agreed that while there has been focus on race in the ...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…The Michigan Daily - Page 4A - Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 MEGAN MCDONALD PETER SHAHIN and DANIEL WANG KATIE BURKE EDITOR IN CHIEF EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed-articles and illust...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 2014 5A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, December iD, 2D14 - 5A Dystopian 'Child' critiques corruption Ambitious - SundanceTV show' skillfully crafted By CATHERINE SULPIZIO DailyArts Writer Sundance TV's original miniseries "One Child" clocks in at almost four hours long. At times the show circulates within itself; it's impossible One Child not to in SundanceTV ...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 6

…I 6A - Wednesday, December 10, 2014 The Michigan Daily - The equality movement, It seems over the few remain- ing months of this year our world has encountered much more than a climate change. We are in the midst of a global equality movement. Daily, there are new stories from around the globe being discovered - expos- ing law enforcement that has served less in favor of justice for the people, and is more connect- ed t...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 7

…' ; The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 10, 2014 7A espite age, erensi leas tew Youthful defense a huge benefit to our d-core and t well needed" led by 17-year-old But the team mightsoon be Werenski MwithoutWerenaki for the Great Wernsk Lae Ivtaina. Wrns. . t f By JASON RUBINSTEIN Daily Sports Writer Some members of the Michigan hockey team will admit it: They were skeptical when they first heard a 17-year- old was ...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 8

…8A - Wednesday, December 10, 2014 . , :'. The Michigan Daily - MEN'S BASKETBALL Wolverines slowed on offense, fall to Eagles JAMES COLLER/Daily Sphomore forward Zak Irvin couldn't connect from long range in the final seconds to send the game to overtime. doomedyshooting O~me S00 l9 By LEV FACHER almost entirely to Eastern Daily SportsoEditor Michigan's defense. "That was as good a zone In theory, at least, it's Jim defen...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 9

…s. t 3 A g . . _.._,_. - lw- 8B Wednesday December10.204 The Statement Personal Statement: Lasting by Yardain Amron ILLUSTRATION BY MEGAN MULHOLLAND W~4 1: Author's Note:I will use the word "caboot" to refer to ejaculating prematurely. W hn I started having sex in high school, I used to last about one minute on a good day. I was 16 and simultaneously felt like the 10-year-old kid in Billy Madison who pissed his pants, and the 60-year-o...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 10

…w w " tr- .'INU :,' w 11W , Wednesday, December 10, 2014// The Statement 7B Personal Statement: My real sex ed by Zak Witus defining 'sex' with numbers BY AMRUTHA SIVAKUMAR Try basking me for a word that's more of loaded gun than "sex." Chances are, I won't be able to give you one. In my rational, engineering- trained way of conceptualizing information, it doesn't make sense. "Sex" is just a word, after all. I should be able to define i...…

December 10, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 41) • Page Image 11

…6B Wednesday, December 10, 2014 // The Statement "Playing with matches, a girl could get burned": Tinder on a college campus by Giancarlo Buonomo famous by association: everyone should want a beard BY MARIAM SHEIKH Editor's Note: The students in this article asked not to be identified by their full names for privacy concerns. Te are living in a world dominated by social media. There are the classics, like Facebook and Twit- ter, young upstar...…

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